Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @OliviaBreler

    Emotional Lyrics

    by strongest emotion for this song is love. Played at a close friend's funeral. #ds106 #WritingAssignments2043 — Olivia Breler (@OliviaBreler) September 14, 2017 is love to me. Reminds me of someone who became like a brother in a short time. #ds106 #writingassignment2043 — Olivia Breler (@OliviaBreler) September 14, 2017 is all love. Me …

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  2. @OliviaBreler

    Weekly Summary

    So week two of ds106 has certainly been interesting. This whole superhero theme is kinda growing on me. So to summarize this week, we helped plot the course. I’m in the design group and my idea was to create the nerdiest superhero outfit ever. I was playing with the idea with dead pool as my …

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  3. @OliviaBreler

    Digital Storytelling, introduction!

    Hi everyone! My name is Olivia Breler, and I’m a senior at UMW. I’ve never really been into superheroes unless you count “Heroes” the tv show, cause I absolutely loved that or like Guardians of the Galaxy. My guilty pleasure in the fantasy genre would hands down be Harry Potter. For the different media platforms/tools …

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  4. @OliviaBreler

    Creative module!

    Whooops, I kind of misunderstood what we were doing with the modules this time around, so I’m actually not doing the blogging. My group and I are doing #activism, so I’ve been researching a little about the history of citizen journalism. We’re meeting this Wednesday to go over what we’ve come up with and coordinate …

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