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  1. @ana_leino


    I’ve always loved superheroes.  They had powers, secret identities, and the ability to vanquish foes and save the world.  My sister and I grew up pretending to have powers, playing out silly melodramas in the park across our house (our neighbors loved us).  Unfortunately, I […]
  2. @courtkneelane

    Welcome from Courageous Courtney

    Hello! My name is Courtney Owen and I am a sophomore at the University of Mary Washington. I love my dog, hammocking, photography, and getting to know new people. I’m really excited to get involved in this class and cannot wait to see what digital storytelling is all about. I have posted introductions on multiple … Continue reading "Welcome from Courageous Courtney"
  3. @Ms_AmandaP

    Super106 Thoughts

    According to the Wikipedia link, Merriam Webster defines a superhero as  “a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also: an exceptionally skillful or successful person”. I particularly liked this definition more than the other definition that only includes the cartoon version of superheroes that we all think of. “An exceptionally skillful or successful person …

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  4. @k8lynclements

    Thoughts on SUPER DS106

    Throughout my life I have never been a fan of Superheroes. I never bothered to ever watch Batman, Spiderman, etc. Neither my sister nor I were ever interested in comic books or movies with Superheroes in them. My boyfriend is a big fan of those kinds of movies but I still yet I have never watched a Superhero movie and do not plan on it. The closest I have come to watching one was Suicide Squad, but I believe they...

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  5. @k8lynclements

    Thoughts on SUPER DS106

    Throughout my life I have never been a fan of Superheroes. I never bothered to ever watch Batman, Spiderman, etc. Neither my sister nor I were ever interested in comic books or movies with Superheroes in them. My boyfriend is a big fan of those kinds of movies but I still yet I have never watched a Superhero movie and do not plan on it. The closest I have come to watching one was Suicide Squad, but I believe they...

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  6. @OliviaBreler

    Digital Storytelling, introduction!

    Hi everyone! My name is Olivia Breler, and I’m a senior at UMW. I’ve never really been into superheroes unless you count “Heroes” the tv show, cause I absolutely loved that or like Guardians of the Galaxy. My guilty pleasure in the fantasy genre would hands down be Harry Potter. For the different media platforms/tools …

    Continue reading "Digital Storytelling, introduction!"

  7. @KaseyMayer

    Superhero Thoughts

    I really like the thought of doing a superheroes theme because it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. There are all kinds of superheros with different backgrounds, different “powers”, and different motives that allow for each person to find something for themselves. While I have not read any superhero comics, I grew up watching […]

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