Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94982 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @paceamorebella

    Pin It! Pinteresting my Perfect Future Home

    Originally Published May 10, 2020 Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through Pinterest to save pins for your picture-perfect home? Well I have. And lately while quarantining in a stuffy small apartment, I have found myself thinking about how I would want to design and furnish my future residence. Feel free to follow along as […]
  2. @paceamorebella

    COVID-19 You Can’t Spell Virus Without U and I

    Originally Published March 28, 2020 What day of social distancing is it anyways? With everything being flipped upside down and having to adjust routine, this time in isolation has not been easy, but necessary. Experts say the best way to combat the spread of coronavirus is through distancing, as some people can be asymptomatic. Of […]
  3. @paceamorebella

    Dating Shows- Finding “love” on the Most Dramatic Season of “Reality” TV!

    Originally Published March 14, 2020 Excuse my language, but holy hell… my first blog post was about all the wonderful things to come in 2020, then fast forward two weeks and people are asked to start quarantining themselves because of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. I will create a separate post for that because it is […]
  4. @paceamorebella

    My Conclusion to DS106

    Digital Storytelling has been a challenging yet enjoyable class. When I first started, I was extremely nervous because I did not really know what to expect. Getting my foot into this realm was honestly the most challenging part of the class for me and the most time-comsuming. However, I dredged through the tough parts and […]
  5. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Collage!

    For this Visual Assignment, the objective is to create a collage of your favorite vacation pictures or destinations. The assignment is worth 3 stars. To create this collage, I used the website Be Funky.  Once you get to the website, click “create collage” at the top of the page. Upload you photos by clicking the “computer” button on […]
  6. @paceamorebella

    Creating an Instant Replay Video

    For this Video Assignment, you have to choose a video, then pick a piece of the video to slow down. This creates an Instant Replay effect! The assignment is worth 4 stars. To start, I found the video I wanted to use on Youtube.  I then uploaded the video to this video converter website and uploaded it to my computer as […]
  7. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Song, Slowed Down

    For this Audio Assignment, the goal is to take a song and slow it way down to create a different type of musical sound. This assignment is worth 4 stars. I used the music editing program Audacity to create this masterpiece! To start off, I found the song I wanted to use on Youtube. Here is the original: I then took the […]
  8. @paceamorebella

    Creating a GIF!

    For this animated GIF assignment, you have to take a video of an animal doing something funny and turn it into a GIF! This assignment is worth 1.5 stars.  The best site I found for creating a GIF is GIPHY. First, find the video you want to use. I found this one on Youtube: Upload this video to the […]
  9. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Travel Schedule!

    For this Design Assignment, the goal is to create a detailed travel schedule! This assignment is worth  4.5 stars.  The best site I used for creating my travel schedule is Travefy. Seriously, whether you plan to do this assignment or not, I highly recommend this site for planning your next vacation! Super helpful and organized. Once you get […]
  10. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Bucket List

    For this visual assignment,the goal is to create a bucket list of the places or things you want to do. This assignment is worth 3.5 stars. The best site to use for this assignment is Be Funky, a site designed for creating collages with pictures. Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how I created this collage Once you […]
  11. @paceamorebella

    The Journey Has Just Begun…

        Samena Patel was born in New Delhi, India on June 14, 1990. When she was only two years old, her family decided to move to New York City and start a new life. She had a great childhood, filled with love and adventure. Since she was raised Hindi, her parents were firm believers in […]
  12. @paceamorebella

    Welcome to the Zoo! Main Attraction: Mechanical PIG!

    In this Daily Create, a mechanical pig is the main attraction! The assignment called for drawing a picture of a “mechanical pig” in a blue zoo. I figured you cannot get more blue than an aquarium zoo and a mechanical swimming pig!  @ds106dc #tdc1652 my mechanical pig is the main attraction in this blue zoo! #pigscanswimtoo […]
  13. @paceamorebella

    Week 4 Summary

    In week 4 of DS106, I learned a lot about reading,analyzing and working with videos. I really enjoyed the interaction with the class this week as well. I felt like I got to converse with more people than ever before and put more time into looking into all of the other projects and assignments other […]
  14. @paceamorebella

    Clumsy Chavez, Falling is Funny!

    For this video assignment, I got to choose a funny video clip, play it, then slow a part of it way down, like instant replay! This assignment was a total of 4 stars.  Like the monkey above, I love to laugh. My friends and family share the same sense of humor as I do, so needless to say […]
  15. @paceamorebella

    A Picture Perfect Story

    In this video assignment, the main objective was to choose 5-10 words and create a video putting images and words together! The rating for this assignment is 4 stars.  The words I chose were:  coffee, love, Chanel, glamorous, fashion, pearls I am truly a girly-girl. Most of the things I think of in my spare time have to […]
  16. @paceamorebella

    Look. Listen. Analyze!

    The scene I chose is from Scent of a Woman, with Al Pacino. The first part I will analyze is,  Analyzing the camera work:  For this part, the volume is on mute and I looked specifically at the camera angles and views that they used in filming this movie What I noticed straight away, is that the […]
  17. @paceamorebella

    Rise and Line, Coffee Time!

    Rise and line, it's coffee time! @ds106dc #tdc1649 #dsc106 — amanda (@paceamorebella) July 14, 2016 This daily create involves drawing a picture in a continuous line without picking up the pen. Since it was 5am when I decided to complete this TDC, I chose the one thing I was in  dire need of to draw, […]
  18. @paceamorebella

    Why So Serious?

    @ds106dc #tdc1648 #digped #ds106 — amanda (@paceamorebella) July 14, 2016 In this Daily Create, I got to work with one of my favorite image techniques- a selfie! More specially, a serious, critical selfie. This type of expression is commonly used by me and many of my friends. I typically use this expression when someone is […]
  19. @paceamorebella

    Retro Rose Reminiscence

      @ds106dc #tdc1647 #ds106 I love roses so I obviously had to C64 them 🙂 — amanda (@paceamorebella) July 12, 2016 For this daily create assignment, I recreated a retro computer portrait of my favorite flower, roses. I used the C64 Website create this masterpiece of a bouquet of roses I took in my kitchen. Roses have […]
  20. @paceamorebella

    Techniques and Methods of Film

    In the article How To Read A Movie , Roger Ebert displays easy reading films can be. He states, “you don’t need to be an expert, because the audience, and the film itself, are your most helpful collaborators” when reading into a film. I found it really interesting how the technique “shot-by-shots” can be so helpful in […]
  21. @paceamorebella

    Weekly Summary 3

    Weekly Summary To start off, I want to address what I have learned this week of ds106. I was really interested in learning about the audio component of storytelling and what goes into making a truly captivating, interesting audio story. Ira Glass really gave me a lot of knowledge about how to format a compelling audio story […]
  22. @paceamorebella

    Getting That Beach Body Ready- Or Not!

    This Daily Create was really fun to make! The assignment was to create a short story behind this photo! Since it is summer, many people are worried about their physical appearance. I believe this is no different for many animals as well! So my short story has everything to do with getting that beach bod […]
  23. @paceamorebella

    What You Say When You Get Your Way

    I chose this Daily Create because I got to do a simple recording of a phrase I  use all the time- OH YEAH! I usually say “oh yeaaaaaahh” when I get a super cute dress on sale or free food. Whatever the case is, if I am gaining something or receiving a positive message, I will say […]
  24. @paceamorebella

    But first, let me take a Shelfie!

    You can find the daily create here. I chose this daily create because I liked the idea of taking a photo of my shadow in an interesting pose! Who knew I would end up creating a new concept I hope many of you will try out! While contemplating what pose to do, I decided to […]
  25. @paceamorebella

    Slow It Down

    This audio assignment I chose for this post was  taking a song and making it a lot slower. Sometimes when you have a beautiful piece of work, you do not think to alter it. However, changing the tempo or speed of a song can truly create a new masterpiece on its own. Sia has a beautiful, haunting […]
  26. @paceamorebella

    Lessons Learned

    What does a song mean to you? Check out this assignment! Hopefully my assignment will inspire you to do the same! Going through life, we all experience hard times and tough experiences. Sometimes life gets difficult and we have to learn to work through these times. Whether it be problems with a job, a relationship or […]

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