Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. sandramardene

    The Lost Doll

    The Lost Doll By Sandy Brown Jensen When I was a little girl, I was doll crazy. I dressed my dolls obsessively, and I was lucky enough to have an Aunt Mel who loved to make doll clothes for my girls. I sat them around the picnic table and taught them; and I became a teacher. I invited them to tea parties and cooked for them in my doll kitchen; and I became an avid home cook and dinner party…

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  2. sandramardene

    How to OOZE with Catharine Gill, Professional Artist


    How to OOZE with Catharine Gill, Professional Artist

    How to OOZE with Catharine Gill, Professional Artist By Cheryl Renee Long I designated 2015 as a year of professional development for myself. Looking for the right workshop, I first attended a major watercolor conference in Seattle. Breakout sessions included demos by 4 prominent artists. I chose Catharine Gill based on the quality of her paintings. She is a landscape painter, and I like her…

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  3. sandramardene

    A Picture of Your Dreams


    In this post, I talk about drawing dreams, dream mandalas, and the Mysterious Night Vision Field Journal.

    “Tree Woman with Fire Sticks” This image was more of a “waking dream” as I drew what spontaneously appeared in my mind’s eye. That is heart and soul of the Mysterious Night Vision Field Journal experience. Today’s Daily Create is to draw a picture of a place you have been to in your dreams. I think this activity is a good way to introduce a class that Cheryl Long and I are developing to run…

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  4. sandramardene

    Between Worlds In this collage, my head is in two…


    Between Worlds
    In this collage, my head is in two worlds–the watery, timeless world of dream & imagination below and the world of Time above. There are people-shaped vacancies like souls coming and going and hands that work “as above so below.”

    I meant it to be about creating poised between two worlds, but Peter said it was me as a teacher keeping my head barely above water; like the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe with “so many students she didn’t know what to do.” And who am I to say he’s wrong?

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