Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. sandramardene

    BREATHING THAT SIGH OF RELIEF The last batch of beloved…



    The last batch of beloved relatives straggled out into the sharp winter sunshine this morning and drove north back to Portland.

    Peter finally knocked back the last of the dishes. I swept the floor. Together, we dismantled the extra table, stowed the folding chairs. Swore off giving parties for at least three months if not six.

    Peter wanted peace. I wanted—nay, NEEDED—to burn calories… and it was still a beautiful day, so I headed for Mt. Pisgah with my Olympus OMDEM-5 in tow.

    Every man, woman, child and their dog was on the trail. The climb is a real huffer—a great aerobic workout that end with a great view out over Eugene, Pleasant Hill and then east to the snow covered volcanos, clear as a paper cutout on the horizon. From the tiniest lichen to the back lit oaks to the snowy peaks, it was a day worth photographing—a day worth being out in, sunny and warm (63F). How was YOUR day?
  2. sandramardene

    sandybrownjensen: Today’s Daily Create gave us a blank stone…



    Today’s Daily Create gave us a blank stone only and prompted: “On this very old stone somebody did write something very important, a prayer, a memo, a song? What must be written on your stone stele?”

    Mine says a slight variation on Rumi: “Say of me I was not bits of husk, or a puddle that freezes overnight or a comb that cracks when you use it, or a pod crushed open on the ground. I was fine powder in a rough clay dish. I always knew what both worlds were worth…”

  3. sandramardene

    Today’s Daily Create gave us a blank stone only and…


    Today’s Daily Create gave us a blank stone only and prompted: “On this very old stone somebody did write something very important, a prayer, a memo, a song? What must be written on your stone stele?”

    Mine says a slight variation on Rumi: “Say of me I was not bits of husk, or a puddle that freezes overnight or a comb that cracks when you use it, or a pod crushed open on the ground. I was fine powder in a rough clay dish. I always knew what both worlds were worth…”

  4. sandramardene

    Reflecting on DS 106 Summer Camp


    The summer session of DS 106 at Lane Community College comes to an end. I am pretty pleased with it. I reached out to Keren Levine to help me get focused last spring when my mind was blank, and her determination that this should be FUN really led me to commit to the DS 106 website for the first time.

    And even though mostly we used the blog aggregator and the Daily Create features, those two were enough to lead to more lessons in setting up a blog, Flickr, Haiku Deck, YouTube, Twitter, Google +, Facebook, Instagram, and iMovie. 

    What I learned by having drop-in students is that it would actually be easy to set up next term’s eight week session as both a continuous class and a drop-in classroom.

    I asked students today to make a list of five things they might blog about between now and the beginning of school:

    1. My upcoming trip to Alaska!

    2. interview with Charlie Johnson, host, nationally recognize artist and museum curator

    3. Reflecting on my experience at NW School of Film this summer

    4. The making of “Mickey’s Dream”

    4. Creating a DST about DSTs for Innovation Abstracts publication

    Not perfect, but friendship building and an excellent learning summer for me.

  5. sandramardene

    Today’s The Daily Create is: Take a look at/through your…


    Today’s The Daily Create is: Take a look at/through your library
    Make 3 stacks of books to develop a self portrait
    Make a photo collage
    Nina Katchadourian suggests at the end of the assignment video (well worth a watch) that we all have ‘guilty pleasure books’ ….make sure you include those too!

    I had just cleaned my office, so these shelves of journals were immediately to hand.

  6. sandramardene

    The Road to Homer, AK

    The Road to Homer, AK: This is the second in a series of video travel journals I made during a recent trip to Alaska. The ambient sound is hostess Elaine Rhode playing the big singing bowl you see early on. I also included the various unique sounds of ...
  7. sandramardene

    Mariana Funes a.k.a. the ds106 Shrink, is having some surgery…


    Mariana Funes a.k.a. the ds106 Shrink, is having some surgery today. Her faithful dog Colin, is a tad worried. Use his photo to make a Get Well Card for Mariana.

    1. I downloaded two images from Mariana’s Flickr Photostream
    2. I opened Bazaart app and used it to superimpose the woman and dog in a spiritually suggested proximity using the cut out and opacity tools. Saved to Camera Roll.
    3. Brainstormed a message in my journal with a pen.
    4. Opened the image in TitleFX app to add text.
    5. Loaded the finished image to Flickr with tags dailycreate and tdc944

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