Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. tanyalau

    Reflecting back: on work connections and the magic of memories

    A couple of weeks ago I had my last day at Transport for NSW, a large State Government agency that I had been working within for over 9.5 years. This was a milestone for many reasons: not only was it the first government organisation I’d worked in, it was the first time I’d worked within … Continue reading Reflecting back: on work connections and the magic of memories
  2. tanyalau

    Moments of need + employee journey mapping for learning technology evaluation

    This is the third and final (and very belated) post in a series on how I used employee journey mapping to assess the current landscape of a learning & performance problem…. This post is inspired by Michelle Ocker’s work on using Bob Mosher and Conrad Gottfredson’s ‘Five Moments of Need’ to map and evaluate a … Continue reading Moments of need + employee journey mapping for learning technology evaluation
  3. tanyalau

    Using employee experience journey mapping to identify and target learning and performance issues – part 2 (how)

    This is the second part of a post on using customer journey mapping as an analysis and problem identification tool to help pinpoint the range of organisational factors that impact an employee experience – and by doing so, enable us to design more precisely targeted interventions to improve it. Part 1 provided an overview of … Continue reading Using employee experience journey mapping to identify and target learning and performance issues – part 2 (how)
  4. tanyalau

    Using employee experience journey mapping to identify and target learning and performance issues – part 1 (what & why)

    This is the first in a couple of posts that charts my experience using the concept of customer journey maps to map an employee experience….in order to identify all of the organisational factors impacting that experience, and more effectively identify and target learning and performance issues that have the biggest impact on improving it. This … Continue reading Using employee experience journey mapping to identify and target learning and performance issues – part 1 (what & why)
  5. tanyalau

    Organisational knowledge: how to retain knowledge before people leave the team

      Knowledge is intangible and fragile.  You are at risk of losing knowledge as people move on. Michelle Ockers – notes from Jeff Stemke presentation on organisational knowledge Organisational knowledge, and how to best retain it, has been one of the main work-related things on my mind lately. As I transition out of a specialist … Continue reading Organisational knowledge: how to retain knowledge before people leave the team
  6. tanyalau

    #oneword 2017

    Since seeing the #oneword hastag in my twitter feed on new years day, I’ve been subconsciously wondering what mine might be for 2017. A lot of others I saw resonated in some way with me: #present; #resilient; #balance, #discipline, #focus…these are all directly relevant to me as things I aspire to practice this year…but each […]
  7. tanyalau

    Digiwrimo storyjumpers 6: What does it mean?

    This is part 6 of a story jumping activity for Digital Writing Month. Bruno started it, followed by Kevin, Maha, Sarah and Ron Sign up in the Google Doc if you’d like to join in. ***** Kevin plopped onto his bed, exhausted. What a night. What the hell had happened? How did things get so out of hand? He never knew Sandy had […]
  8. tanyalau

    New writing adventure: #digiwrimo

    Yes, I’ve written Nothing for a Long Time. Indeed, I haven’t really been online all that much. It’s easy to get out of the habit of engaging and being online – especially when embroiled with other (real life) distractions. But, what better way to get re-motivated to write than with a new collaborative writing adventure: digital […]
  9. tanyalau

    Connected Learning hangout – educators across contexts

    Really excited about participating in this Connected Learning Google Hangout…in a couple of hours: educators across contexts. Mostly because it’s a chance to have a live conversation with some amazing educators: Maha Bali, Shyam Sharma, Lenandlar Singh (fellow conspirators / contributors in, Tania Sheko, Asao B. Inoue …and possibly even the one and only […]
  10. tanyalau

    Conversation spaces for deep learning

    Preface: this is a post I wrote back in March-April 2015 but hadn’t published as I’d wanted to create a more readable version of the diagram (yes. It took THAT long. Mainly because, as is often the case with draft / unpublished posts, I forgot about it then lost the momentum / motivation to go […]
  11. tanyalau

    Reflections on wolweek

    Well…#wolweek (“working out loud” week) didn’t quite turn out as I’d anticipated, when I optimistically wrote a post last week about intending to participate. Day 1-2 I was mostly offline, madly finishing a work piece to support a huge organisation-wide ERP project. Not quite sure what happened the rest of the week…but I never managed […]
  12. tanyalau

    A model of Personal Learning Networks – in progress

    I met with my supervisor a couple of weeks ago to get feedback on my research proposal. One of the most helpful suggestions he made was to tease out the factors from the literature that influence the usefulness of a network to achieve the desired outcome (i.e. improvements / innovations in professional practice) – and […]
  13. tanyalau

    Benefits of sharing research-in-progress

    I hesitated at first to share my research proposal.  I wondered about the possibility of introducing potential participant bias by making the research methodology transparent. But due to the nature of the research (exploratory, descriptive) I decided this risk was minimal. (It might have been a different matter if I were intending to do blind […]
  14. tanyalau

    How does a learning professional’s PLN support innovations in their professional practice?

    MA research proposal This is my current proposal for research I’m doing as part of the Master of Learning Sciences and Technology. I’ve been quite fascinated by Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) for a while now, and as a learning practitioner, I’m interested in how we leverage our PLN relationships to support improvements or innovations in […]
  15. tanyalau

    Blog Secret Santa…unwrapped

    This year, I participated in Blog Secret Santa: “Just like regular Secret Santa, but for blogs”. If you’re unfamiliar with the ‘secret santa’ concept, it’s a group activity which involves anonymously giving a gift and receiving one back. And so it was with Blog Secret Santa: after registering and choosing a group to join (I […]
  16. tanyalau

    Writing inspiration

    Although I’ve been neglecting this blog of late, I felt compelled to write after having just read two inspiring posts by two people I very much admire: Lessons from my first experience of hosting a #PKMChat by Bruno Winck, and Writing to Connect: Knowing the “Other” Outside Time & Space by Maha Bali  (guest posting […]
  17. tanyalau

    WOL on #OZLearn: from chatting to action

    On Tuesday night, we had a great OzLearn twitter chat on working out loud (WOL) inspired by Simon Terry, who also added tons of value with his contributions in the chat. Whilst there was a bit of confusion at the outset of the chat about what WOL is, by the end many were talking about […]
  18. tanyalau

    Writing-meeting up-collaborating

    I’m conscious that I haven’t published on this blog for a while – and that’s partly because I have been writing elsewhere. I’ve also been to some new meetups and collaborating (co-writing, reviewing, commenting, conversing) in various communities and associated offshoots I’m involved with. I have some half finished (or half-started?) posts in the making. […]
  19. tanyalau

    Reflections on the value of MOOCs

    A few weeks ago, Con Sotidis (@LearnKotch) asked me to contribute my perspective to a piece he was writing on MOOCs for a new L&D magazine (“LEO”). Aside from it being a fun thing to do – write a few words, record a short video intro – it prompted me to think a lot about […]
  20. tanyalau

    Emergent collaboration in the rhizome

    Can’t believe it’s been almost 3 months since I last wrote a post – lots going on, driving me to distraction and writing neglect…more posts to follow on these distractions. Before that though, I really wanted to finish a post which seems to have been permanently & erratically ‘in progress’ over the last couple of […]
  21. tanyalau

    Agree//disagree: a poem and its inspirations.

    ..or hidden musings on conversation, community & making stuff up. On Saturday morning, I was sitting with my 3 year old at a cafe having breakfast, and a few moments of silence passed between us.  As my mind wandered vaguely to some of the things I’d read the previous night, these lines came into my […]
  22. tanyalau

    Reflections on digital landfills and echoing content

    I comment a fair bit on other people’s blogs, discussion forums etc. Somehow I find it much easier to comment on someone else’s blog  - I think it’s about being part of a conversation, the focus on joint contribution, rather than solely just my words. I’ve never particularly enjoyed being the centre of attention. I’ve contemplated […]
  23. tanyalau

    rhizo14: stole that poem

    Something that caught my eye last week as I was dipping in and out of rhizo14 was Kevin Hodgson’s (@dogtrax) slam-style poem challenging people to “steal this poem” - to take the words he’d written and recorded, and remix them. This was a riff on the theme of plagiarism, ownership/copyright & remix culture that emerged from […]
  24. tanyalau

    Why rhizo14

    So, we’re now in week 2 of Dave Cormier’s Rhizomatic Learning ‘course’ (I use that term in the loosest possible way) and I’m only just now sitting down to write some posts about it. I’ve been exploring the various spaces (P2PU, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, participants’ blogs …), reading, commenting. I initially contemplated limiting my participation to just […]
  25. tanyalau

    Reflections on xplrpln

    Well, it’s been over two weeks since xplrpln (Exploring Personal Learning Networks open online seminar) finished, and I finally feel ‘ready’ to sit down and write some final reflections.  I’ve been considering how to approach this for a while. There’s much I could say about it – hard to know where and how to start. […]
  26. tanyalau

    xplrpln: final artifact

    The PLN ‘pitch’ to a CEO. Originally posted on Google docs/drive here with some commentary. Although the zoom function on Google seems a bit difficult, so decided to post here as well. There are meant to be some links out to other content within this infographic artifact (which was why I posted it in Google […]
  27. tanyalau

    Emergent thinking through conversation: week 2 #xplrpln

    What has stood out for me so far in #xplrpln has been the power of participation and conversation. Coming into this event, I’d already discovered the potential of blogs as a means of connecting with people and exploring ideas – in fact I originally came across Jeff Merrell (one of the event coordinators) through commenting […]

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