Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @tifamonster


    For this assignment, we were to take pictures of certain things, assigned at random, by the photoblitzer webpage. Below, I have attached a screenshot of my laptop when I started and when I ended. The photos are listed in order, according to the instructions.  
  2. @tifamonster

    La Señora Luz in Picture Collage

    Last week, I introduced La Señora Luz in this post. I highly recommend checking out her biography in last week’s post to understand my collage better. I chose this assignment over the “What’s in your Bag?” assignment because this one seemed like a good way to create a visual representation of my character. To create … Continue reading La Señora Luz in Picture Collage
  3. @tifamonster


    Below, I have attached the three #dailycreate’s that I have worked on this week. Please feel free to visit my Twitter to see upcoming #dailycreate projects and to complete a few of your own! Let me know what you think in the comments and if you worked on a similar #dailycreate! #tdc2429 #ds106 — … Continue reading #DailyCreate
  4. @tifamonster

    My Final #ds106 Project

    It’s time. Time for my last and final work of #ds106. For this project, I decided to tell the story of my parents. You can read more about it here. Anyways, short story short, I wanted to introduce them to you all and explain why and how they inspire me and continue to do so […]
  5. @tifamonster

    Dear Future #ds106 Students…

    You have enrolled in possibly one of the best courses available at UMW! Congratulations! You’re probably wondering what the heck is #ds106? If you were like me, you might of just enrolled in the class because it fit a general education requirement and it’s online, which is a plus because sleep over class… just kidding! But let […]
  6. @tifamonster

    Progress Report #2

    Last week I introduced my idea for the final project and laid out what I wanted to do. This week I have gone further into depth by creating my project. I stated I wanted to use visual, writing, web, and video to go about creating it. This week I am going to tell you what I plan […]
  7. @tifamonster

    From the Child of Immigrants

    All week I wondered what story can I possibly tell? At first I thought why not bring all of the assignments I have worked on all semester into one story and create the story of what #ds106 means to me, but after carefully considering this all week I decided that I wanted to create something that […]
  8. @tifamonster

    Week 13 Summary

    At my first glance of this week, I was intimidated especially by the required web assignment and creating a story around my daily creates, but at the end of the week, it turns out the assignments were not to difficult, maybe other than the web assignment. Anyways, here they are. The required web assignment: My […]
  9. @tifamonster

    My Internet Resume

    This assignment looked confusing and difficult at first glance, but after reading the information provided and downloading the tools recommended, I got it… sort of. I first tried creating my resume on Amazon as shown in the example, but the page decided to refresh twice during my attempt at creating my resume. So after being […]
  10. @tifamonster

    Daily Creates for 4/15

    For the daily creates this week, we had to create a story around them. At first I was sort of intimidated about the assignment, because how am I suppose to create a story around three different daily creates, but thankfully, I got it. Here goes something… not nothing… because it’s something. There once was a […]
  11. @tifamonster

    C Ya Later

    C ya later, while running, of course. Get it? I try my best to make creative titles. For this assignment, we were required to go on a run and record where we went, using a tracking app.  Well lucky for me I walk my dog daily, ChiChi, and today I decided to try to create […]
  12. @tifamonster

    Now Applying!

    That’s right folks, longtime independent saloon owner, Riza McHale is looking for a new job. After selling the McHale saloon to a close friend, I am now actively looking for a job with similar objectives as my previous company. I have attached my resume below. If any of ya’ll see a saloon hiring, please shoot […]
  13. @tifamonster

    My Space

    Not MySpace, the social media, but my space as in my room. Eh, eh, see what I did there? For this web assignment we had to create our dream room, and lucky for me, I already had a board on Pinterest of my dream room. I did a few pins to make it accurate to […]
  14. @tifamonster

    Weekly Summary 12

    This week is over and I can gladly say, this week was by far has been the easiest week in #ds106. I really enjoyed the variation in mashup/remix assignments. I started off the week by completing my daily creates. Daily Creates for 4/8 I then worked on creating a tutorial for an assignment I enjoyed. […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]