Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @tostromcpsc106

    Call Me, Beep Me

    I chose to complete the assignment, “Call Me, Beep Me.” After reading the assignment description I was intrigued and knew I had to give it a shot. I chose to record a 911 call. In the call I am calling as Susan from, “Tupac Shaker and the End of the World.” I simply recorded the […]
  2. @tostromcpsc106

    Video Clips & Resources!

    So, this week is all about audio and let me tell you…I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AUDIO. I have recorded an audio clip on my MacBook all of one time. However, with that being said, I am so excited to learn about audio! To start, I watched the two short videos of Had Abumrad and then […]
  3. @tostromcpsc106

    Radio Dispatch

    Here is the link to my radio dispatch. I am stranded in what seems to be a furniture warehouse…exact location is unknown. My friend Derek is gone and I’m now left to try to survive on my own. I’m stuck in this building because I am too afraid to venture back outside. I’m so hungry […]
  4. @tostromcpsc106

    Adios Week Four!

    This week was so much fun! I am not a photographer by any means, but this week I kind of felt like one. The Photoblitz Challenge really pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I was so happy with the photos I took. Sure, they may not be professional but I am proud of […]
  5. @tostromcpsc106

    Film Reviews and a GIF!

    La Jetée was interesting. I figured I wasn’t going to really enjoy it after reading that it was made up of only images, but I did. I thought the use of the black and white images made the film eerie, in a good way (if that’s even a thing lol). At the end of the […]
  6. @tostromcpsc106

    An Open Letter To My Mother

    Dear Mom, I don’t even know where to start. There are no words to describe my love and gratitude for you. You are the most selfless person I have ever met, and for that I am forever grateful. You have stood by me through everything, the good and the bad, no matter what you have […]
  7. @tostromcpsc106

    See Ya Later Week Three!

    Today marks the end of week three in digital storytelling. I thought this week was the best yet! I really enjoyed reading the short stories I chose and getting creative with my own writing. I had the most fun with writing the alternative ending for one of the short stories. I thought my ending was […]
  8. @tostromcpsc106


    Today, I read two short stories. The first short story I read was, There will come soft rains by Ray Bradbury. This story was interesting to say the least. I don’t usually read stories that are based in the future, so that was different than what I am used to. I was drawn in by […]
  9. @tostromcpsc106

    And Another Week Bites The Dust!

    This week did not disappoint. I was so excited to find out that we were going to start storytelling. However, I was surprised that I had difficulty completing the “Tell it/Tweet it” assignment. I was constantly getting stuck…a serious case of writers block took place! But I ended up being happy with the finished project […]
  10. @tostromcpsc106


    End Day was an interesting film to say the least. I thought all five versions of the apocalypse were frightening because a lot of damage could result from each one. However, the idea of a black hole opening up and engulfing everything and anything in its vicinity scares me more than anything. A black hole […]
  11. @tostromcpsc106


    I have officially made it through bootcamp, and I can’t believe it, but bootcamp was fun! Although, the assignments were just basic tasks like setting up my social media sites, they got me excited for what this class has in store. I can’t wait to get creative with the apocalypse theme! This week was the […]

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