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  1. @camowalker22

    Week 3: Assignment Bank

    Who Inspires You Someone who inspires me is Gary Vaynerchuck because he is brutally honest about how life is and how you need to be in order to make money and live the life you want. He doesn’t care about what others think of him at all and he preaches that you shouldn’t care what…
  2. @dslupekds106

    This single object saved my life! Tune into The End… of Storytelling As We Know It!

    Old School Radio I know it looks simple, old, obsolete. BUT this very radio saved many a life in the apocalypse. These dinosaur radios will be the only available source of telecommunications in a potential apocalypse.   Review: It is a must have device. I have been gathering them recently in case if the power … Continue reading This single object saved my life! Tune into The End… of Storytelling As We Know It!
  3. @Chris_tastrophe

    No, I Was Not Sponsored

    Nerf™ Zombie Strike Sidestrike Blaster Okay, let’s drop the bullshit, nothing will help you survive the apocalypse except this product. Everything else is garbage’s garbage. Seriously, don’t waste your time, just buy it now and thank me later – hurry up, it’ll be in high demand after my customer review: If you’re still reading, I’ll […]
  4. @umwequestrianista

    Products of the Apocalypse

    Review: This 4-person emergency kit was VITAL to our survival during the apocalypse.  It helped me and three of my loved ones get by while we figured out how to establish ourselves and find other survivors.  I highly recommend this to anyone trying to prepare themselves.  It included food, water, duct tape, pocket knife (included …

    Continue reading "Products of the Apocalypse"

  5. @jetjenk43

    Slayin and Filleting – My Product Review of My Death Dealin Sword

    Once I found out that the zombie apocalypse was inevitable, I used my Amazon Prime Student account with two day shipping to have these Bio-Terror Zombie Apocalypse Massacre Death Swords delievered before we got attacked.  These Death dealing swords have come in handy when ammunition is hard to come by. Good thing I put in …

    Continue reading "Slayin and Filleting – My Product Review of My Death Dealin Sword"

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