Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @jetjenk43

    By Golly I think I Finally Cracked the Code!!!! My Final Project

    Here is how it has all gone down over this past 13 weeks. I’ll let you all be the judge: Samara Wong a member of Apocalyptic Airwave was starting to gather lots of  evidence when all of a sudden her and her group were notified that they had won some kind of “Digital Project Contest”.   …

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  2. @jetjenk43

    One Step Closer to Solving the Evidence Crisis

    I wanted to build off the evidence that cypherpunk106 and katie temple had found about Millard Rausch a.k.a Jim Groom.  After exploring Jim Groom’s Social Media account Twitter.  It looks to be that Jim Groom has escaped a mental asylum and is now using Reclaim Hosting as a front to infect those who do not heed his directions. …

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  3. @jetjenk43

    Come One, Come All to Yonkers!!!!

    I decided to do the Destination Post Card 3 STARS: Create a destination postcard for a setting from my novel World War Z.   I decided to create this postcard to try to draw individuals to Yonkers, New York.  I painted the picture as if Yonkers is the hot spot to be at. Realistically this is far …

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  4. @jetjenk43

    World War Z Book Cover GIFitized!!!

      For this assignment Animated GIF Alternative Cover a  5 Star assignment we were to  revisit the apocalyptic novel cover from earlier this semester, but make it an animated GIF this time.  I was unable to make the background of my original cover animated, so I found a clip that included a helicopter, like the helicopter …

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  5. @jetjenk43

    Christina Eliopolis’s Bucket List

      That Bucket List Though (2 STARS): Create a bucket list for at least one character from your novel. Pre-war, Christina Eliopolis was an FA-22 Raptor pilot, one of the most advance pieces of tech ever to tickle the clouds. And when fighting zombies, it amounted to little more than buyer’s remorse.  Eliopolis’s main mission went from …

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  6. @jetjenk43

    Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!

    Week 11 In a Nutshell So this week I feel like I was more prepared and less rushed to complete all the video assignments.  I hope it shows in my work.  At first I was kind of dreading doing video work, because I knew it would take a lot of time to edit our assignments …

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  7. @jetjenk43

    Let Me Tell You About my Apocalyptic Airwave Friends!!

    I did the 4 star assignment This is My Story.  I decided to tell my story using notecards.   I told the story of what Mufasa and I are doing these days, and that we sorely miss or friends from the Barn.  It has been two weeks since we presented our story Apocalyptic Airwave a story …

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  8. @jetjenk43

    You get A daily create, You get a daily create.

    My First Daily Create My first daily create, that I shared with the class is I wanted the DS106 class to create or use a pre-existing GIF to describe their experience within the DS 106 class.  I chose this GIF to use as my example, because through out this DS 106 we have had to …

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  9. @jetjenk43

    Did Someone Say Spaceship: Watch a movie make a movie

    Assignment: Watch a Movie/Make a Movie   I chose the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” as my second movie that I watched.  As I have never seen this movie before I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened.  The copy that I was able to attain was through …

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  10. @jetjenk43

    5 Q’s & 5 A’s with the Great Vanessa!!!

    Assignment: 10 Apocalyptic Questions I chose the 5 questions I felt I could best answer out of the ten that Vanessa provided.  I used the program OpenShot to splice and dice and input my videos in where they needed to be.  I think I was making this a little harder than it should have been …

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  11. @jetjenk43

    Count to Ten and do it All Over Again!!!!!!

    This week was probably one of the hardest weeks yet for me.  I won’t say it’s hard due to the work load, but last Thursday a good family friend had passed away.  Due to this family friend being so close to our family it was only right for me to get in my car and …

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  12. @jetjenk43

    Mufasa’s Transformation from a Pup to an Adult

    I chose this 3 star assignment to show the transformation of the character Mufasa from the radio show Apocalyptic Airwave.  We didn’t really know much about Mufasa other than Carson had saved him from certain death and nursed him back  to health.  Here is a little clip of Mufasa as a small pup to becoming …

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  13. @jetjenk43

    Washing Dishes a 2 min+ Silent Documentary

    I did this 4 star “How to”  Documentary.  I did this assignment because I figured it would be neat to record something but not use any sound.  I was going to do a documentary over how to cook food, but I had already started beef and noodles in the crock pot earlier in the day.  …

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  14. @jetjenk43

    My College Photo Collage

    So I decided to do this two star assignment to share my journey through college.  Over the past 2 years at UMW we have had our son, served in the Army, have gotten out of the Army and have become civilians.  And now that I am finally out of the Army I can finally devoted …

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  15. @jetjenk43

    How to better Watch movies by knowing the Details.

    How to Read A movie well what I learned from reding this article: I read the article by Robert Ebert: How to Read a Movie.  I never knew the details of how a movie is put together or how it was shot.  After reading this article my eyes are opened to some of the techniques that are used.  …

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  16. @jetjenk43

    Nothing was more Divine than WEEK 9!!!

    This week was the unveiling of our radio shows, a few daily creates, and reflections of how we did our book covers differently.  I was ever so glad to show the DS106 class our finally project that my group had created.  The stress of completing this project was a little daunting at first, but after …

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  17. @jetjenk43

    A crazy Radio night, Girls Guide and The Eagle Report aka (Joey Buckets)!!!!

      So I decided to be wild tonight and I stayed up for not just one, but two radio broadcasts on ds106Radio, look at me go!!!! Here are my reflections for “Girls Guide to/for/through the Apocalypse” and “The Eagle Report” stated below: “Girl’s Guide to/for/through the Apocalypse” I really enjoyed the format of the whole …

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  18. @jetjenk43

    The countdown begins to the Airing of APOCALYPTIC AIRWAVE !!!!!

    So the past week was a week of relaxation for me from the hustle and bustle of classes everyday of the week.  Over the past few weeks I have made numerous Daily Creates, a poster for our Radio show, and collaborated with my group Apocalyptic Airwave on our radio show.  So over Spring break my …

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  19. @jetjenk43

    Apocalyptic Airwave-A Story about Five Strangers and a dog!!!

    So this week my team “Apocalyptic Airwave” have collaborated through slack to come up with a good plot to share with the ds106 radio listeners.  As spring break has happened over this past week it has been tough for us all to get together due to us all being in different locations. We have still …

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  20. @jetjenk43

    No Zombie Tricks this week we made it through week 6!!!!!!

    Week 6 Wrapped Up First off I will thank goodness we survived another week of the apocalypse.  So this week was a fun one for me.  Being able to create my character Carson Gordon,  being able to play around with different design techniques and going for a stroll through downtown Fredericksburg to find design concepts.  …

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  21. @jetjenk43

    My Interpretation: of the 8 principles of design.

    So I figured I could find things around my home, around my neighborhood, my immediate area, but to my luck I couldn’t really find anything to fit the eight concepts.  In my area there are a lot of construction signs but I figured this would be bleh so I chose not to take pictures of …

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  22. @jetjenk43

    Carson Gordon saying hello from Siesta Key!!!!!

    The Assignment I did was a 3 1/4  star assignment Destination Post Card this is where you had to create a destination postcard using any design software of your choice. I started by choosing an image of a beach from google images you then had to put some words over the image just like a postcard. …

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