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  1. @ashstvnz

    Design Blitz!

    Over the weekend my boyfriend and I visited Colorado Springs and were able to find a great many examples of design. I took lots of pictures but narrowed it down to the photos and concepts below. Space The hotel we stayed in had a few examples of design elements scattered around. One of the firstContinue reading "Design Blitz!"
  2. @ashstvnz

    This Is Halloween

    In preparation for my favorite holiday, I decided to complete this #ds106 Audio Assignment which had me mixing together different spooky sounds. I used FreeSound to find different public domain tracks and Audacity to mix them together. I focused on creaky wooden steps, ghost whispers, group whispers, spanish whispers, and something more phantom-like. I’ve neverContinue reading "This Is Halloween"
  3. @ashstvnz

    Week 4 Summary

    It’s digital photography week! I have to say I was excited when I read the week’s topic. I have always had some interest in photography (haven’t we all?), but it usually was something I did with friends when I was younger or since did on my own. I definitely enjoyed gaining further insight into differentContinue reading "Week 4 Summary"
  4. @ashstvnz

    Jim Richardson

    Today I tried to pick just a few of Jim Richardson’s photographs which I liked the best. It wasn’t easy to narrow down my choices, but I feel these each exemplify different compositional techniques. Each of these is taken from the Small World Gallery website and is linked in the caption. This photo is allContinue reading "Jim Richardson"
  5. @ashstvnz

    The Reincarnation of Photography

    After reading Stuart Jeffries’ article in The Guardian, I’m left slightly divided. When I was in high school, there was literally no cooler aspiration than becoming a photographer. We didn’t have camera phones yet, decent camera phones yet and I don’t think any of us really expected them to evolve much beyond the grainy imagesContinue reading "The Reincarnation of Photography"
  6. @ashstvnz

    Week 3 Summary

    This week we focused on the storytelling side of digital media for our main projects, and kept things spicy with some more Daily Creates throughout the week. Watching Kurt Vonnegut define a story’s shape was both entertaining and enlightening. I doubt I’ve ever thought of a story in graph form before, but rather than minimizingContinue reading "Week 3 Summary"

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