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  1. @ds106_mckayla

    The robot after the apocalypse in the 80s.

    This is the link to the original assignment. This assignment asked me to create a story after the human apocalypse. I am choosing to act as a robot that the humans created before they all were demolished. I decided to bring the 80s year into this assignment. The apocalypse happened when the humans tried to create a robot that was in charge of atomic warfare bombs. One engineer knew this was a bad idea from the start and tried to put a stop to it. The other engineer who’s idea was this, told him to go to hell. Well I
  2. @Chris_tastrophe

    The Recovery of DOG_Unit#073517

    This writing assignment is in homage to Black Mirror, Season 4, Episode 5: Metalhead. The GIF on the assignment page is what inspired me! I created directories, files, and code such that it depicts the story from the killer machine’s point of view – told from the recovery file on its hard rive. We can […]
  3. @JillianAviva

    A Dirty New World

    Finally, the humans are gone. The humans, along with all other “living” beings were obliterated in the apocalypse. Even for me, a mere speck of dirt, the apocalypse was absolutely terrifying. I was thrown around from field to forest to sidewalks to anywhere you can imagine. I am so relieved that horrible experience is over. Currently, I …

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