Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @mto_morgan

    Final Project

    Wow what a ride. We are actually done with this course. It’s a sad day. For my final project I made a timeline including all of my work from this semester. I used ReactJS to make the application and I used my AWS server to host it. The timeline I used came from a popular framework called Material UI. If […]
  2. @mto_morgan

    Final Project Progress

    This week I have just come up with a plan to finish up my work over the weekend and into the next week. My final project is going to be an interactive timeline on my AWS server that will include content from my work done this semester in this course. The time line component can be found here. That is […]
  3. @mto_morgan

    Week 11 Summary

    Wow what a week. I loved working on assignments outside of the assignment bank because I was able to work on topics that interest me. I do like doing the assignments from the assignment bank as well, but it was refreshing being able to work on some different stuff this week. Here are my daily creates: All of my assignments […]
  4. @mto_morgan

    Rocket League Montage

    So this is another assignment this week that I decided to make that is not listed on the assignment bank. This video is a clip montage from some of my gameplay in a popular game called, Rocket League. I lost a lot of clips this year, but still had enough to make a nice video out of. The clips I […]
  5. @mto_morgan

    My Puppies

    For this week I decided to do a couple assignments of my own. This assignment is essentially a time line of all the puppies that have joined the family over the past 3 years. For this assignment I used lightworks for the video editing and the content I have acquired over the years. I have two female and two male […]
  6. @mto_morgan

    Project Ideas Part 2

    Okay, so this time I have come up with a completely different idea. I want to create an interactive timeline that could involve a couple different things. 1.) I could do a timeline showing videos and telling stories from growing up 2.) I could do a timeline of my work this semester in this course. I am not really sure […]
  7. @mto_morgan

    Week 10 Summary

    What a fun week. This was my first intro to video editing and I had a blast. My favorite assignment had to be the sports mashup video. I have always been interested in sports and to make a video of it was a lot of fun. Here are my daily creates. My assignments can be found here. For all of […]
  8. @mto_morgan

    Week 9 Summary

    An interesting week this was. I was able to connect some of my daily creates and make a fun story out of it, I was able to revamp an old project, and more! Check out my daily creates story here. All of my posts for the week can be found here. Overall it was a light week to take a […]
  9. @mto_morgan

    The Wandering Pups

    I don’t know how, but these pups have wandered far from home. They have actually left Earth! I haven’t the slightest idea as to how they can breathe out there, but we learn something new every day. They seem pretty comfy! I would say it seems lonely out there, but these two pups appear to be enjoying the ride and […]
  10. @mto_morgan

    Revisiting My Old Work

    For this assignment I have decided to revisit my program I created to essentially work as an electronic diary. Find the original assignment here. As you can see, the original assignment was very barebones and not very easy to use. This time around, I have created a user interface for it. Check it out here: I feel pretty good about […]
  11. @mto_morgan

    Moving Forward

    So I have never been into video editing, but I think it would be fun to make a video of Lego characters moving and telling a story with the scene in the background. This could be done by building a set out of Legos and doing something similar to the actual Lego movies. I would hope to create something that […]
  12. @mto_morgan

    Week 8 Summary

    Nothing much to say for this week other than it was a lot of fun compiling our radio show! I basically handled the interview section of the show while the rest of the group had their own specific tasks. Here are my daily creates for this week: All of my work for the week can be found here: Essentially […]
  13. @mto_morgan

    Radio Show Progress

    We are now officially done with the radio show! Check it out here: I worked on the interview portion of the show. Last week we compiled most of the audio needed to complete the show this week. This week we essentially completed the show by adding everything together and adding more audio when necessary. We start the show with some […]
  14. @mto_morgan

    Week 7 Summary

    So for this week we all pitched in and recorded enough audio combined to make a radio show. For my assignments I made a commercial for a made up company called, “Mart’s Auto Parts” and I also made 5 questions and interviewed one of my peers. I used audacity a lot this week and I am starting to really like […]
  15. @mto_morgan


    For this assignment I interviewed a peer and recorded the answers. We will be using these for our radio show next week! The questions are: What would you say is your biggest achievement to date? What are you so passionate about that you would have a hard time living without it? (Figuratively) If you were a candle, what scent would […]
  16. @mto_morgan

    Radio Show Progress

    So for starters, I will lay out our plan. This week, we plan to have everyone do their own share of work with each of us making a short commercial and also each person asking and answering five interview questions. These answers will be broadcasted on the show. Next, we plan to have everyone record some funny or overall interesting […]
  17. @mto_morgan

    DS106 Radio!

    Come join us and hear some of our stories. They may be funny or sad, but I promise you will not be disappointed. We plan to tell some engaging stories from our lives and maybe add some sound effects when needed. It will be a fun way to hear some other peoples’ stories! We plan to have some music, commercials, […]
  18. @mto_morgan

    Week 6 Summary

    I have never seen design like I have this week it is a lot of fun viewing everything from a different perspective. I have been wanting to get into design more and maybe start trying my own digital drawing or graphic design. Below are my daily creates for the week: All of my work for the week can be found […]
  19. @mto_morgan

    Design Blitz

    Due to covid, I have to quarantine so I had to take photos of things around my house. There are great designs anywhere though! First lets start with a design that is minimalistic. Above are my skis. As you can see the design is pretty minimal, but the spacing and wording is well placed making it look pretty good. The […]
  20. @mto_morgan

    My Design Thoughts

    The article in reference: A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd It really is amazing how design touches just about every aspect of daily life. Every website, logo, advertisement, and much more contain different principles of design. This quote speaks to me: “Everything that is not made by nature is designed by someone.” I guess I just did […]
  21. @mto_morgan

    Week 5 Summary

    This was quite a fun week. Between all of the assignments and daily creates, it adds up to a lot of fun. What I liked about this week was I got to experience something I have never experienced before in audio editing. My daily creates are below: All of my assignments and blogs for the week can be found here: […]

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