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  1. tpcm


    Here are some magnificent photos I worked on:

    For the first image, I thought we had to make a cheesy picture with some cheesy line. I thought this fit the criteria pretty well, and I think the end product is both revolting and revolutionary. Middle school girls, step aside.
    I honestly couldn't retrace my steps completely in making this picture. I started off by adding the lens flare-type stars to the corners, which came from some of the filter effects. You get to actually place them on the X and Y axes of the picture, which I thought was pretty cool for some reason. Adding text was a little difficult, mostly because it was challenging to place the text, resize it, and change the font – a lot of clicking was needed in order to select the right thing. For the color effect, I simply went under the "color" menu and played around with which colors were more apparent in the picture; cyan and yellow, magenta and green, etc.
    This second picture was originally taken from my phone with the Catwang app (I recommend it, it's a lot of fun). I simply added the cartoon filter in order to get the effect – this is actually for the first design assignment. 
    After playing around a little bit, I have to say that I don't really like Gimp. I don't think the software is completely intuitive and easy to use, and the menu screens that pop up when adding an effect are never centered, and always behind other layers. Other than that I'm sure it has good qualities, but it ran a little slowly on my computer. Hopefully I'll learn to use it better!

  2. tpcm

    I M A G E S

    Flickr user polapixThis...article? Book? Essay? Excerpt? I couldn't really tell what it was, but judging from the chapters I'm guessing it is a book of sorts. Anyways, I really enjoyed it. Mostly because it tells exactly what it describes - images.I re...
  3. tpcm

    AUDIO PROJECT TWO – interviewing a house


    Here is my final audio project, wrapping up our audio section for class!
    My final project is pretty simple. I went around my house and recoded the sound from different appliances and other little things – I won't tell you exactly what they are, because I want to be annoying and keep people guessing (ha, ha, ha). Although this project is pretty simple, I had a lot of fun recording different things in my house and seeing what they sounded like on tape. These are the little sounds you hear everyday and don't think twice about, the little sounds you might as well not hear because you have been desensitized to them. I wanted to make these sounds more apparent - give them a voice, if you will. These little sounds deserve some attention too, you know.
    I first got the idea to do this project when the two speakers from Michigan radio came to class on monday. One of them mentioned that she wanted to include the sound of a glass of water being filled into her episode. At first I thought this seemed silly, but after some reflection I realized that I really appreciated some recognition of the little sounds that go on in everyday life. Since we are focusing so much on sound, how it sounds, where it comes from and why it's important, why not also pay attention to the sounds we hear everyday? They don't have to be completely original, they can definitely be something we hear all the time, and not know what it sounds like exactly.
    Anyways, I hope some people can appreciate this project although it seems a little basic...I'm not a slacker I swear!
  4. tpcm

    FINAL CUT – Dating Someone 10 Years Older

    Finished my first audio assignment!Working with Audacity has proved to be pretty interesting. It is simple to use once you know how, but learning is a little bit difficult. I think that if it were a little bit updated or gave you more options, I would ...
  5. tpcm

    “Living with Cancer” – Review

    TheJCB - Breast Cancer CellUnfortunately, this was quite a sad topic for a radio show. However, I think it was very interesting and informative, and managed to keep listeners entertained throughout the whole three-part episode.I was so surprised to hea...
  6. tpcm

    SOUND and STORIES review

    flickr user all that improbable blue

    So I've been a little bit cynical.
    In my weekly review I talked about how radio doesn't really do it for me. I can't seem to focus on it and I don't see the need to. However, I have recently had...a change of heart. I wouldn't say that my opinion is changed completely, but in a way I almost feel bad for radio. It's been through a lot. 
    That being said, I guess you could say I have found a new appreciation for radio after reading this piece, mostly because I was looking at it through the wrong lens - radio isn't necessarily about picking up every specific detail, it's just about listening to a story. When someone tells you a story, you might not pick up every word and sentence and intonation they use, and that's fine, because that's life. You can't always be alert to every detail of your life, thank god.
    One of the things I liked about this article that I hadn't noticed (mostly because I don't listen to radio very often) is how personal radio DJs make the radio experience. It hadn't occurred to me that when listening to radio, one is often times alone, so being catered to on an individual level is something important for full listening pleasure. By forming questions with "you" as opposed to "all listeners out there", the relationship between radio and its listener is intensified – we're practically dating.
    In all, what I generally want to say is that appreciating the difference between auditory storytelling and print/video/other media is important. Each have their own positive and negative qualities, all of which are appreciated in different ways through different lenses. Not everybody can write a broadcast for a radio show that engages, inspires and entertains, but most people would find it easier to write a short story – not that writing is a walk in the park, because it isn't, but something about radio, its relatability, voice, and personal experience takes us to a different place than certain stories can and ever will.

  7. tpcm

    w e e k l y . r e v i e w

    This week I:Wrote "create" creativelyResponded to Valentine's Day 2013Posted my fist Vox Pop pop popShared some ideas for our radio show on datingAnd posted a photo of my favorite daydreaming window, and favorite window in generalIt's spring break wooo...
  8. tpcm

    Radio Show Idea – Dating

    Flickr User ZakVTASo I missed last class when we discussed what the topic would be for our radio show. From reading everyone else's posts, I figured out that the theme was "dating". How that theme stemmed from our class, I don't even know, but I'll go ...
  9. tpcm


    Listen to my Vox Pop hereCompleted my first vox pop! My question was to ask people to describe the University of Michigan in 3 words. I asked a couple of my friends this question as well as my mother, who all had their own ways to describe U of M. One ...
  10. tpcm

    Valentine’s Day 2013 – Response

    Flickr User Neil CrosbyFirst of all, let me start off by saying that this radio episode was a little too long for me.As discussed in class, I think it's hard to listen to a radio episode, especially since (for me, at least) I couldn't do anything else ...
  11. tpcm


    "CREATE", a photo by theopcm on Flickr.The Daily Create 2.26.13 - spell "create" using interesting materials/objects to form the lettersFor the record I didn't know this border would be so ugly/I really don't like just ignore it.
  12. tpcm

    W E E K L Y . S U M M A R Y .

    MY WEEK WOOT WOOT WHAT WHATthird and final video - my walk home; a commute storydailycreatedailycreateradio on - a reviewI had a really good week this week. Aside from all the stress of upcoming midterms, I managed to make it out alive. It doesn't look...
  13. tpcm

    ode to my bed

    my bedas you lay thereforever layingthe feelings i have for youhow much i appreciate yourexistenceoverwhelm melike the foam you let me drown insink infloat intoa land of lightdreamsand pure blissTDC 2.24.13 - write an epic ode to an underappreciated ob...
  14. tpcm

    Radio On – A Review

    Flickr User peetje2"You will never understand radio by listening to it."I liked reading this article a lot, mostly because it gave me a whole new outlook on the whole medium of radio. The line quoted above really embodies the main aspect of the article...
  15. tpcm

    C O Z Y

    Cozy, a photo by theopcm on Flickr.The Daily Create 2.18.13 - take a photo of someone who is nice and cozy in a blanket (here's two!)
  16. tpcm


    I finally completed my final video! Such a relief to have all of them done, although I did have fun and learned a lot along the way. Most importantly, I learned that I love to edit videos...hopefully something I can/will keep doing in the future.This v...
  17. tpcm

    W E E K L Y . R E V I E W – 2 . 1 8 . 1 3

    This week somehow flew right by me, but the weekend lasted forever. Exactly what I like :). Some exciting new additions this week, including my second video for class! Here's all the good stuff I did:Daily Create - Something NewDaily Create - My Sticki...
  18. tpcm

    A pig.

    A pig. by theopcm
    A pig., a photo by theopcm on Flickr.
    The Daily Create 2.17.13 - take a picture of something you made.
    I think I made this pig sometime in elementary school. I've had it ever since, it's now hanging in my college room. Not to sound cliché, but it is crazy how time flies.
  19. tpcm

    my my desk desk – second video assignment

    My second video is up!I knew I wanted to do a stop motion for one of my videos, so I decided I would do it by moving things around on my desk. I'm pretty happy with the outcome, and aside from being a pretty long process (I was taking pictures for abou...
  20. tpcm

    W E E K L Y R E V I E W – 2.10.13

    THIS WAS A BUSY WEEKPosted a video on the Future of Education starring Aja and ArianaDiscussed Reality Hunger: A ManifestoCreated my first video (!!!)Daily Create, Daily CreateVideo Create about my favorite word in FrenchTalked about "How to read ...
  21. tpcm

    “How to Read a Movie”

    CC: Flickr user Dave & BryWhen filming a movie, there are obviously many things that directors, cinematographers, camera men etc. need to take into account - but never had I heard about how the placement of certain things in a film frame can say so...
  22. tpcm

    V I D E O C R E A T E 6

    Explain what your favorite word from another language is, and tell us why you like it.

    I don't know why the sound is a little off...I made this video like three times and just decided to go with it in the end. Looks kinda funny. Bear with me.

  23. tpcm


    Angles, a photo by theopcm on Flickr.Daily Create 2.9.13 - create some kind of pattern of things on your desk right now.
  24. tpcm


    Alright, so I finally completely my first video assignment. I'm very excited about it! I got the idea to do this video ever since I was first introduced to the "Will it Blend?" videos by Tom Dickerson. My process was rather tedious, but I ended up real...
  25. tpcm

    R E A L I T Y H U N G E R : a manifesto

    Let me begin by saying that I loved and hated this essay. I mostly hated it because of all the references...I'm glad you're well-read and all, but I'm afraid I haven't read half of the things this man is talking about (maybe that's just me).I mostly ju...

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