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  1. Downes

    Chinese Food

    December 14, 2023. This is a selection from the Chinese Food Market next to the Mandarin Restaurant on Ogilvie Road, where I had lunch. It was decidedly mediocre - the spring rolls especially looked like they had been in the freezer for a few years. I...
  2. Downes


    December 12, 2023. This is my tried and true Nikon D750 camera. I've been using this for, I don't know, almost ten years now. It's showing its wear and it has trouble focusing but I've been reluctant to spend money on a replacement because it's hard t...
  3. Downes

    New York Central Trail

    December 10, 2023. This is the ice-covered New York Central Trail through Russell. We wanted to finish relatively early today because I had to be up at 1:30 Monday morning, so we just went to Russell and did the trail and a look through the Tweed fore...
  4. Downes


    December 9, 2023. This is the back yard in late afternoon. This was the actual colour; it was so startling I had to take a photo (even though yesterday's photo was the same location). The light was quite remarkable; the photo doesn't actually do it ju...
  5. Downes

    Blue Sky

    December 8, 2023. This is my back yard. I really liked the light of the blue sky and the clouds. A quiet day today working from home, mostly on the 'context recognition' research.
  6. Downes

    Canada Goose

    December 7, 2023. Canada goose as seen in the Hudson's Bay store downtown. I was in the office today working on 'context recognition' and over lunch went downtown to get some of my favourite Hungarian paprika spice paste (cutting through the Bay becau...
  7. Downes


    December 6, 2023. I've been enjoying the way the snow has been stuck to the trees all week. We had a wet snow, and then it stayed cold, so the snow never melted, and there hasn't been enough wind to knock it down. I was going to go into the office tod...
  8. Downes

    Tree and CSIS

    December 5, 2023. This is the view outside the second floor window in the stairwell where I work; you can see my building, a tree, a parking lot, and the CSIS building in the background. The building fascinates me because I have never been in it and p...
  9. Downes

    The Goalie

    December 2, 2023. This goalie posed for me while participating in the 4-on-4 road hockey tournament at the Casselman Christmas Fair today. We walked down, I had some focaccia, and we visited the Swiss Bakery seasonal store as well as a number of booth...
  10. Downes


    December 1, 2023. This is a wall hanging in the downstairs bathroom. It was part of a lot of random framed pictures I bought at an auction several years ago. I put it in the bathroom because it was least likely to be damaged by humidity (and it has su...
  11. Downes


    November 30, 2023. No, nothing bad happened, but I found myself stopped behind this ambulance and in need of a daily photo. It was another day in the office today, working on literature related to context awareness and context recognition (yes, there'...
  12. Downes

    Little Brown Ball

    November 29, 2023. This is the elevator in my office building. I couldn't help but notice this solitary brown ball in the corner. I was in it later, after lunch, and the ball was gone.
  13. Downes

    A Splash of Red

    November 28, 2023. Looking out my back window to the houses along Principale, normally covered by green, but in winter visible, framing a Canadian flag in one of the back yards. Today was Covid shot day today so this afternoon we went into the city, w...
  14. Downes

    Warning Clouds

    November 27, 2023. The view from my office window. The clouds caught my eye. As well they should have, as there was a dense snowfall shortly after. It was over quickly and the snow didn't last. Started the day getting Andrea to have a flu shot (we had...
  15. Downes

    Laying in Wait

    July 21, 2023. This tube forms a doughnut shape, and the cats love playing it in. Here Emma sits ready to pounce on any other cat venturing nearby. Nobody can see her, of course.
  16. Downes

    Crysler Trail

    July 20, 2023. This is an old rail trail near Crysler. After working from home for the day I took a quick loop through St. Albert and Crysler on the gravel bike. Building up muscles for bnikepacking.
  17. Downes

    The Market

    July 18, 2023. If you go up to the second floor of the By-Ward market in Ottawa (but who does, really?) you'll see these cloud figures in the attic. I was downtown while working from the office to pick up more Hungarian spicy paprika paste, which I pu...
  18. Downes


    July 17, 2023. This is Lexi, the old lady of our household. She's a good 16 years old now, the eternal kitten who still plays with string and drinks water from the tap. She's thin and frail and I wanted to make sure I got a photograph in. But she's st...
  19. Downes

    Finch Fair

    July 16, 2023. I took a bike ride to finch today and visited the Finch Fair. This is the cattle exhibit, pictured. But the runaway fave for me was the bird exhibit, especially the owls and parakeets. I also took a side trip along the Crysler trail on ...
  20. Downes


    July 15, 2023. First day back from Tremblant. We were in for an afternoon RedBlacks game, won in a great comeback and overtime touchdown. Best game we've seen as season tick holders. Great stuff.
  21. Downes

    Raccoon in a Tree

    July 14, 2023. This raccoon was sitting in a tree happily eating leaves our last day in Mont Tremblant. Super-early departure, then took Andrea to the hospital for an appointment. Cats were overjoyed when we got home, displayed it by ignoring us. http...
  22. Downes


    July 11, 2023. This is a gravel back road in the district of Macaza, near Mont Tremblant. I went out with the gravel bike and a half load to see how well the setup would work in the Quebec forest. It was a 47km ride, but I also gained 380 metres eleva...
  23. Downes

    Back on the Bike

    July 6, 2023. I haven't been able to ride the bike for almost to weeks because of the itch and saddle sores. Now I have them mostly under control and was able to get back out there for a short 26 km ride.

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