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  1. @madeleine_ds106

    Sound Track Mashup

    For this assignment, I was instructed to take two songs and do a mashup of them. Then I was supposed to compare the differences among the songs such as instruments, changes in volume, etc. Instead of only doing two songs, I decided to pick four. These four are important because I picked one song from each of my group members selected movie for our Radio Show project. For my movie Atomic Blonde I chose David Bowie’s Cat People (Putting out the Fire). Lauren chose the Nancy Drew movie so I used Come to California by Matthew Sweet. Hannah chose Salt, Evelyn Salt so I picked the Escaping the CIA song from James Newton Howard’s soundtrack. Finally, Tiffany chose Mr. and Mrs. Smith so I picked the song Mondo Bongo by Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros. One thing I noticed with the songs from these different movie soundtracks were the mood of the songs. The songs I chose from Nancy Drew and Mr. and Mrs. Smith are both upbeat songs that are catchy. These movies are also funnier spy movies, unlike the other two I chose. The songs from Atomic Blonde and Salt are more instrumental or slow-moving songs. These movies are more serious spy movies. This assignment showed me the importance of a soundtrack in displaying the theme of a movie or tv show. These four movies all chose songs representative of their theme and it adds a lot to the experience of watching them.

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