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  1. natalie

    Nights out, Charity & boat trips

    ?listen to the audio on ? A week later, Pippa was sitting on her study project a case study for a new female tech gadget while clicking some likes from Tess party pictures and a sunny day on her cruise. The pictures looked amazing and she could almost get jealous, but Tess really deserved this… Continue reading Nights out, Charity & boat trips
  2. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    AI106, DS106 & GITS – it’s about friendship and love

    Discovering AI106 (DS106) was running again in 2024 gave me pause for thought. My pause wasn’t just on its theme of artificial intelligence or the Week 1 assignment of getting some inspiration by watching AI related films or reading AI-themed fiction, but also Paul Bond’s Ghosts of future past blog post. You had me at … Continue reading AI106, DS106 & GITS – it’s about friendship and love ?
  3. natalie

    The Weekend: Love, Ambition & the Lisbon Dream

    OUT NOW! Listen to Chapter I – JANUARY Lisbon, Portugal — March of 2022 Paige is sitting at her desk in her retro loft apartment, a 19th-century mansion in the trendy Real area. She looks across the room and remembers her early days in Lisbon. Seven years had passed since she’d first set foot on the… Continue reading The Weekend: Love, Ambition & the Lisbon Dream
  4. natalie

    Chapter 4 – April showers

    from my book Magnetic – Again, just a girl! Anna had decided to take Fritz’s offer and had been working with the agency in Germany for a few months now. It was the first week in April when she was waiting for someone to pick her up to join a concert. A legendary Jazz band… Continue reading Chapter 4 – April showers

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