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  1. @KellyPratt27125

    Final Summary

    My final story is the Studio Ghibli Lawsuit! I chose this route because I am a huge Studio Ghibli fan. I’ve seen every single movie multiple times and Spirited Away is my favorite! I was married in 2001, when this movie first came out. My son was born in 2003. Many late nights, when my […]
  2. @KellyPratt27125

    Visual Assignment Pt. 4: Summary

    This week, I completed several assignments. For a quick reference, see the links below. Visual Assignment Part 1: Reflection Visual Assignment Part 2: Photo Safari Visual Assignment Part 3A: Five Frame Story Visual Assignment Part 3B: Your Favorite Photo Visual Assignment Part 3C: Mixing 2 Worlds Visual Assignment Part 3D: Draw It Visual Assignment Part […]

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