1. @katie_melhuish


    Once again, I’m amazed. From photography to audio to now design, I knew there was a lot of thought put into a work of art, but I’m again amazed to see just how much is being done. When I started reading Canon I was baffled out the fact that design even has an outline.. Semantic, […]
  2. @_evanmay_

    Design Concepts in Four Cans of Soda

    This week we had to do a DesignBlitz. I was sick for the first half of the week and couldn’t really look around for things exhibiting good design concepts until the week was almost over. I’m visiting my dad this weekend, and have been trying to figure out some good...
  3. @katie_melhuish

    Tattoos 4Life

    I know what you may be thinking, trees that are black and white? Did this girl even try? I’ll be the first to admit that this process was very simple. I found my tree and I made it black and white. However, this has a much deeper meaning to me. Without going into extensive I-expose-everything-about-me detail, […]
  4. @bsorense

    Weekly Summary

    This week was a challenging one for me…. Learning GIMP was much harder than anticipated. I thought it was going to be like audacity where I could pick it up quick. Yup not the case. So here is what I have for the week: Daily Creates   Design Blitz Show Your Work! Design Reflections Assignments: … Continue reading "Weekly Summary"
  5. @katie_melhuish

    Customize A Pair Of Shoes

    Well hot diggity dog… I don’t know about you but I’d buy these shoes in an instant. I definitely turned a whole lot of nothing into a whole lot of something. My inspiration to these custom shoes is a combination between the Disney movies I just watched, and Miley Cyrus. I went online to find […]
  6. @katie_melhuish

    Make A Maze

    One thing about me is that I LOVE mazes and puzzles. So this assignment was perfect! I didn’t want a plain old maze so I spiced it up be adding (and embarrassing) one of my close friends! So complete the maze to help Sydney get to the pizza! To make this maze I went online […]
  7. @El1tb1z

    Weekly Summery

    This week was the first week That I was able to get mostly everything done. It’s been a busy week, I am starting to find this class fun and challenging at the same time. I was also able to gain some insight and understanding that I have never thought about before. After reading http://www.vignelli.com/canon.pdf, I have … Continue reading Weekly Summery
  8. @_evanmay_

    Design Thoughts

    This article’s supposed to be design thoughts, but it seems like about 3/4 of the material was about typography, so most of the response will be about that. The Vignelli Canon was interesting as a view into the thoughts and design practices of an important designer. One particularly interesting point...
  9. @katie_melhuish

    Missing Person

    For this assignment I had to make a missing person’s poster. I was going to keep the theme of Harambe going but seeing that he’s dead and not missing, that might’ve been a little too ridiculous. Thus my replacement was Kayne West. To make this glorious poster, I took a missing person poster off of […]
  10. @Lord_knows5

    “DS106, The Movie”

    For this assignment I chose to take the Scream movie poster. I changed the appearance of by relating the theme to DS106. It’s sort of like the DS106 propaganda poster, but really a movie!    
  11. @katie_melhuish

    Daily Create 9/29

    @ds106dc #td1726 other than the car in the picture clearly being new, this pic looks so old! Tbt to hailing a cab for the first time in NYC pic.twitter.com/nZeKmuSwCs — Katie Melhuish (@katie_melhuish) September 29, 2016   @ds106dc #td1726 I had to do another one because look how handsome he looks!! ( @phb256 how did […]
  12. @El1tb1z

    Favorite Movie

    I had fun with this assignment as well today, and I am finding it a little easier each time to do these assignments. Plus who doesn’t like the old school Arnold movies right? I found the perfect GIF to use for this assignment, and it even has a little bit of humor to it.
  13. @katie_melhuish

    Daily Create 9/30

    @ds106dc #tdc1727 #OldBooksIDareNotPartWith I loved nancy drew as a kid.. especially the book my mom read (and signed) when she was young pic.twitter.com/1SJqBVwX3x — Katie Melhuish (@katie_melhuish) October 1, 2016
  14. @El1tb1z

    Creating my Brand

    I had fun today creating my brand, and found some very useful websites in doing so. I picked this assignment because I thought it would be awesome to create one. It wasn’t that difficult, and had several options to choose from. It has been a learning experience every time I get on here.  
  15. @emillaaaaaaay

    Weekly Summary

    This was a fun week in the digital storytelling world!! I got off to a good start this week and really enjoyed each of the assignments that I did. I hit a little bit of a road block when I was trying to post some of my assignments to my blog. It wouldn’t let me […]
  16. @emillaaaaaaay

    Show Your Work

    This reading from Austin Kleon’s book talked about looking at the outcome of a project. Artists tend to look at only the finished product but not the process. The final outcome isn’t what makes it art. but it’s the hours and hours of time that goes int making it into that finished product. I thought […]
  17. @rinko_anna

    Week 5 Summary

    This week was a fun foray into the intricacies and intent behind design.  We began by reflecting on various resources and examples that emphasized the importance of meaning, emotion, and memory when beginning the design process.  We then moved on to exploring design for ourselves.  Since I don’t have a great deal of experience with […]
  18. @_evanmay_

    Show Your Work 2.0

    After responding to the article about Show Your Work around a month ago, I now have to respond to chapters 2 and 3 of the actual book. I think I’ll talk a bit about each chapter separately, then discuss my thoughts about the book itself. 2) Think process, not product As I...
  19. @rinko_anna


    They symbolism of the Wonder Woman system is what makes it iconic.  The clear W shape naturally evokes her name, while the winged ends remind viewers of an eagle, thus closely tying her to American nationalism and her status as a diplomatic envoy to the US. The typography used to depict the name Xena is […]
  20. @kristinoconnn

    Weekly Summary

    This week was alright for me. It would have been more fun, but I have been dealing with my flooded basement so I put off a lot of work until today, which was stressful. Here is everything I did this week: Thinking about design Design Blitz Show Your Work 2.0 Daily Creates: @ds106dc #tdc1727 #ds106 … Continue reading Weekly Summary

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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