1. kenny13

    How to reverse an audio file

    This tutorial is being created for an assignment where you needed to reverse the audio of a song and have people guess it.  However this tutorial can be used for reversing any audio file that you want.  For this tutorial I will be using the Audacity audio editing program along with the LAME library to […]
  2. kenny13

    How to create a time lapse video

    Sorry no catchy title this time around, but I will tell you how to create a time lapse video.  It is fairly simple, but the skills you learn in this tutorial can be used for any of your videos.  First off there are two ways of doing a time lapse video.  The first method, which […]
  3. christinerubel

    Visual Writing for Week 5

    Swarley the Dinosaur has been feeling down lately without the comfort of his parents. He hopes to find them soon, but in the meantime, he wrote this Haiku poem expressing how he has been feeling and what he has been going through during the search for ...
  4. christinerubel

    Visual Design for Week 5

    For my character Swarley the Dinosaur, I have compiled a collage of his family photos for my Visual Design. Swarley the Dinosaur needs this collage to help find his family. He got lost and now he is on an adventure to find them! Using a collage maker online called BeFunky, I was able to put […]
  5. christinerubel

    Creating your Own Digital Assignment

    I chose to do a Writing Assignment! I called it “A Haiku Poem About A Haiku Poem” and deemed it four stars. My description of for the assignment is: “For this Writing Assignment, you’re asked to write a haiku poem about haiku poems. You can write about what people normally write in a haiku poem, how a haiku poem […]
  6. ahollyer

    New Assignment #2

    Here is the link to the second assignment I created, there are two of them under the same name because the first one I created the URL was not linked back to the example in Flickr. Sports Poster Assignment
  7. ahollyer

    Final Project

    Once upon a time, there was a professional football player named Robert Griffin III, he was a super star in college, winning the Heisman Trophy, which is the highest honor for a single player in college football. He was the … Continue reading
  8. tsfairbank

    Tutorial #2: Highlight Reel

    Tutorial #2: Highlight Reel Description of Assignment: “Create an animated GIF of a sports moment to be played over and over again. It doesn’t matter what sport, but make sure its a cool moment in that sport, which would belong on a highlight reel.” My Completed Assignment: Greatest Catch Ever Step 1: First you have to find a […]
  9. christinerubel

    Daily Create

    “The what-if machine prompts! Use the what-if machine to write a DS106 world story.” I went to the website and formed the following “what-if” sentence for Disney! It was fun and very easy to create. What if there was a little frog who couldn't find the lily pad? #ds106 #dailycreate #thewhatifmachine — Christine Rubel (@ChristineRubel) […]
  10. christinerubel

    Week 4 Summery

    This week wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had a lot of fun will my assignments. My favorite assignments this week were probably watching the cinematic technique videos and creating my own tutorial. The cinematic technique videos weren’t what I was expecting. I was expecting some old guy talking […]
  11. christinerubel

    Creating your Own Digital Assignment

    Create Your Own Logo! For my digital assignment, I chose the category of Design Assignment. My assignment is to create your very own logo. You can make up your own unique item and make a logo for it or use an existing item and recreate the logo! Have fun with it, make it colorful if […]
  12. christinerubel

    Video Assignments: Sweet Message

    “Create a video for someone special in your life and add music to it. Use YouTube or any of the video sites to upload it. First, video tape yourself saying a message about the person your talking about. Let your feeling out, tell them how you feel about them or that your happy about being […]
  13. christinerubel

    Video Assignments: Signing Words

    “This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled. Make sure you do a word that is bigger then 5 letters so you can learn some of the letters.” I am […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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