1. usman2448

    How I created the advertisements

    For the above image, i used poster my wall site to create the advertisement flyer. The flyer was pre made; however, i made some modifications to the flyer to meet the need of my company. I selected the grass for the background, and i added text on top of the flyer using...
  2. usman2448

    Fifth Week Final Project

    I always wanted to establish a successful company, and after taking the last four week of ds106, I have enough skills to actually advertise my own business, and save some of the starting cost. Advertisement is very essential to the success of a new business; therefore i used different type...
  3. christinerubel

    Look, Listen, Analyze: Pirates of the Caribbean

    “You will now analyze the clip by watching it three times, in different ways.” I chose the scene called Escape (4th scene) by the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Analyze the camera work. “Before watching the first time, turn the volume on the clip (or on your computer) all the way down. Take notes […]
  4. christinerubel

    Cinematic Techniques: Summarize three videos

    Stanley Kubrick // One-Point Perspective: Kubrick’s short video is all about having a center focus. It has a lot to do with symmetry in a film shot. This symmetry draws the viewer’s eyes to the center and main focus of the picture. This video had music, no sound, and very short clips from (what looks like) scary […]
  5. christinerubel

    Reading Movies!

    “You have likely watched plenty of movies, but when we say “reading” movies, we mean looking at them with a keener eye for the cinematic elements that make them successful (or not). This is not about reviews of “good” or “bad” movies, but how well they convey the story to all our senses, how well […]
  6. tsfairbank

    Week 4 Summary

    Week 4 Summary: I feel this week went by pretty quick and that I completed all the assignments very well. The only thing that gave me trouble was on my second video assignment about making highlights of your favorite actor/actress. The requirements for time seemed to be not enough for what I wanted to do […]
  7. tsfairbank

    Tutorial #1: Celebrating Too Early (2 Stars)

    Tutorial #1: Celebrating Too Early (2 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Make a GIF when someone celebrates too early. You can use Make A GIF or any software to help you trim the video that you find into a five second or less GIF. Make sure you embed your GIF into your blog post.” My Completed Assignment: Nick Young Hits The Three… […]
  8. ahollyer

    Weekly Summary #4

    Reading Movies Look, Listen, Analyze Video Assignment #1 Video Assignment #2 Tutorial #2 Assignment Creation #1 Daily Create #1 Daily Create #2 Daily Create #3 Usman Owns Comment Amanda’s Locale Comment The Insider Comment Court’s View Comment Weekly Summary Reflection: … Continue reading
  9. kenny13

    Week 5 Weekly Summary

      Week 3 Daily Creates: http://www.jameskcampbell.com/hey_whats_that/daily-create-7142015/ http://www.jameskcampbell.com/hey_whats_that/daily-create-7162015/ Week 3 Assignments: http://www.jameskcampbell.com/hey_whats_that/hey-i-think-those-cars-n...
  10. kenny1352

    Daily Create 7/19/2015

    Wonky movie poster, for an artist of my skill … oh wait I have to draw it, well that changes things a bit.  Well for this daily create we had to draw a wonky movie poster, and because Star Wars Episode 2 was on my bookshelf near my desk that is what I did.  Now […]
  11. tsfairbank

    Reading Movies

    After reading Roger Ebert’s article, “How to Read a Movie” I started mentally analyzing any movie I had ever watched, wondering if the rules he found from his extensive experience really held true. And it did! I had never analyzed a movie in the manner Ebert describes, but as I imagined my favorite scenes from […]
  12. jappolack

    Week 5: Never Early Enough

    Everything for the final week is due July 23, 2015 The University of Mary Washington’s Digital Knowledge Center provides peer tutoring to all University students on digital projects and assignments. Students can schedule 50 minute, one-one-one tutorials with a trained peer tutor on any DS106 related projects.  Click Here to set up an appointment. As a final project […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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