1. tsfairbank

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    Look, Listen, Analyze Analyze the camera work: The camera in this scene switches to three different views. One, of the broadcasters which seems to be the main focus of the scene. Two, the workers who are working behind the scenes like the camera guy, the sound people, and the director. Three, a person who seems […]
  2. tsfairbank

    Steve Carell Funny Moments

    Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel (3 Stars) Description of Video Assignment: “Create a 30 to 60 second highlight reel of your most enjoyable movie scenes from your favorite Actor/Actress.” The Story Steve Carell has always been one of my favorite actors. He plays the boss of my favorite TV show The Office. He plays the perfect […]
  3. tsfairbank

    Blake Griffin Highlights

    Highlight Reels (5 Stars) Description of Video Assignment: “Channel your inner ESPN and clip together highlights of your favorite athlete, set it to some music, and add an intro.” The Story Blake Griffin is one of my favorite NBA players. He plays for the Los Angeles Clippers but I first became a fan of his […]
  4. stephysteffi

    Tutorial- Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel

    -How to Create a Highlight Reel- Try this project yourself, following the project link: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/favorite-actoractress-highlight-reel/ STEP 1: Go to YouTube and view, then download (using YouTube converter) some of your favorite movies/clips of your chosen actor/actress. You can find stuff to view by simply typing the name of your actor/actress into the search box and clicking … Continue reading Tutorial- Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel
  5. stephysteffi

    Favorite Actor – Will Ferrell – Highlight Reel

    This project is as well from the  ds106 video assignments bank, it’s worth three stars. The assignment instructs us to create a 30 to 60 second highlight reel of your most enjoyable movie scenes from your favorite Actor/Actress. Try this project yourself, following the project link: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/favorite-actoractress-highlight-reel/ -Will Ferrell- I chose Will Ferrell as my favorite actor. … Continue reading Favorite Actor – Will Ferrell – Highlight Reel
  6. stephysteffi

    Barry Sanders Highlight Reel

    For this week part of our class assignment was to  complete two ds106 video assignments from the assignment bank. For my first assignment, worth five stars, I chose to create a highlight real. Project link: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/highlight-reels/ The instructions for this project requests that the creator, “Channel your inner ESPN and clip together highlights of your favorite athlete, … Continue reading Barry Sanders Highlight Reel
  7. kenny1352

    Marvel is the Last One Standing

    If you are confused about what my title is suppose to mean for this assignment I’ll explain it for you.  For this assignment we had to pick a theme, create a compilation video about that theme, and then put it to some music.  I think you can guess why I made my title what it […]
  8. kenny13

    Hey, I think those cars need to slow down!

    Like this assignment but it did prove difficult even though the idea seemed simple enough.  For this assignment I had to create a video that showed the change in time throughout the day at a single location.  Simple right, it was until I realized that I don’t stay at a single location throughout my day […]
  9. kenny1352

    Roger Ebert, you make an interesting point.

    Roger Ebert’s article, which can be found below, does make an interesting point.  I normally only watch movies for their entertainment values, but if I were to watch one so that I can analyze it then I think the method he describe would be quite useful.  He suggests that when you are analyzing a movie […]
  10. usman2448

    Fourth Week Summary

    This is the fourth week summary. I have to admit that this was another good week learning great stuff. During this week i learned many new aspects of video story telling. Everyday, I watched many videos; however, before taking this class, i never noticed the techniques that many of the...
  11. christinerubel

    Daily Create: hyperbolic tilings

    “How awesome is this? Make your own and show us!” Today we are asked to make a hyperbolic tiling photo! I looked up examples on google images and I found a lot of different and fascinating photos. I used Paint on my computer and created my very own hyperbolic tiling photo. It was pretty easy and […]
  12. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/16/2015

    For this daily create we had to take an image and using thing hyperbolic tiling generator create our own.  I decide to that some abstract art and see what it would look like.  I think my experiment came out quite well if I do say so myself.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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