1. tsfairbank


    Week 4 Daily Create 1 (7/15) Meh, Cisgender, Jeggings and other words: The Daily Create 1284 (7/15) Twitter Tweet Photobomber The photobomber was actually carnapping our neighbors car. He was dressed kind of fratty. The neighbor called the cops and they arrested the guy the next day at a local store trying to steal a Blu-Ray […]
  2. usman2448

    The Complete Package

    “Pick a television series that is already over and make a trailer for the series using various clips of the show that is a minimum of 2 minutes in length”. For the above assignment, I made a trailer for Movie 300. In my opinion, Zack Snyder done a fantastic job...
  3. christinerubel

    Daily Create: Magical Light

    “Take a photo that shows us magical light.” I took this photo one night when I drove home. The light is coming from a sidewalk lamp and it just rained (that’s why there’s rain drops on my windshield). I thought this picture was so entreating and magical! Enjoy!  
  4. stephysteffi

    Magical Lights

    For today’s Daily Create assignment we were instructed to take a photo that shows “magical light”. Link to assignment: http://tdc.ds106.us/ I believe there is a vast difference in interpretation of what is “magical”. What is majestic to one person can be viewed differently by another. The photo below I took about a week and half … Continue reading Magical Lights
  5. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/14/2015

    Magical light, I think what type of light is considered magical is different for each person.  If you haven’t guessed this daily create was to take a picture that showed a magical light.  I don’t think mine is as magical as some, but who knows maybe someone else will think that this photo is completely […]
  6. usman2448

    Compilation Video

    “Pick a theme and download multiple videos from Youtube that fit the theme. Cut them up and create a compilation video by putting the clips to music. ” For the above assignment, i made a compilation of Optimus Prime Return. I downloaded the actual video from youtube. I always been...
  7. christinerubel

    Daily Create: Make a support poster!

    “Our friends at the Public Domain Review need support. You may or may not be able to become a friend, but we can make awesome poster here in DS106. Make a poster from their images asking people to support the project!” I looked on Public Domain Review’s website and found an article called The Serious […]
  8. usman2448

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    For this assignment, I watched the movie scene from Gladiator where Maximus kills Commodus. As the assignment asked, i watched the scene three different ways look, listen, analyze. Following is the observation i gathered while i mute the sound and watched the scene: Scene started with a low angle looking above....
  9. usman2448

    How to read a movie reflection

    For the read movie assignment, i read an article “How to read movie” by Roger Ebert. In my experience, it is always go to read what expert has to say before stepping into a new territory. Even though i watch movies all the time,  I never tried to make or analyzed any...
  10. christinerubel

    Weekly Summery 3

    During Week 3, we learned about sound, radio, and music. The assignment that I struggled with this week the most would have to be trying to figure out Audacity on my computer. I am not good with technology so this class has really been kicking my butt and making me work very hard. I always […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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