1. cherishamari

    Week five or lack there of

    This week is definitely the worst to date. It is safe to say even the strongest people have breaking points. I a 20 year old junior in college working 45 hours a week on top of having a full time course load of classes. In the beginning of the semester I told myself I don’t […]
  2. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary

      Showcase The Daily Creates: Abbey Road Juxtapose and new Pirates Tale Assignments: The effects of audio storytelling “Last Laugh” The Bumper Audio Assignments: Story without voices Favorite Song Make it Slower Thoughts and Ideas: Radio Brainstorm      
  3. adyke

    Week 5 Summary

    This week was all about telling stories using audio. I researched audio techniques and I wrote about my thoughts on audio storytelling. This week instead of using audacity I used Garage Band because I am decently experienced with it. Using garage band I created 5 different weekly assignments: one about misheard lyrics, one speaking spams … Continue reading Week 5 Summary
  4. headreaper


    So I brainstormed. These are the ideas I have for the radio collab to come in the future: I’m not sure if this was listed somewhere as a requirement but we should all be in our host personas during the broadcast. I feel like it would be fun for each host in the broadcast to … Continue reading (-iDeas-)
  5. headreaper

    The Last Giggle

    I read “The Last Laugh” and chose to think of sound effects for the first page. It gave me such a classic detective vibe even though he was being looked at medically. I would probably have some sort of smooth sleuthy music in the background and have the creaks in the scene overly pronounced to … Continue reading The Last Giggle
  6. gabatron15

    DS106Radio Brainstorm

    I thought for a while about what I would do when it comes to doing a Radio Show. I think I would start out and have us narrate a scary story using our host characters and that we could try having them introducing it and then getting into character. Maybe only one host character does […]
  7. gabatron15

    Favorite Song

    This was an Audio Assignment and it was worth 2 and a half stars. For this assignment I had to take one of my favorite songs and have the instrumental play without lyrics for 30 seconds and hopefully someone will figure out what it is! Post in the comments below to give your guesses and […]
  8. gabatron15

    Make it Slower

    This is an Audio Assignment and it was worth 4 stars. The task for this audio assignment was to slow down a song that you enjoy by 800%. I chose to do Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA. I have been on this ABBA binge for the past month so I thought it […]
  9. headreaper


    Hello~ Red Reaper here~ Yes, Yes*, I know you wanted to hear a little of my life. Unfortunately~ I was away on a business trip* and I can’t have you knowing my business~. *Instead I have arranged a glimpse into my cat’s business. Enjoyyy~ *
  10. gabatron15

    Pirates Tale

    https://t.co/PV5uL2Mafr. Yo HO it's a pirates life for me @ds106dc #tdc1356 — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) September 25, 2015   For the Daily Create I had to learn Pirate lingo and tell a story via audio and record it. To say the least it was the most interesting task of the week. I think by the […]
  11. kmgeckle

    Afraid of the Audio

    Annndddd week 5 has come to an end! I’m SO thankful it’s finally done. I’ve come to learn that I’m really not a fan of this whole recording myself business. I’m generally a pretty shy person until you get to...
  12. headreaper

    ~*You ArG A Pirate*~

    For today’s daily create (9/25/15) we were told to make an audio clip of us talking like a pirate in honor of “Talk Like a Pirate Day” on the 19th. I thought that singing about the pirate life would be fun because I like to sing and that song is so catchy!
  13. kmgeckle

    Radio Bumper

    I was pretty nervous when I saw this assignment, I didn’t really think I’d come up with anything all that great. But I pushed myself, and I did it! I mean, no radio bumper is thaaattt spectacular, right? Because I...
  14. gabatron15

    Bumper for ds106

    This is an Audio Assignment where we had to create a bumper which is the in between segments to remind people what they are listening to. I chose to have an interesting haunting background that was suspenseful since that is the theme of the stories I listened to on the radio this week. I went […]
  15. adyke

    Ds106 Radio Bumper

    I created a bumper for Ds106 Radio in this assignment thanks to the help from my roommates girlfriend and garageband. I felt the organ sound mixed with a good radio voice is a classic bumper and then to make the bumper spooky I ended off the bumper wit...
  16. kmgeckle

    Reflecting on the Audio

    Whenever I watch a movie, specifically a suspenseful one, I always look forward to the audio/soundtrack. I have always felt that the backtrack of a movie is the most important part. Have you ever watched a really important scene in...
  17. scottc1094

    Week 5 Summary

    This week was all about audio, which was interesting and a bit challenging for me as I have never experimented much with audio creation devices, such as Audacity and SoundCloud. This week I brainstormed some ideas for our future Radio Show, and created a Radio Bumper. I also participated in a live tweet-along of Ds106 radio, which… Read More
  18. scottc1094

    Radio Bumper

    For this assignment, we had to make a short “radio bumper”, which is audio that announces a radio station between songs. To make this bumper, I first created a clip of myself talking about the radio station, and then found a short, creepy sounding audio clip from freesounds.org for an introduction. I also found a beat… Read More
  19. headreaper

    @`Singing With Myself… Again`@

    For this Audio Assignment Bank project called “Row Row Polyphony” worth 2.5 stars, I had to sing a round of Row Row Row Your Boat. It was pretty straightforward. I say again because I sang Adele’s Rolling In The Deep with myself in another post found here!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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