1. tyowell

    Reunited and it feels so good

    So originally I was going to be doing the final project by myself just because it was easier for me that way and I was satisfied doing the work alone. But then Stephanie White (who I worked with for the radio show) messaged me on twitter asking if I would like to be in the … Read More
  2. stephaniebwhite

    Oh word!

    For one of my assignments this week, I chose to do the assignment, A word…a picture…a story, that was submitted by Kierra Morris. The assignment is to, “Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these […]
  3. rlaluman

    When I First Saw Her: Progress

    Earlier this week when I was approached by the House of Noir to be on their new show “Find Yourself A Noir Lover” I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Because of the House of Noir, I realized that I should leave my wife and pursue Serafina in a more serious way. She…
  4. rlaluman

    Practically Famous

    Earlier this week I was approached by four interviewers who wanted to get a little more information about me before my appearance on “Find Yourself a Noir Lover”. The questions ranged from bizarre to extremely person. However, I decided I’d entertain them, after all I will need to be getting used to things like this…
  5. tyowell

    Interview with Me

    I’m a popular man so it’s not surprising that the professors of DS106 wanted to do this interview with me. Unfortunately I am out of town so I was not able to attend but I asked my secretary, Tiffany Yowell, to fill in in my absence. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to attend many weeks … Read More
  6. tyowell

    A selfie with batman and a tree?

    This week we, once again, had to complete 3 daily creates.  The three I chose for this week are as follows… 1. Take a Breakfast Selfie: take a selfie of your breakfast. I did just that. I found some yogurt cups in my fridge, a k-cup on my counter and picked a few eggs from … Read More
  7. stephaniebwhite

    The Final Phase

    I can’t believe we are already starting the final unit of ds106. This semester has been a tough one, but it has flown by just like all the other semesters. I chose to work in a small group for the final until. I chose to work with a couple of amazing gals who I worked […]
  8. amaratel

    Daily Create

    Daily Create – Wednesday For today’s daily create, I used a picture that I took while visiting Germany last summer. This photograph was taken in a forest called Westerwald, right outside of a small village called Weyerbusch. I then edited it, and added a quote that I wrote in my journal a few days ago.
  9. tyowell


    I have created a Public Service Announcement (5 stars) that has to deal with gun rights. If you don’t like guns, I don’t like you. Guns are a big part of my life and I’ve been around ‘em since I was young. I frankly don’t give a shit about your opinion on them because in … Read More
  10. tyowell

    Lawrence Speaking..

    Hello all, This is Lawrence, in case you were wondering. I am in fact NOT dead, I just wanted those little ladies to think I was so they would get off my back. I don’t need any women chasing me around anymore. I have my eyes set on one dame and I don’t think that … Read More
  11. rlaluman

    Most Eligible Bachelor

    House of Noir approach my personal assistant, Miranda Scott, earlier last week about featuring me in their new T.V. show, Find Yourself a Noir Lover. I graciously accepted their offer and had Miranda pencil them in. I’ve been very busy with our recent merger and haven’t had the time to meet with House of Noir. I…
  12. stephaniebwhite

    Week Nine Summary

    This week we started video which honestly scares me more than audio does. As time goes on in s106, I am jumping more and more outside of my comfort zone. I am enjoying it, but it also scares me. The Noir Buzz: After my show aired on ds106 radio on Tuesday night, I was lucky […]
  13. stephaniebwhite

    Surely ya want to know more

    This week I chose to do the assignment, Character Description, that was submitted by Katie Barnes. The assignment is to,”Create a short about a minute thirty to two minute video describing a character.” This assignment is worth 4 points. I chose to do this assignment because at this point I am straight up obsessed with […]
  14. jlawumw

    Weekly Summary

    We wrapped up the radio shows this week and I really enjoyed the ones that I listened to. I also had a great time with my team creating our radio show, “Dead Silence”. It took a lot of effort and […]
  15. jevans5

    Week Nine!

    This week was catapult into video and I loved it, but first we had some things to wrap up from radio week. First I wrote up my final post about House of Noir http://sayheyjanaye.com/radioshow/a-farewell-to-house-of-noir/ It was sad to think that radio collabs was over but this week we also get the chance to collaborate all […]
  16. bburns

    Week Niner

    The first thing I did for week nine was a post reviewing my group’s radio show. You can find that here. I also began work on my group’s video show, which you can learn more about here. You can see the trailer for it below. I also did one daily create. The assignment for it… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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