1. bburns

    Weak 8

    This post concludes my work for week 8. Here’s what I did: 1. Listened-along to the NoirTalk radio show and then reviewed it here. 2. Did three more daily creates. 3. Completed 10 stars of collaborative character assignments. A warning poster, ds106 wallpaper, and the future life of Billy Steel. 4. Created gmail and twitter… Read More
  2. jevans5

    Week 8?!

    This week has been a crazy hectic jump right back into college life! The first thing I completed were my daily creates and my Radio Listen(http://sayheyjanaye.com/radioshow/noirtalk-review/)! Which my charcacter Melbay made an appearance at via twitter @mbinthewind http://sayheyjanaye.com/dailycreate/daily-create-1-spring-break/ My first daily create is a lego drawing to summarize a trip I took back home during […]
  3. bburns

    NoirTALK Review

    For my radio listen this week I listened to NoirTALK. This show was very intriguing but also went over my head at time. The sound effects really drew me in to the show, and the characters were very interesting. Damon in particular was very awkward and secretive. This show has a lot of good things… Read More
  4. jevans5

    Comments with reaction pics!

    http://calabashnebula.com/assignments/watching-from-the-background/ Kim did the ds106 background pic and it actually scared me(in a good way!) http://ds106.christineloehr.org/thoughts-and-ideas/commenting-2/ I liked this because she had the header say “Places Ive been this week” ! Clever without using puns! http://www.mariamk.com/assignments/dont-ask-melody-and-jeff-questions/ This assignment had my character MelBay in it so I had to show some love! http://blogs.jessicareingold.com/ds106/assignments/how-i-procrastinate/ I will let […]
  5. athacker

    Weekly summary- 8

    This week, I was able to get some interesting daily creates in. The first was “Different sides of me”. The second was “Favorite Moment“. The third was “Jim Groom was kidnapped…” I was able to listen in on Thursday to the radio shows. Noir not the father was really good. Noirtalk was good too. I found … Continue reading Weekly summary- 8
  6. bgoulet

    Inspired – Legend of Groom

    http://www.dshargis106.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/IamGroom.jpg Sharla’s Post inspired me through the sheer humor and entertainment that I have received in looking at this image of Groom. Although the Groom’s face could have been edited a little bit more carefully, I believe the idea itself is what makes the image so awesome. Never in a million years would I have ever … Continue reading Inspired – Legend of Groom
  7. philipdorch

    Daily Create!

    One of my daily creates this week was to draw an abstract image of something you really enjoyed over the last week. Well I thought back to it and decided that I had truly enjoyed listening to some new music I had found and decided to draw this moment in the most abstract way I … Continue reading Daily Create!
  8. philipdorch

    Daily Creates!

    One of my daily creates this week was to create a “how to” image. I chose to create a short little how to draw a geometric image that I enjoy drawing and expanding off of from time to time.
  9. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 8

    This week was a little hectic just because it was the first week after spring break and adjusting to being a college student again can be a little difficult. I did not give myself enough time this week to balance out all my work. I unfortunately missed the many chances I was given to live […]
  10. amaratel

    Weekly Summary

    This week I gained a higher understanding of what it means to be inspired by another’s work and incorporating it into your own work. Commenting on other people’s posts this week about how inspiring their reflection showed me how encouraging it is to relate to other people. This week I tweeted from my character’s twitter and … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  11. jevans5

    You’re Invited!

    3 and a half stars http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/youre-invited/ For this assignment, Melody Bay, from the influence of her father agreed to hold a showcase for the town of her recent summer paintings. She does not plan on attending the event but she is sending the invites to the guys from her radio show House of Noir(Jeff and […]
  12. bburns

    The Future Life of Billy Steel

    The last assignment I did this week was called “Tell Us About Your Future Life” for 3 stars. The instructions can be found here. For this assignment I actually told the story of the future life of my character, Billy Steel. Here’s what you know about Billy already: he was born in 1905 and lives… Read More
  13. amaratel

    Lexy Maratellos 2015-03-15 22:58:59

    makeup your pet – 2 For this assignment, I put makeup on my puppy that my character Claudia would wear. wanted poster – 2.5 For this daily create, I did a wanted poster of my character. In my group’s radio show, she was on trial for her husband’s murder. So this assignment went along perfectly! … Continue reading
  14. stephaniebwhite

    Week Eight Summary

    The Noir Buzz: Fortunately, but unfortunately I have a job so it has been hard to tune-in to all of the radio shows. I would absolutely love to listen to all of them, but with work, I can’t. Luckily, I was able to tune-in to the radio show NOIR not the father on Thursday evening. […]
  15. stephaniebwhite

    The Buzz on NOIR not the father

    Fortunately, but unfortunately I have a job so it has been hard to tune-in to all of the radio shows. I would absolutely love to listen to all of them, but with work, I can’t. Luckily, I was able to tune-in to the radio show NOIR not the father on Thursday evening. I hope that […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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