1. stephaniebwhite

    The Daily Create: Are you up for some emojiination?

    The Daily Create Assignment for Wednesday 2-25-2015 was to Select 5 emojis and use them as a prompt for a unique story. Screenshot your emojis and add link to your story below. If you are on Twitter then you can emojinate in one click! I used the emojinate website to create an emoji story. The website randomly selected emojis […]
  2. tyowell

    GIBBS – The Movie

    The third daily create I chose for the week was to edit/ create an action movie poster using only teal blue and orange hues.  I thought this sounded cool, which is why I chose to participate.  First I looked up action movie posters and I was shocked to see how many of them actually already … Read More
  3. briannarosem

    Bad Blood

    For today’s daily create we had to make a video of things that scare us. Song: Well, Bad Blood by Taylor Swift, I feel like it works perfectly because I truly have “bad blood” with these things. Snakes: I have the biggest fear of snakes and them just showing up somewhere, even though I’ve never … Continue reading Bad Blood
  4. adeacons


      So the Daily Create was to take an image and make it teal and orange for an action shot. I made this dog a super hero because it made  sense with the action scene. And the way he’s holding the dog.
  5. rlaluman

    Let Spring Break Begin

    Upon the completion of this post, Spring Break can finally begin! I could not be more ready for it. This week my group finished up our radio show, House of Noir. This was the best group project experience out of my four years at Mary Wash. I had a lot of reservations about having a…
  6. rlaluman

    Sometimes I Can Be Opinionated

    My comments: http://thedarktimes.chelseairizarry.org/daily-creates/getting-creative-on-week-7/#comment-89 http://calabashnebula.com/dailycreate/weasels-emojis-and-space/#comment-169 http://kelsroach.com/the-daily-creates/photography-writing-and-video-o...
  7. adeacons


      The Daily Create was to take a picture of your foot on something. I thought immediately about putting my foot on someones head. It reminded me of someone conquering their foe, which is funny because I’m like 5”2′ and weigh 110Ib soaking wet, and the person in this picture is 6”2′ Ibs. So yeah, irony.
  8. adeacons

    Heart Racing…

      Needles absolutely terrify me. I’ve never donated blood, and whenever they need to draw blood for testing, my stomach drops, my heart races, I start seeing stars and black spots and I practically hyperventilate. I’ll be watching, say Dexter for example. I bury My head in my boyfriends shoulder when he’s putting the needle … Continue reading Heart Racing…
  9. rlaluman

    Completing House of Noir

    This week we continued to work on and finish our radio show project. Our group met on Tuesday and Thursday this week to make this happen. On Tuesday (I had food poisoning) we came up with the organization of our show. Throughout the week we all contributed to the googledoc we made and put in…
  10. rlaluman

    Daily Creates Week 7

    February 26: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1145/ The daily create for today was to design a DS106 spaceship. I had so much fun with this. I did a google search for spaceships to get some inspiration. After doing this I got my sketchbook and pencils out and made this. I put a little charcoal on my thumb to make…
  11. adeacons

    More Posts

    http://julaszakovits.com/daily-creates/five-things-that-bring-me-joy/#comment-211 http://delovelyames.com/ds106/daily-create-eternally-choosing-joy/#comment-80  http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/weekly-summaries/radio-is-not-a-dying-art-weekly-summary-week-5/#comment-81 http://www.tylerdaig.com/Blog/assignments/noir-at-night-poster/#comment-82 http://janellegelino.com/assignments/house-of-noir-logo/#comment-367 http://www.dshargis106.com/ds106/whats-my-super-power/#comment-124 http://umwteaching4tomorrow.com/assignments/re-re-re-remix/#comment-126 http://ds106.kendallparker.com/ds106/pros-of-progress/#comment-140 http://lifebysavanna.com/thoughts-and-ideas/week-1-of-the-radio-show/#comment-129 http://www.thejota.com/ds106/progress-is-a-good-thing/#comment-14710 So this week, I focused my comments on people’s radio show’s familiarizing myself with different plots. I found this weeks commenting to be very interesting
  12. cmattes2

    Week 7, See Ya

    My groups completed radio show Here is a link to my week 2 of the radio show’s progress http://cmattes2.com/radio-show/noir-not-the-father-ready-to-air/ My ten comments! http://trysoccer29.com/daily-creates/sunny-sunday/#comment-211 http://rhilaluman.com/senior-project/senior-project-stage-2/#comment-32 http://codingspencer.com/ds106/youre-not-going-to-say-anything/#comment-180 http://www.saharalkhelaifi.com/ds106/emoji/#comment-290 http://mboleis.com/daily-create/were-going-on-a-trip-in-our-favorite-rocket-ship/#comment-217 http://adventuresofm.org/daily-creates/may-the-4life-be-with-you/#comment-120 http://www.saharalkhelaifi.com/ds106/477/#comment-291 http://www.dsnoir106.kassiarivera.com/blog/the-daily-create/daily-create-deep-space-ds106/#comment-141 http://umwlaurenfalkens.com/daily-create/emojinations/#comment-203 http://columnhugger.com/daily-create/daily-create-week-7/#comment-236 My daily creates http://cmattes2.com/daily-create/week-7-daily-creates/ This week was a lot different then most weeks. This is because we got to form groups and make radio … Continue reading Week 7, See Ya
  13. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 7

    This week was a little less hectic in ds106 compared to the last couple of weeks but it was still interesting. We finally finished our radio show; House of Noir. I really enjoyed the working in the group that I was in. We were a fun group but we also knew when it was time […]
  14. mariamk

    Radio Show Progress; House of Noir

    We finished our radio show!!! (yay) Initially it was a little difficult to find a time that worked for everyone to meet in our group so we could discuss our plans for the show but we were finally able to figure everything out and I am very pleased with our final product. We created a […]
  15. mariamk


    Comment 1 I liked the fear trailer daily create because I shared almost all the same fears. Comment 2 I like that this person used the noircat concept in space! Comment 3 I really liked the ideas this person had about their space craft Comment 4 I liked how this daily created looked with all […]
  16. mariamk

    Daily Creates

    I was unfortunately only able to do 2 daily creates this week. I was having some difficulties uploading pictures to my flickr account because my yahoo account was hacked earlier this week. So I am hoping I am able to fix that soon but I changed the hues in this picture of my father. I […]
  17. bburns

    7th Heaven

    This post wraps up my work in ds106 for week seven! The main assignment this week was of course the radio show. My group’s radio show is called “Noir Not The Father” and it is quite a production! It takes the form of a Maury-style talk show and involves the characters of all of my… Read More
  18. bburns

    Noir Not The Father is here!

    After two weeks of hard work, my group’s radio show “Noir Not The Father” is done; courtesy of myself, Cuyler Matteson, Mia Boleis, Kelsey Roach, and Philip Dorch. Last week I explained how we had formed our group, come up with the concept for our show (a Maury style talk show), and outlined what we… Read More
  19. bburns

    The Daily Grind

    This week I completed three daily creates. All of them were photos that I uploaded to Flickr. Let’s take a look! The instructions for the first daily create I did were to imagine that the ds in ds106 stood for “deep space”, and to create what I thought the deep space 106 space station would… Read More
  20. tyowell

    Done with Week 7…I’m in Heaven

    Daily Creates This week we had to complete 3 daily creates.  The first daily create I chose for the week was to write a poem tribute to ice weasels for Grant Potter’s birthday.  I enjoy writing poems so this wasn’t difficult, but here is the result! The second daily create I chose for this week … Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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