1. rlaluman

    Radio Show Part 1

    Our radio show group project got started by me reaching out to a fellow classmate to get a group together. After we got a group of four together we came up with a concept for the show. We decided to make it like an interview talk show with our noir characters. The next step we…
  2. jevans5

    Weekly Summary!

    What a week! Last week was horrible, I spent most of the week convincing myself and my friends that I wasn’t sick, but then ended up in urgent care on Valentines Day with a fever of 100.2 and flu and strep symptoms the nice part was I got some great meds that had me sleeping […]
  3. stephaniebwhite

    Week Six Summary

    Woo! With midterms coming up and spring break just around the corner my mind has been all over the place! Radio Show Progress: Thank goodness we had a bit of snow this week so I had some extra time on my hands to be able to get a quicker start than usual on my digital […]
  4. stephaniebwhite

    Guess the Song!?!

    For one of my assignments this week, I decided to do the assignment, Favorite Song that was submitted by Alicia Almberg. The assignment is to,” Take your favorite song. Remove the lyrics. Play only up to thirty seconds of the song. Listener must be able to guess. ” The assignment is worth 1.5 points. I recorded […]
  5. rlaluman

    House of Noir

      The name of our radio show is “House of Noir”. I have been watching a lot of crime movies lately to get inspiration for the class. This poster was inspired by those. I decided to use the shadow figure with a fedora hat to evoke a classical noir feeling. I did a google search…
  6. bgoulet

    Reverse Audio Quiz

    This Audio Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/reverse-audio-quiz-2/ Can You Guess The Name Of This Song? This assignment had us talk a song and reverse it for others to guess the name of the song. To do this, I just imported the song of my choice into Audacity and used the reverse effect. Any Guesses? Here … Continue reading Reverse Audio Quiz
  7. stephaniebwhite

    Treat Yo Self- DO IT!

    For one of my assignments this week, I decided to do the assignment, Based On 1-Quote-A-Day Project that was submitted by Rimi Morita. The assignment is to, “Read your quote for a day out loud, and record it! Do not forget to give an appropriate feeling to it. Tone of voice could be a helpful […]
  8. jevans5

    My Top Ten Fav Posts this Week!

    Here are some of my favorite posts this week in no particular order! First up is Brian Christiansen with is audio assignment Sounds of Your Day! He uses this assignment to showcase his character Gambino. It sounds awesome and his character’s name is love! http://bchristiansen.com/blog/assignments/sounds-of-gambinos-day/#comment-180 Next up is Chelsea Irizarry’s Radio Show Poster it looks […]
  9. mariamk

    Make Your Own Ringtone

    Make Your Own Ringtone - 1 1/2 Stars For this assignment you had to make your own ringtone using audacity. I used the intro of my three favorite songs Lost, I Lived, and How To Save a Life and cut and pasted them to make my ringtone. I wanted to make sure I did not […]
  10. bgoulet

    Just The Way You Are – A Capella

    This Audio Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/a-capella-with-yourself/ For this assignment I sang a verse from Just The Way You Are in my garage, recording four different times using Audacity. For the first two vocal tracks, I sang using two slightly different tones, one being a little higher than the first. For the next two tracks, I … Continue reading Just The Way You Are – A Capella
  11. jlawumw

    Sound Scape (4.5 Stars)

    You’re welcome music lovers everywhere. An extremely eclectic mix of tracks to create one single track. I was tasked with using only four and have come up with this sweetness. I used GarageBand for the loops and the mixing. I […]
  12. krivera

    Week 5 Summary: More Audio!!!!

    This week was way less stressful than last week. Out of everything we have done so far, the audio has to be the easiest for me. I’ve gotten used to working with Audacity and am learning new things as I go. Having a week of audio before was really helpful in some of the stuff...
  13. jlawumw

    Radio Show Progress

    I was able to find a group this week to conspire with about creating a “noir-inspired” radio show. Chelsea and Abigail were very kind when I reached out to them on twitter for allowing me to pledge to their already […]
  14. jlawumw

    A Working Poster

    Here is a poster for our Small Town, noir-inspired, radio show called Dead Silence. I created this with one of our characters in mind, Shadow. It may be common sometimes for a character in a movie to be represented as […]
  15. mariamk

    Imitate Some Weather

    Imitate Some Weather - 1 1/2 Stars For this assignment you had to imitate the sound of some kind of weather. You could use your voice and things that were within arms reach for you. I chose to do the wind and rain. For the wind sounds I made a couple of long whoosh whoosh […]
  16. krivera


    This week we were asked to comment on at least ten posts. I found some posts to comment on. I really like everyone’s content. It was all well done and it was informative to look at others’ content to improve my own. Here is a list of posts I commented on. http://kkeelee.com/assignment/spooky-sounds/ http://www.phoenixtakesflight.com/marcus-jacksons-retribution/feel-the-pain-sorrow-elation-and-the-tranquility/ http://brendalevoy.com/my-1940s-character/commercial/ http://delovelyames.com/ds106_assignmentbank/delovely-lyrics-and-the-story-of-zachs-life/...
  17. briannarosem


    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/line-remix/ (3 stars) I did this assignment because my favorite movie is Elf and I love the buddy the Elf and everything that he stands for. My favorite holiday is also Christmas and I love love Christmas movies and everything about them. I used the famous quote “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing … Continue reading Re-re-re..REMIX!
  18. tyowell

    Week Six: That Week of Cliques

    Let me just start this post with how I thought I wouldn’t be doing it until Monday morning because Saturday night was a really bad night for me.  I got locked out of my blog three times for 20 minutes because the way I usually log in didn’t work so I had to try another … Read More
  19. krivera

    Tweet Along

    I did the tweet- along for this week on Tuesday. I think the show was called “Mildred” something. I don’t remember the exact name. The story was about a woman dealing with her daughter and her ex- husband while having a shop. It dealt with the lives of Americans and how things can become corrupt...
  20. stephaniebwhite

    Let’s Get This Show on the Radio!

    We are going to have a segment in our radio show Get A Clue! called War of the Roses. I don’t want to give anything away just yet, but it will be awesome! I created a poster for this segment. I put the image that I found on PowerPoint and I added word art. I […]
  21. krivera

    Radio Bumper for Eagles in the Dark

    Out of all the content I could produce, my favorite things to make are audio assignments. I like using my voice to spooky background audio. The first on I did for ds106 radio was a lot of fun so, I thought I would create a quick one for Eagles in the Dark. I used a...
  22. krivera

    Radio Progress- Eagles in the Dark

    At the beginning of the week, I was really nervous about getting a group. I tweet a lot and by Tuesday, I found someone to create a pair with. We got more people and ended up in a group of six. We decided that we would be the Eagles in the Dark and that are...
  23. bburns

    Radio Show Progress

    This week I began work on my radio show with my group. We had our first group meeting on Wednesday, where I met Mia Boleis, Kelsey Roach, and Cuyler Matteson. Mia and Kelsey already had an idea of the type and content of the show that we could do- they were very prepared. We have… Read More
  24. krivera

    Familiar Sounds- Fan

    Here is the Familiar Sounds assignment that is 2 points. I wanted to do another sound that I hear a lot, besides my dog. I did my fan. I always have to sleep with noise on and for it to be relatively cold in my room. So, the fan gives me noise and makes it...
  25. krivera

    Lukas’s First Case

    Here is the Spooky Sounds assignment that is 4 points. For this assignment, I wanted to do something with my character. I chose to make a scene for his first case. I decided to make a introduction to a case. In crime shows, they usually have an intro to the episode were they show how...
  26. stephaniebwhite

    It’s All About the Radio Show

    I am super excited for this radio show! After listening to ds106 radio a couple of times I can’t wait for our show to air and our fellow ds106ers to tell us what they think! I was able to form an amazing radio show group thanks to twitter and communication! We have a group of […]
  27. jsteward

    Noir Downpour: pt. 6

    Although I missed last week due to illness, I was able to get back in the swing of things this week. To my relief, I was assigned a group (NeoNoir!) for the radio show project that has an idea I am really excited about. Using the assigned audio assignments for the week, I was able […]
  28. krivera

    Lukas’s First Chase as a Dectective

    Here is the Sound Effects Story assignment that is 3 1/2 points. I wanted to do the story for my character. I found sounds on freesound.org and edited them in Audacity. It was easy to mix the sound together. The major problem I had was finding sounds to use. There were a lot of different...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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