1. tyowell

    Lawrence’s Theme Song

    For my second audio assignment this week I chose to create Your Theme Song (worth 4 stars).  This is the other assignment that I chose to dedicate to my character (total 6 stars towards character this week).  The assignment included having to create a theme song using instrumentals, sound effects, etc.  It was hard to choose … Read More
  2. tyowell

    Yeah, I Can Rap

    The first audio assignment I chose for the week is DS106 Rap (worth 2 stars).  This will contribute 2 of the 5 stars that I have to dedicate towards my character this week!  I chose this one because it sounded fun and I like to rap so I thought I’d give it a shot! First … Read More
  3. adeacons

    Multi-way Gloves

      My line of Multi-use gloves will guarantee you one less stress in life. Ever have that moment of pure frustration when you realize your glove has been put on the wrong hand? Tired of it feeling off because the padding is backwards? Or worse, the design?! Well my line is custom designed for my … Continue reading Multi-way Gloves
  4. tyowell

    It all started with a Groupie

    It was a cold and snowy night, that night when groups began to form.  Who knew what a stressful night that would be for a young girl who had class in the morning then work right after…only to come home to a twitter feed full of “group” talk.  This young girl was so lost and … Read More
  5. bgoulet

    Word Assignment

    This Design Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/word/   For this assignment, we needed to describe a word by using only a specific font that we felt illustrated the word in its own typography. One font that I am very pleased with is called Bebas. Naturally, it is an all-caps font and comes with a very … Continue reading Word Assignment
  6. bgoulet

    Create Your Own DS106 Wallpaper

    This Design Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-ds106-wallpaper/ Process? I first began this piece by placing a sky picture that I have taken into Photoshop. I then duplicated the layer and then clipped the image into the shape of the DS106 text. The next step involved creating even more duplicates of the last layer and applying … Continue reading Create Your Own DS106 Wallpaper
  7. bgoulet

    Minimalist Poster

    This Design Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/minimalist-tvmovie-poster/ This is a minimalist poster based off of my character dossier, Sterling James. The cross design was taken from my minimalist icon assignment: As this was a minimalist piece, simplicity carried the most impact on this overall design. That being said, I just played around with the space, … Continue reading Minimalist Poster
  8. athacker

    Weekly Summary

    This week flew by. I was able to watch Double Indemnity, but the site kept freezing. The design assignments were fun. I liked doing the one with Professor Grooms face on a movie poster. That post is here. I searched his twitter to find just the right picture for the movie poster. The banner and … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  9. bburns

    High five?

    This post concludes week five of ds106. I fell a bit short this week, and wasn’t able to complete all the assignments in time. Here’s what I did get done: 1. Watched a film. 2. Did daily creates. 3. Did 12+ stars of design assignments. 1, 2, 3, 4.
  10. krivera

    Weekly Summary 5

    This week was really hectic for me. I had a couple of essays to write during the week and a lot of readings in addition to my digital storytelling work this week. I also ended up going out of town for the weekend. I tried to work on everything as early as possible but it...
  11. bburns

    Noir/pulp book cover

    The last assignment I did this week was the noir/pulp book cover. This assignment was worth 3 stars, and its instructions can be found here. For my book cover, I again used my character, Billy “Saw” Steel, as inspiration. This book would detail his story, and how he lives a vigilante lifestyle in the tough… Read More
  12. amaratel


    The spacing used throughout the film reminds me a lot of all the options given to us for the Design Blitz. I think the most important element used in this movie that was discussed is the “Use of Space.” I think that the use of space in this movie was essential to helping build the … Continue reading Films
  13. amaratel

    Vignelli Canon

    I agree to the statement that Vignelli Canon suggests that states that “Creativity needs the support of knowledge to be able to perform at its best.” Creativity cannot run freely but needs a balance of knowledge and the subject to perform. I also believe that graphic design can be on ink and paper as well as in the … Continue reading Vignelli Canon
  14. amaratel

    Weekly Post

    This week was slightly challenging. I was very busy with life and put ds106 on the back burner. But i did learn a lot that I did not know about copyrighting. Also, I took different approaches to taking pictures that I hadn’t done before. Overall, I learned a lot from this week.
  15. jlawumw

    Weekly Synopsis

    Spent this week working longer on the assignments and daily creates than usual with the least to show for it yet. Despite the lack of postage I have working posts […]
  16. krivera


    I think copyright can be very important but in some cases it can be to extreme. My favorite things that was given to look into was the Laws that Choke Creativity TED Talk. I thought it did well at defining the problem with some people´s perceptions of people´s alterations to media. That being said, I...
  17. amaratel

    Assignments (2)

    One story/Four Items- 2.5 This assignment is based on my character Claudia Rose. Her four items are cigarettes, a lace bra, red lipstick, and a purse. Make your own magic cards – 4 stars This magic card shows (in my mind) what i believe that Claudia Rose would look like. Fierce, red lipstick, young, and … Continue reading Assignments (2)
  18. amaratel


    Bumper Sticker – 3.5 Stars For this post I made a bumper sticker to raise awareness for penguins. Although it is sort of a joke, because there aren’t any penguins in Fredericksburg, I still wanted to make it known that I support penguins. Warning – 3 Stars This warning sign is very flashy and makes … Continue reading Assignments
  19. bburns

    Bumper Sticker

    The next assignment I did this week was called Bumper Sticker. It was worth 3.5 stars and the assignment instructions can be found here. The bumper sticker that I made is for my character, Billy “Saw” Steel. Since Saw is a ruthless vigilante of sorts, I decided to use part of Ezekiel 25:17 from the… Read More
  20. krivera

    The Vignelli Canon

    The reading from Massimo Vignelli was a really informative. In his reading the Vignelli Canon, the author discusses elements of design, what to do and what not to do. I really liked the part where he said that research is important. If you are providing something for a client, it is best to know what...
  21. athacker

    Design Blitz

    The design bitz made me really look at my surroundings. For color, I had chosen a wreath that was still up from the holidays. The red stands out from the rest of the plain colors. For typography, I had actually had to do some of that for a class a few years ago. The teacher … Continue reading Design Blitz
  22. krivera

    Typography Poster

    Here is the typography poster assignment that is four points. I wanted to use a lyric from the song Rubik’s Cube by Athlete. I really like the line that I’m using in the poster but I did have a hard time choosing between a couple lines. I chose to use a couple symbols for the...
  23. bburns

    Professor Groom Poster

    The second assignment I did was make a Professor Groom Poster! This assignment was worth 4.5 stars, and the assignment instructions can be found here. For this assignment I was supposed to make a tv show/movie poster featuring Groom’s face. I decided to make Groom the next 007, so I found a picture of Daniel… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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