1. stephaniebwhite

    Think Film

    This week, we could pick between three films to watch. I chose to watch the Coen Brother’s The Big Lebowski (1997). I decided to watch The Big Lebowski because I have heard about it being good, but I have never watched it. To be completely honest, I really did not like the movie. The plot line to […]
  2. stephaniebwhite

    Not-So-Blah Wallpaper

    For one of my week five assignments, I chose to do the assignment, Website Banner that was submitted by Meredith Fierro. The assignment is to, “create your own website banner! This will go on your website like your featured image. Have fun with this and be creative!” This assignment is worth 4 points. I picked […]
  3. amaratel

    Design Blitz

    Typography- This picture os of a typography print that my roommate made. Together, we run a small business called “Written and Redeemed” creating and selling custom typography and calligraphy. Balance- This picture is of me rollerblading through the halls of my dorm. I’m really bad at it. It was hard for me to stay balanced … Continue reading Design Blitz
  4. tyowell

    Blade Runner – Only 4 Years Away

    I chose to watch Blade Runner to look for film design because I thought I’d be interested in it the most out of the 3 choices we were given.  I recorded it on my television using Xfinity On Demand instead of buying it from Amazon because recording it on my TV was free  The only … Read More
  5. cmattes2

    Lebowski Review

    The space in The Big Lebowski has a ghettoish feel. Everywhere the dude went was an ugly broken part of Los Angeles (except for the other Lebowskis house). This helps frame the design of this film by whoever created the design had to focus on this ghettoish type. They gave the dude a crappy car … Continue reading Lebowski Review
  6. briannarosem

    Design BLITZ

    1.Balance: I chose this picture in order to show balance because I took it during the week in one of the times I was walking around campus exploring a little bit this week. It was on the little stage behind Trinkle and it was a nice little area. I think this shows balance because it … Continue reading Design BLITZ
  7. stephaniebwhite

    The Vignelli Canon

    This week, we were assigned to read The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli. It is a design resource that was created by a graphic designer, Massimo Vignelli. I really like how Vignelli encompasses the elements of design and points out important facets of design and how things are portrayed or perceived by a viewer. Anyone can […]
  8. athacker

    Professor Groom Poster- 4.5 stars

    This assignment was kind of fun. The idea is to take a picture of Professor Groom and put him into a movie poster. I used photoshop to  create a different version of the Maleficent poster with Professor Groom in it. Here is the link.  
  9. hungrymax

    Fair Use


    So we learned about some copyright law, its history, and as it stands today. I found it interesting that “fair use” isn’t a right per se, just a “legally defensible position” and that there aren’t really any rules. If you want to use a piece of media, there’s no sure way to protect against a lawsuit besides paying for the… Read more →

  10. hungrymax

    Vignelli Canon


    Well, it was interesting. There was a lot of…I guess thoeretical?….talk at the beginning. Conceptual. Like nothing that you can turn around and DO something with, which was kind of annoying. Hostly after the first few paragraphs I just skimmed. It was all so abstract it got sort of annoying, like a little pretentious, you know? but I mean I… Read more →

  11. hungrymax

    Create Your Own Magic Cards


    four stars: So I am a huge fan of Magic: The Gathering. I have many cards and still play regularly, as do many of my friends. So I was super psyched to see that there was an assignment where we get to create our own. I made four cards, all creatures. The first is Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro. I… Read more →

  12. briannarosem

    DS106 Wallpaper

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-ds106-wallpaper/ (4 Stars) I chose to do the wallpaper because I felt as though it would help me be a little more creative and try to explore with things like photoshop and other photo editing tools. DS106 is themed base off the idea of noir, which is that dark, crime filled idea of things, a darker … Continue reading DS106 Wallpaper
  13. krivera

    Pop Culture Gifs

    For this week, we could complete two gif assignments in place of our design assignments. This is the pop culture assignment that is two points. Development: I have had previous experience making gifs. I took the Intro to Digital Storytelling class that had module were students had to create certain digital content on different media....
  14. jsteward

    The Capitalization of Art

    Spending significant time educating myself about copyright and fair use has made me feel powerful. Knowledge is my armor of choice. While I am grateful to finally understand the issue, it has definitely made the world a less innocent place to me. It makes me a bit ashamed to live in a world where art […]
  15. jsteward

    Design Idealism in The Vignelli Canon

    ‘The Vignelli Canon‘ by Massimo Vignelli is a truly useful read. I am particularly fond of the organization of the booklet: First, there is ‘Part 1′, which describes the pillars and idealism behind Design. This section outlines goals that design must reach- such as simplicity and elegance. It touches on the fact that design has […]
  16. tyowell

    I’m Blitzing

    So it was a bit difficult for me to get this design blitz going but now that I have, I’m looking for the elements of design everywhere. 1. Proportion This is a poster hanging in Combs Hall advertising the UMW play The Drunken City.  When I first saw this poster I immediately thought it would … Read More
  17. jsteward

    A Close Eye on Double Indemity

    For this week’s “Watch some films” assignment, the choices were between Double Indemnity, The Big Lebowski, and Blade Runner. I have already seen Lebowski and Blade Runner, and am actually meant to be studying Double Indemnity right now for my film class. That paired with my fondness for Billy Wilder made it easy: I would […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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