1. rlaluman

    Whistle to Me

    For my first audio assignment this week I chose to do the “Can’t Get It Out Of My Head” assignment worth two points. Everyone has experienced not being able to get a song out of their head. The one I chose to whistle is especially catchy and has been stuck in my head for at…
  2. tyowell

    Touch of EVIL

    After watching the two clips from the same movie “Touch of Evil” I am really surprised to see what different music and sound effects can do to the same scene.  The first clip is more laid back and seems to have a more happy feel to it even though you know something bad is going … Read More
  3. rlaluman

    Audio Storytelling- A Musical

    Sound is a huge contributing factor in setting the mood in film, theatre, and in radio shows. Sound is crucial. It can make or break a moment. Think back to the time where movies relied on music and sound effects to tell the story because the actors were silent. Without sound, these stories would never…
  4. tyowell

    Live Tweets = Mad Followers

    See what I did with the title?  It could mean live tweets = angered followers OR it could mean live tweets = a lot more followers.  These were both true in my case.  My best friend follows my ds106 twitter and was quite confused and annoyed by my constant tweeting while listening to ds106 radio … Read More
  5. jlawumw

    Cute & Confused

    Today’s Daily Create was to add a caption to suggest what this little guy/gal was thinking. I tried to make sure she remained cute but threw some confusion in there. […]
  6. tyowell

    8 stars, oh my!

    So since I only did 2 other audio assignments to total 8 stars besides the required one, I just decided I was going to post all of the assignments in one post! The first one (the required one, 3.5 stars) I already blogged about and put it in a separate post because it has to … Read More
  7. krivera

    Daily Create- I’m Sorry

    This a picture of my pug, Otis. At some point either last winter break or last summer, Otis got into mine or my mother’s chocolate and proceeded to throw it up all over our white carpet. Someone had chocolate in a high place but it ended up falling from that place. Needless to say, we...
  8. jevans5

    Coming out and How it Ends

    Remix a Song with some Speech(4 stars) http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/remix-a-song-with-some-speech/ I combined the ted talk called Coming out of your closet by Ash Beckham and the song How it Ends by Devotcha
  9. tyowell

    90 Seconds with Lawrence Spitler

    The Sound Effect Story (worth 3.5 stars), is one that had to be connected with the character that we made a few weeks ago.  Mine is Lawrence Spitler and here is 90 seconds in his shoes… If you couldn’t tell by the sound effects, this is a 90 second story of Lawrence after a “hit” (since … Read More
  10. jlawumw

    im sry mom

    For this daily create I chose to do something a little funny. At least I hope it came out that way. The theme was to create a drawing of something […]
  11. briannarosem

    Cheer Is The Theme Of My Life…Seriously.

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/your-theme-song/ (4 stars) I have garage band on my phone and was messing around with some cheer girls in order to make music for upcoming events in the season, this is truly my theme song. Not only do songs like “Give Your Heart A Break” and “Titanium” describe my life perfectly, but the fact that this … Continue reading Cheer Is The Theme Of My Life…Seriously.
  12. tyowell

    Finally, a bumper!

    Here is my radio bumper!  After hours of trying to figure out how to use and play with Audacity I created this!  The background music is Jorge Quintero’s 300 Violin Orchestra which I thought fit noir pretty well because it builds up and creates a suspenseful mood. I was able to record my own voice … Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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