1. mariamk

    Character Resume

    Character Resume-3pts For this assignment I had to make a resume for myself to showcase what I had done with my life so far. I am not sure exactly if I enjoyed this assignment I think on paper it’s hard to show all your experiences and what you have learned from them. I still want […]
  2. mariamk


    This week were asked to complete 2 daily creates! I wrote a poem about meeting a stranger. you look like someone I’d want to know. you’re captivating and my eyes won’t let you go. maybe I knew you before, in an alternative universe. its possible we were friends, at some point in time. I wonder […]
  3. bburns

    Billy Steel’s Resume

    Billy S. Steel 318 Industrial Drive Detroit, VA  48202 313-444-9876     Key Skills Teamwork Multitasking and completing work on time and accurately Proficiency with weapons, especially guns Evidence concealment Undetected relocation   Experience Lincoln High School              Graduation:  n/a 2 years completed State wrestling champion in 125lb weight class   Employment Technician at Baldwin’s Bicycles… Read More
  4. krivera

    How it all began

    Here is the web assignment called How it all began that is 3 points. I guess your wondering how we all met each other well I’m here to tell you. You might have heard some things. They might be telling you somethings, but I’m here to tell you that all of them our false. They...
  5. athacker

    Business Card- 2 stars

    This is my business card for O.L.D. Agency. I used Photoshop to put together the moon image and the Edward and Vladmir font. I think our business is an interesting type of business. You can email/call when you need some help with internet evils. That i...
  6. athacker

    My Dream Vacation- 3 stars

    I have always wanted to go across the Atlantic to see Ireland, Scotland, England, and some other fascinating places.  I made a board on Pinterest to show all the places I find interesting. The different kinds of landscapes are mesmerizing.
  7. philipdorch

    Weekly Summary

    This week was a good week. The Noir Not the Father (NNTF) group has officially transformed into the No Stain No Problem (NSNP) group! While I will certainly miss creating things related to the NNTF story-line I am excited to begin the new journey with NSNP! The website that we created can be found here. … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  8. philipdorch

    Daily Creates

    For this assignment I cut noddy here out of his picture using photoshop and added him into this nice field of flowers. I tried to draw in some similar flowers to help blend him into the image For this assignment I found an umbrella sketch photo that I liked and cut it out of its … Continue reading Daily Creates
  9. cmattes2

    Wrapping Up Week 11

    Link to my agencies website http://kelseyroach17.wix.com/no-stain-no-problem My resume- 3 stars (web assignment) http://cmattes2.com/assignments/ol-micks-resume/ Noir Not the Father Personality Quiz- 2 stars (web assignment) http://cmattes2.com/assignments/which-character-are-you-in-noir-not-the-father/ Blood Be gone warning poster- 3 stars http://cmattes2.com/assignments/buy-blood-be-gone/ No Stain No Problem’s Todo list- 2 stars http://cmattes2.com/assignments/no-stain-no-problem-todo/ My two daily creates http://cmattes2.com/daily-create/week-11-daily-creates/ My ten comments http://slhendo.com/emmas-diary/introducing-the-agency/#comment-1356 http://umwteaching4tomorrow.com/daily-creates/rain-rain-go-away-thats-what-all-my-haters-say/#comment-364 http://delovelyames.com/ds106/enter-a-whole-new-world-read/#comment-162 http://landonepp.com/daily-create/floating-umbrella/#comment-362 http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/web/my-pinterest-page/#comment-383 http://www.kbarbeelibrary.net/assignments/my-resume/#comment-1023 … Continue reading Wrapping Up Week 11
  10. jevans5

    Movie Scenes that Reflect Me

    5 stars( http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/movie-scenes-that-changed-our-lives/ ) I choose three movie scenes that have had an impact on my life. The first was the bar scene from Good Will Hunting. Everyone now in my adult life knows me as the woman who wonders. Who seldom stays still, but that was not always the case. In my young adult […]
  11. jevans5

    My Pinterest Page

    2 stars (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/youre-a-pinteresting-character/) A person I keep close to me, Janaye Evans, has a Pinterest board dedicated to all the places she thinks/knows I have been… I will just say I have not yet been to Italy, but those pins might be wishful thinking on her part for a trip she hopes to take with […]
  12. jevans5

    My Resume/Update on ME

    3 Stars (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/character-resume/) I recently just opened my own Art Gallery in my fathers’ bakery. He decided to close shop and try to reconnect with my mother.. a horrible idea but his incentive to get me to stay put while he is gone is to give me the shop for my own use. The renovations […]
  13. stephaniebwhite

    Week Eleven Summary

    Life has been throwing me some MAJOR curveballs lately and I have been trying to balance life and school and I do have to say, it’s difficult. I have to say thank you to my agency partners, Erin, Megan, and Tiffany. They are absolutely fabulous and SUPER understanding! We have been chatting on Facebook ever […]
  14. stephaniebwhite

    Hit me up!

    For one of my week five assignments, I chose to do the assignment, Create Your Own Business Card that was submitted by Lauren Brumfield. The assignment is to,” create your own business card to advertise who you are.” The assignment is worth 2 points. I picked this assignment because I thought it would be fun to make my own […]
  15. jevans5

    Daily Creates for Week 11

    Who does’t love stretching their creative mind to create better more spontaneous art? Here is the art I created this week… This is my Kindle Cover disaster.. I would never read this book because it looks cheesy, but I am willing to bet there is someone out there who would… This is my umbrella art, […]
  16. philipdorch

    NNTF Trivia!

    (function(d,c,j){if(!document.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;pd.id=j;pd.src=('https:'==document.location.protocol)?'https://polldaddy.com/survey.js':'http://i0.poll.fm/survey.js';s=document.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.inser...
  17. rlaluman

    Week 11 in Summary

    This week I teamed up with the House of Noir to create the underground noir travel agency, House of Noir Getaways. We specialize in making your noir disappearance comfortable, convenient, and affordable. With our connections to various travel companies, we can make your immediate escape possible with just one email. You remain a confidential client…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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