1. phoenix

    My Daily Creates….

    15 Second Drawing of Batman The great Batman symbol…in 15 seconds. Drink it in. Breakfast Selfie I love me some Cinnamon Honey Bunches of Oats Talking with a Stranger At my part time job, I was helping one of our customers load a munch of mulch into their car. On the back of the was…

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  2. tdaig


    Another daily create that I did this week was an inspiration poster using words that I have said. I used a picture of one of my roomates and added my famous words “Get your shit together!” into it. I used paint to add the words. It can be found here. 
  3. tdaig

    Conway Interview

    For the interview i used most of Jim Groom’s questions. I then recorded myself answering these questions as if I was my character, Conway. This was very entertaining and fun. I used windows movie maker to do this and it was extremely simple to do. I hope that yall can grasp more about my character … Continue reading Conway Interview
  4. cloehr

    Week 10: Over & Out

    This past week was a little crazy. I had a really busy schedule and then yesterday I had one of my good friend’s wedding to go to! Here’s my work for Noir 106 this week: Video Progress: http://ds106.christineloehr.org/lenameyers/week-2-video-show/ Here’s the trailer for our show: Interview: http://ds106.christineloehr.org/assignments/interview/ 3 Daily Creates: 1. http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/15-30-second-batman/ 2. http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/motivational-poster/ 3. http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/i-made-art/ … Continue reading Week 10: Over & Out
  5. phoenix


    Video Your Mood (2 Stars) Driving on some random road. It has been a stressful week. I just buried my good friend Ricky. I stole a car from somebody so I could get home faster. Hopefully the cops don’t find me. It was about 5 in the afternoon. The sky was starting to set as…

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  6. kkroehl

    The Steadfast Sleuths Case 2

    The Steadfast Sleuths successfully finished our second case this week! Not only did we figure out who was burned in my apartment fire, but we got a new case from a mysterious woman. This case had the added complication of drama between Sarah Mustard and I, which was no fun....
  7. srechter

    Week 10 Summary

    Another fun week with video, this time delving much further into my character, Jack Neff, than I had in the past. A number of the assignments from this week, especially the interview, started to flesh him out a bit more and make me understand him. I won’t lie, I like that the weird Nixon/Hunter S. … Continue reading Week 10 Summary
  8. jlaszako

    The Jet-Lagged Week: A Reflection

    This week was crazy, I flew in from Denver from a Chemistry conference on Thursday. I’ve been jet lagged and confused but have managed to get my work done! I did 3 video assignments totaling 14.5 stars. I did the conversation with myself, the special person montage, and the 30 second documentary.I also completed the […]
  9. jlaszako

    The Voice in My Head that Keeps Me Going

    Everyone has their own little voice in their head that motivates them or un-motivates them. It’s why some people are more productive than others. This is what a typical day at work in my head sounds like. I have to keep pushing forward. And more importantly remember why. The voice in my head that motivates […]
  10. tdaig

    I am ME

    This assignment was to create a video to describe who someones is using any thing. I used pictures and music to describe my character, Conway. I used movie maker to create this video. All of the pictures are personal photos but the go really well with I created my character to be and what he … Continue reading I am ME
  11. lfalkens

    Case Closed

    So the vast majority of my energy this week went into my case. While I love working with Sasha and Shelley, I was exhausted by the end of the week…
  12. bchristi1361

    Final Unit Choice

    For the final unit I have decided to work alone. I have such a busy schedule and I don’t want to hold a group back because I cant meet when every can. Looking forward for what is to come!
  13. cloehr


    One of the big assignments this week was to do an interview with the four agents of Noir 106. Since they are so busy, we had to do this all online. I randomly selected questions and put my responses with them. Here’s my interview with Bond, Burtis, Black, and Groom. Enjoy!
  14. kkroehl

    The Steadfast Sleuths: An Agency

    So seeing as how the Steadfast Sleuths have completed two cases with each other and managed to survive relatively unscathed, we decided to continue with this agency for the rest of the semester. Our members are: Sasha Kellogg, Shelley Layton, and Sarah Mustard. They were first introduced by Josie and...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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