1. kbarbeelibrary

    Busy, Busy Week

    Sorry for putting all of the progress in one report, but this week has been pretty busy with the Steadfast Sleuths being called up for more cases since the Shannon Mills case. Apparently, someone decided to follow us on one of our cases and record it, not very professional, but Sasha convinced us into giving … Continue reading Busy, Busy Week
  2. gyeorelee

    5 Seconds of Fame

    Do you know how much John Brown hates to read any books? For this assignment, I decided to show his hate of reading. The assignment called 5 Seconds of Fame (2 points) was to create 5 seconds video. Since it only has to be 5 seconds, I used Vine to complete this assignment. Before I […]
  3. jlaszako

    The Special People in My Life

    This week, I took sometime to reflect on the special people in my life. I decided to take these memories and make a montage of them using iMovie. I couldn’t find pictures of me per say… But I found images of young girls who’s emotions reflect mine. The people who are important to me have […]
  4. afanghel

    Weekly Summary: Cat’s Cove’s in Full Swing.

    Well, this has been an interesting week full of new and daunting digital things. I tuned into my first live #DS106Radio broadcast, which was a bit of a debacle, but we can’t blame Groom for that, right Burtis? List of weird things I must learn about this week: "tape deck", "e-mail", "Google doc" … #ToBeContinued ... Read more
  5. sgrubbs2

    Art Damnit!

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/the-make-art-damnit-interview/ (Two Stars) For this assignment I had to interview someone and ask them “why make art damnit?” I decided to interview my co-owner Liam because he is into art stuff. He sees many different uses for art and why it is important. I decided to ask him because I think he has a good … Continue reading Art Damnit!
  6. sgrubbs2

    Dakota’s Wish

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/5-second-film/ (four and a half stars) For this assignment I had to make a five second film. I decided to make it funny and use my dog Dakota again. I dressed her up in my clothes like she was trying to be me and then made the sign to go along with it. She kept … Continue reading Dakota’s Wish
  7. sgrubbs2

    DS106 Interview

    For this interview I used a combination of the professor’s and Black’s questions to use. I think it was a good way to let people know more about myself and who I am. Hopefully my wife doesn’t see this or she might get a little jealous of Lena. Another reason I wanted to do this … Continue reading DS106 Interview
  8. gyeorelee

    Inanimate Motion

    The assignment called Inanimate Motion (3 points) was to make an inanimate object to move by using power of video. I really wanted to do this assignment so I was keep thinking how I am going to relate to this to John Brown. I realized that it would be great to relate this assignment to his […]
  9. sgrubbs2

    Dakota’s Tricks

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/30-second-documentary/ (four and a half stars) For this assignment I had to make a 30 second documentary. I chose to show the tricks that my wife Jane taught our dog Dakota. She taught Dakota to come on cue, sit, lay down, roll over, speak, and shake. We consider Dakota a member of our family and … Continue reading Dakota’s Tricks
  10. gyeorelee

    This is John’s Story

    As I worked through the video assignments, I realized that most of the related story of John Brown is that he loves sweet food and he has sweet teeth. So for this assignment, I chose to focus on his past. The days after when his mom and Mark (his step-father) got remarried. The assignment called […]
  11. afanghel

    Always in My Heart.

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Which is nothing new. This go-around, like many of the go-rounds before, the topic of my musings has revolved around loss, and weather or not there is anything to be gained in the days that follow said loss. And like in the three-star lyric video that I created, my heart ... Read more
  12. afanghel

    Note to Self.

    Dear 16 Year Old Me, Take a moment to listen to what I have to say. Because everything, and I mean everything, is about to change. If only you had known that at the time … the value of that knowledge would have been way beyond a mere four stars. Maybe next time, we’ll get it right.
  13. afanghel

    A Modern Take on Silent Films.

    Continuing along the path of curiosity, I delved down deeper into the history of Disney movies and decided to watch the creative company’s most recent one, Big Hero 6, as this particular four-and-a-half star assignment required to transform a modern film into a silent one, which was a quite common form of entertainment during my teenaged years. ... Read more
  14. afanghel

    My Kind of Princess!

    If this is what the future of Disney has in store for there princesses, then I must be living in the wrong decade! The best part of taking over Amy’s computer this weekend has been delving into her life for a change! The tables have turned and I am taking full advantage of nosing into ... Read more
  15. afanghel

    A Hard-Hitting Expose by the Experts of DS106

    After my arrival via time-travel into this whirlwind world known as DS106, I had no time to relax, as I was my life was immediately poked and prodded into by its persistent professors … I am not one for being too open or vulnerable; I have no idea how Amy has been able to do so week after week! However, I ... Read more
  16. mboleis

    How Am I Not Sick of You People Yet?

    You know, ever since the recording of NNTF…we have seem to become a dysfunctional family of murderers, baby daddies, alcoholics, thirsty bitches, and nosy brats. Stella continues to invite us onto NNTF, knowing secrets will come out. Jack keeps showing up, even though he is irrelevant to anything. Billy and Mick can’t decide if they’re […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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