1. gyeorelee

    Week 10: Daily Creates

    This week, I had to complete three daily creates. 03/24/15: A 15 second create Batman To be honest, I never watched Batman. So I researched a photo of him and drew of him. It took longer than 15 seconds, but less than 2 minutes! It was really fun assignment, also, it made me want to […]
  2. gyeorelee

    Play It Backward

    Did you know that a combination of chocolate and almonds work well? John Brown knew that so he eats these two food together everyday. However, sometimes he gets upset when he see chocolate and almonds are getting smaller and smaller and he thought that he wants to rewind time to when he was about to […]
  3. gyeorelee

    A Word… A Picture… A Story

    For this assignment called A Word… A Picture… A Story (3 points) I had to make a story using randomly chosen words. And then, look up a related pictures from Google and put those together into a video. The words that I chose were: Brown love teeth sweet candies chocolates gloom sunny has make to […]
  4. gyeorelee

    Where Do You Want To Go?

    All of this week video assignments, they are have to related to my noir character, also I have to complete about 15 points from Assignment Bank. First assignment I chose was Where Do You Want To Go?  (3 points). For this assignment, I was asked to create a video of place where I really want to traveling […]
  5. chelseairizarry

    How Embarrassing…

    5 Second Film- (4.5 stars) Did you watch the Day in the Life of Caleb and Shadow? Well here is the video… And guess who decided to post the bloopers…Chelsea. She’s probably still mad I stole her blog. She used clips that were to be discarded after my video was published. Chelsea sham on you!
  6. cloehr

    I made art

    Today’s Daily Create was really fun! The task was to make a piece of art (dammit) with our fingerprint. I immediately thought of my childhood and how we would always do little things with our thumbprints. So, I colored my thumbs with markers and then made a caterpillar out of them.
  7. ahowlan2


    Check out my first  PSA from the BWA in the WIDOW organization! I made it in iMovie for one of our community news updates. I think its definitely worth 5 stars    
  8. kroach2

    These are asinine…

    Seeing as I, Stella Vaughn, have to pick up Kelsey’s slack on her blog, I have discovered the stupidity of her daily routines, more specifically these ridiculous daily creates. Nontheless, […]
  9. kparker3

    Guess What?!

    This assignment was just to die for! As soon as I spotted the “Name that Book!” prompt, I knew that starting my own book club would come in handy one of these days, and today was that day! It states: For this assignment, use the app Vine to visually create a book title. Find objects, … Continue reading Guess What?!
  10. mrosengrant

    Jaeger Bomb

    So Pacific Rim is one of my favorite movies. Mainly because it’s the stupidest movie I’ve ever seen and I love every second of it. If you haven’t seen it, shame on you. SHAME. There’s no Victoire reference here at...
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  11. mboleis


    On Tuesday, Stella, Mick, Jack, me….and Billy met to begin discussing our reunion show.  It was a shit show. we’re so comfortable with each other that we were writing some CRAZY THINGS that the professors would probably admit us to a psych ward or something if they knew. Thank god for google docs where we […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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