1. ahowlan2

    8 simple rules

    for week 8 i made my character’s twitter and email, and promoted it myself made my character's twitter & email! follow her @ediewazhere or email her if you want ediewazhere@gmail.com — Aubrey Howland (@ahowlan2) March 10, 2015   did my radiolisten and listened to house of noir as well as noir we there yet. I also listened … Continue reading 8 simple rules
  2. ahowlan2


    For our last assignment this week, July and I collaborated on Who Called? (4 stars). We set up this phone call to take place before our last two assignments from this week. In this phone call, Edie is attempting to contact Isabelle in order to gain information about the process Isabelle, a famous scientist, used to isolate … Continue reading Aco-naughty
  3. jlaszako

    Inspired: Chirping with Happiness

    My final inspired post is by Megan Rosengrant. One of the thing’s I really like about Megan’s blog in general is the amount of time she’s dedicated to really build up her character. This audio assignment is a classic example of that. Just because Victoire is bank robber, doesn’t mean she’s not happy. I especially […]
  4. abigaild

    Maury Radio Show

    The radio show that I listened in on was the one about Maury Show and who murdered who and who was the father. I found it to be very interesting. The way that they explained everything and introduced things after breaks really helped me to understand the show better. Also I liked the many sound […]
  5. cloehr

    DS106 Wallpaper

    After having Claudia Rose on my show for DS106 Radio, I got really intrigued in her story. So, I decided that I would make a photo that’s a good representation of something big that’s going on in her life right now. As most of you know, she killed her husband. I used these silhouettes to … Continue reading DS106 Wallpaper
  6. sgrubbs2

    Week Eight Summary

    This week was all about our radio shows and developing our characters. First I listened to the radio show Noir D&D, for their show they were playing the game D&D and narrating what was happening as they went along. Even though I didn’t know anything about what the game was, the show was really exciting … Continue reading Week Eight Summary
  7. kkroehl

    Week 8: Life is Better With Friends

    This week was similar to other weeks, and different at the same time. Instead of life Tweeting along with a 1950s noir show, we listened to our classmates’ shows. Instead of further developing our individual characters, we incorporated multiple characters into our assignments. However, the assignments were still lots of...
  8. ahowlan2

    Inspire Me-Ow

    For my last inspire post, I chose Stephanie Henderson’s In the Jungle the Mighty Jungle. Below is what I posted with on Inspire for it: This post is a short story written by Stephanie Henderson. She used 10 random words and an animal to make it and had to find ways to make them all relate.  … Continue reading Inspire Me-Ow
  9. abigaild

    Daily creates!!! Week 8

    This week we were asked to do 3 daily creates. This week I had one daily create that I loved and the rest were just ok to do. The first assignment that I did was on March 11th. It was to make an abstract sketch of something you did last week. What i drew was […]
  10. jlaszako

    Inspired: Tiffany’s Radio Bumper

    I had to include this as one of my inspired posts because I love Tiffany‘s audio work. She did an incredible job putting our radio show together. What first inspired me about Tiffany’s work, however, was hearing her radio bumper the first time I did my radio tweet-along. It sounded professionally done and really pushed […]
  11. kkroehl

    Watching from the Background

    I thought about creating ds106 wallpaper (4 pts) when we did design assignments, but I decided not to. Now, I decided to go for it and incorporate my character and others into it. At first, I had the idea to use the silhouettes from my Steadfast Sleuths poster in the...
  12. jlaszako

    Inspired: Shut up Tom

    This week I collaborated with Aubrey Howland for our character collaboration project. We ended up creating a story and she’s really great to work with. While looking through her blog, this post really jumped out at me. This post really inspires me because I saw this assignment and it definitely intimidated me but Aubrey nailed […]
  13. jlaszako

    Inspired: Where’s Groom?

    I love this visual assignment created by Amanda Layton! I regularly see the work she posts on the noir106 feed and I think it’s really fantastic. I liked this post because it was a clever way to tie into the events that occurred in that week’s weekly video. It’s simple and entertaining. The font chosen […]
  14. bchristi1361

    Create Your Own Business Card

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-business-card/ We’re reaching a time in our lives where where professionalism is key. Use photoshop to create your own business card to advertise who you are. 2 Stars! Below is a created business card for my character Gambino De Luca. The card features a pool hall setting, his name, his motto, and his phone number. … Continue reading Create Your Own Business Card
  15. bchristi1361

    Noir Valentines

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/noir-valentines/ In honor of the convergence of Friday the 13th, St. Valentine’s Day and Noir106, and inspired by The Nitrate Diva, here’s a new assignment to try: Design a Noir Valentine card. Incorporate images and quotes from film noir, the noir-er the better. 2 Stars! Below I have created a Noir Valentine Card. It incorporates … Continue reading Noir Valentines
  16. bchristi1361

    Buckets Behind Bars

    http://rambling.wafflestomping.com/ds106/buckets-behind-bars/ This assignment was so simple yet so effective. The implementation of Professor Groom was brilliant and it even kind of looks like him! I am sad to say that i missed this radio show and am dissapointed to say the least. “Served in the finest prisons” is absolutely hilarious and the do-rag on Groom … Continue reading Buckets Behind Bars
  17. bchristi1361

    Mash-Up Time

    http://www.brittanyns.com/assignments/audio/mash-up-time/ This audio mash-up really caught my eye. I am a huge fan of country music and i had to take a look. Brittany did a fantastic job of mashing up some of Brad Paisleys greatest hits and it is incredible to see them all put together. It was also great how Brittany chose 4 … Continue reading Mash-Up Time
  18. gyeorelee

    Inspired Me IV

    When I hear the first ds106 radio show on Monday, the commercials were so great. One of the commercial I was shocked when I hear was an airline commercial. It was so great and real, the actual airline company could use it. I was looking through classmates’ posts, I found the commercial that I heard […]
  19. cloehr

    El Jota

    One assignment I did this week is focused on my new husband (of course). I wanted to make him a Valentine’s Day Card since we weren’t married on Valentine’s and I love the holiday. I also just wanted to show how much I love him! Hope this doesn’t make anyone jealous… http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/valentine/ Worth: 3 stars … Continue reading El Jota

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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