1. levitasdementia

    pure happiness

    This is Kristi. She is a great love of mine, one of my best friends, and a beautiful person. She goes to school in New York and spends most of her breaks in Bermuda, so we haven’t seen each other in far too long. We met in fourth grade in Ms. Lewis’s class after I Read More →
  2. mboleis

    Hook & Ladder… Like The Board Game, Right?

    Today’s Daily Create: Your favorite moment in the past week Make an abstract sketch to illustrate it. My favorite moment in the past week was my boyfriend’s annual Fire Department Company dinner. He’s in the Hook & Ladder Company (no clue what this really means but he puts out fires and stuff and cuts holes […]
  3. mrosengrant

    L’inspiration IV

    The final inspiration post. To all those other bloggers who I didn’t see, I’m sure your work is fabulous and I apologize from the very bottom of my little ol’heart that I didn’t get a chance to blog about you....
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  4. mrosengrant

    L’inspiration III

    Movin’ on through the inspiration train! Man, I’m looking at my titles for these inspiration posts and I can’t help but think that they’re boring as dirt. (unless you’re a geologist). Am I going to change them, though? God, no....
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  5. mrosengrant

    L’inspiration II

    TIME FOR INSPIRATION NUMERO TWO, BITCHES Let’s take a gander at the work created by….Miss Erin Clark! (distant claps) Yet another group member, this fine miss has create a newspaper for her character’s hometown! Let’s all take a look, shall...
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  6. mrosengrant

    L’inspiration I

    Add and write up the work of at least four other students in the class on the ds106 Inspire site (http://inspire.ds106.us), and then blog about each work in a separate post detailing with how and why it inspired you. Tag...
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  7. levitasdementia


    I didn’t know what this show was getting into it. Maybe it was a noir script with D&D themes? A D&D style noir mystery? It ended up being a group having a game of D&D using their noir characters and progressing through a murder mystery.  Things That Worked Well The energy was there. It was Read More →
  8. cloehr

    My Different Sides

    Today’s Daily Create was to show our different sides with pictures. I took two photos of my Uncle Don and I. One from when I was really little and one from last summer at my cousins wedding. Here are the two compared:
  9. levitasdementia


    So I was looking through character dossiers to see who I could mesh well with, and I found Sylvia. No last name, only Sylvia. She seemed nice- a black widow, a reporter, and a fellow admirer of red lipstick. I then saw this 3.5 star assignment, and it was simply calling my name. What could Read More →
  10. kkroehl

    House of Noir: Great Job!!

    Monday night I live-Tweeted along to House of Noir. This was a great experience because unlike previous Tweet-alongs, this was one group’s project (not a professional show). I have some friends in this group, and it was strange hearing them impersonating their characters. Also, while listening to this, I was...
  11. mrosengrant

    Comments Comments Comments

    Here are the 10 comments I have written for this week! 1. http://konarheim.com/about-2/no-digital-art-creations/#comment-93 2. http://trysoccer29.com/writing-assignments/lawrence-and-victoire/#comment-276 3. http://www.lesyamel.com/ds106/is-there-a-pattern/#comment-1740 4. http://ds106.emilybostaph.org/blog/uncategorized/oh-heil-no/#comment-1239 5. http://lexymaratellos.com/week-7/125/#comment-61 6. http://www.dshargis106.com/ds106/macks-magic-cards/#comment-152 7.  http://ds106.christineloehr.org/weekly-summaries/what-week-was-this/#comment-242 8. http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/daily-creates/my-different-sides/#comment-126 9. http://delovelyames.com/ds106/daily-create-muggle-born-gryffindor-proud/#comment-98 10. http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/assignments/flashing-covers/#comment-93
  12. mboleis

    Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle

    For my first inspire post, I decided to choose Lauren’s cheesy radio ad for UMW. You can check out more of her work on her website HERE. I really liked this ad, and how her audio flowed. It not only persuaded me to go to UMW (even though I already do), it also reinforced that […]
  13. cloehr


    The first piece of work I put on in[spire] is titled “Emotions Through Sound” and was done by Shannon Grubbs. I really liked how Shannon did this because the sounds she used are really everyday sounds. It’s so easy to get caught up in the cyclic routine of life and forget the little things surrounding … Continue reading IN[SPIRE]
  14. mboleis

    I Play With Dead Blowfish

    Today’s Daily Create: Show us different sides of yourself and put them together into one final collage. Here is my collage. featuring: Me and my main squeeze Pierre. Me holding a dead blowfish in my boss shirt. Me as a princess…aka me in my natural state Me turning 22 with a fishbowl in a pitcher because they […]
  15. levitasdementia

    Black Masterpost

    Here are the transcriptions from both Black videos and their movies. ???: I want you to do something. I want you to get out of bed, Get over to the window, and scream as loud as you can. Otherwise, you’ll only have another three minutes left to live. The Dark Corner: How I detest the dawn. The Read More →
  16. levitasdementia

    I’m the worst

    it is with my head hung in shame that I link my comments. I kind of forgot about them.  http://landonepp.com/thought-and-ideas/are-we-done-yet-radio-show-progress/#comment-141 http://www.saharalkhelaifi.com/ds106/line-remix/#comment-255 http://umwlaurenfalkens.com/daily-create/emojinations/#comment-201 http://mboleis.com/daily-create/life-is-short-smile-while-you-still-have-teeth/#comment-237 http://kkeelee.com/daily-create/teal-blue-and-orange/#comment-156 http://konarheim.com/daily-create/emojination-story/#comment-80 http://www.brianburnsofficial.com/daily-creates/the-daily-grind/#comment-130
  17. levitasdementia

    Is there a pattern?

    I decided to do a bit more DS106ing over break since I can’t get these videos out of my head. Here are the titles referenced in Black’s second video DO NOT TRUST ANYONE Strangers on a train Gun Crazy Mildred Pierce Kiss Me Deadly The Set-Up Little Caesar Dark Passage The Big Sleep Lady In Read More →
  18. dalinafoo

    Weekly Summary #6-7

    The beginning of week 6 was off to a slow start.  Trying to figure out the groups and the topics. After we got the ball going things just started to roll right into place. All the ideas came together with the project radio. It was a good outcome, we finished and had some play room […]
  19. chelseairizarry

    Dead Silence pt2

    This week my group NOIRington got a lot of progress in. We completed our radio show below called Dead Silence. I did the final editing on the radio show as well as the scripting with the help of Abigail and Justin. Both Abigail and Justin

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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