1. codydaigleorians


    It hurt, in the center of her chest, but it didn’t feel like a heart attack. That would feel like an alarm, she figured, something that kind of radiated out, came in waves. This wasn’t like that. This felt like pushing, right in the middle of her, big fat hands giving her a shove. Only […]
  2. codydaigleorians


    I didn’t hear her. I wasn’t even around her. I was upstairs, had the door closed. The walls are thick in this house. Nothing gets through. And she wasn’t screaming. I would have heard screaming. But I was upstairs, and it was quiet. If I had heard something – anything – I’d have helped her. […]
  3. @Brottmom

    Challenge Checkup

      When I originally wrote my reading challenge, I knew that I was only going to be getting busier with student teaching and all that is life around the Brott farm. I absolutely got busier and life has yet to slow down. Student teaching has been a great experience as of yet, and I hope …
  4. @Brottmom


    This week I have a homecoming hangover! What a week it was, my little girl was honored with the duty of carrying the crowns for the senior homecoming court and received her own crown to wear as she pleases. Does she believe she is a princess now? Well, you might think so, but some days …
  5. @jobskaro

    Allworkjob Payment Proof

    whether, you are starting a work form home based Job or you have already doing a Job from your home. First you need to ensure that whatever Companies you are … Read More The post Allworkjob Payment Proof appeared first on Jobs Karo.
  6. @Brottmom

    It’s Monday, What are you Reading?

    This week was homecoming week in Hayes Center, loads of fun and non stop evenings. I created literacy rich lessons for my students this week, that included stories from our reading series and also some short stories that were chosen by my students. With these stories we talked a lot of plot, theme and character. …
  7. amiddlet50

    Decolonising the active curriculum #activelearning

    This post considers the need to decolonise the active curriculum. It follows on from ideas considered in the previous post on embodiment which concluded that advocates and practitioners of active learning must look deeply at the meaning of being student-centred. … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    Design for Active and Blended Learning

    I am reposting my blog post for the #LTHEchat tweetchat I led this evening. The tweetchat community is a fantastic forum of co-creativity and I very much value the knowledge that it always generates. Thanks all. The response tonight was as incredible … Continue reading
  9. @Brottmom

    First 8 Weeks Reading Reflection

    Caption: My son picked up The One and Only Ivan and has been enjoying for his “reading for enjoyment” book! Are there enough hours? If I were to reflect upon my first 8 weeks of reading I would tell you that it was a bit of a blur. My reading choices have been a combination …
  10. @Brottmom

    Creating a Reading Plan

    Each Sunday I plan lessons for my sixth grade class for the following week and make sure all of my copies are made, along with this planning I have a good set of fiction and nonfiction short stories I go through to find anything that may match up or connect with the new weeks lessons. …
  11. Posts on D'Arcy Norman dot net

    Gamelog: Hexaflip

    I've been playing some casual games as part of the Apple Arcade trial subscription, and have really been enjoying Hexaflip by Rogue Games. One part Q-Bert, one part Marble Madness, one part platform runner. It's a deceptively simple game - there are o...
  12. D'Arcy Norman dot net

    Gamelog: Hexaflip

    I've been playing some casual games as part of the Apple Arcade trial subscription, and have really been enjoying Hexaflip by Rogue Games. One part Q-Bert, one part Marble Madness, one part platform runner. It's a deceptively simple game - there are o...
  13. @Brottmom

    Monday, What are you Reading?

    Old Yeller Because most of my reading now consists of reading that will be done with my 6th graders this is one that I have chosen to read with them. We are reading a shortened version of the book because it is just for the weeks lessons, but it has been a fun one to …
  14. @Brottmom

    It’s Monday, What are you Reading?

    As the school starts to really catch a rhythm and I attempt to find the groove of the schedule with my children, I’ve found that the books I’m searching out are ones that I can read with my children. This week with my toddler we have been particularly interested in any board book with farm …
  15. amiddlet50

    Wrecking it with Brexit

    I’m sitting in a café on La Rambla in Barcelona following a couple of days participating in an international learning spaces summit in Barcelona (#ILS2019). (nb. I use ‘participating’ not ‘attending’) We are getting really close to Brexit now and … Continue reading
  16. @Brottmom

    Ivan- One of my new FAVORITE Characters

    The one and only- When I started to read this book I’ll admit there was a line in the opening “chapters” that turned me off a bit. It went something like “we are distant cousins…”. Being a religious person, I don’t quite believe in the whole evolution theory brought about by scientists and questioned whether …

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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