What?? Summer is almost over? …and I had every intention of staying involved with ds106 Camp Magic MacGuffin. I was building things in Minecraft for a while, but then the ...
My summer job is in hospitality, or as my bosses like to say “hospi-freakin’-tality”. After two and half months on the job, I wholeheartedly agree that the freakin’ is necessary at times. My job involves setting up for breakfast in … Continue reading →
“Does is feel weird to be a college graduate?” is a question I have gotten pretty regularly since May 12th. No, it does not feel weird. Not yet. Right now it just feels like any other summer vacation. Though I … Continue reading →
Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back….Yeahhhhhh Yeahhhhhh Yeahhhh. I’m back, after a bit of a hiatus, yours truly has decided to pull a Jesus. All the commentary and opinions that you’ve missed, oh it’s back.
Oh man. I just watched a beautiful sunset at the beach (yeah, be jealous), but the best part might have been an interaction between two young girls and an older couple. As the older couple was getting into their car … Continue reading →
I’m starting my own occupy movement. It is a little different than the original “Occupy”, mostly because it is completely unrelated. Hey, I needed an attention-grabbing post title! Since my summer job is just that, a job I only have … Continue reading →
Chinese character: man/human Ancient (11 x 15) Expressionistic (15 x 22) I am having ds106 withdrawals. I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly feel ...
Summary Hi, everyone. My name is Annie Belle, and I recently graduated from the University of Mary Washington Summa Cum Laude, with honors in sociology, and in the top 1% of my class. I have spent the past four years working extremely hard to achieve academic excellence, and while I have been successful in my ...
Summary Hi, everyone. My name is Annie Belle, and I recently graduated from the University of Mary Washington Summa Cum Laude, with honors in sociology, and in the top 1% of my class. I have spent the past four years working extremely hard to achieve...
The arrival of the end. My journey here is almost done. Soon I will be moving off into the world to find my own place. To care for my own little plot of earth like Candide. Yet, before I take off, I leave you this last post. This final mark and sending off into the world. ...
I will have my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the end of June, and there are not many directions I could go with that without going to grad school, and ...
when archiving.. are the post being imported suppose to only come in one at a time? is there away to make them all come through at once? # Procrastination is the worse. Ds106 all night long! # Powered by Twitter … Continue reading →
when archiving.. are the post being imported suppose to only come in one at a time? is there away to make them all come through at once? # Procrastination is the worse. Ds106 all night long! # Powered by Twitter … Continue reading →
1. Group the the pictures that you want them to show up on your vedio. 2.Download the sound that you want it to be played during on the video show, from youtube and then cut the voice from the vedio … Continue reading →
My last all-nighter project in DS106!! I can’t believe it’s over. I will miss it. All of it. The community, the friends I’ve made, my team mates. …and Jim ...
I am putting this video here for right now, because I just spent 10 minutes talking to my computer, only to find out that PhotoBooth had only recorded 7 seconds of my video, and I don’t have the time or patience to fix it right now. Here is a preview, and I’ll post again later. ...
I am putting this video here for right now, because I just spent 10 minutes talking to my computer, only to find out that PhotoBooth had only recorded 7 seconds of my video, and I don’t have the time or patience to fix it right now. Here is a pre...
For my final project, I created something called The Overheard Project. It has been an absolute joy to work on this project, and I am so excited to continue working on it. I decided that I would start recording things that I overheard throughout the da...
For my final project, I created something called The Overheard Project. It has been an absolute joy to work on this project, and I am so excited to continue working on it. I decided that I would start recording things that I overheard throughout the da...
Without deep reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people. Albert Einstein I hope you all enjoy my deep thoughts. I really came off as trying to sound intelligent, but I do think that it was … Continue reading →
This video is of Ken Machande’s cost accounting class. I think it is very important to show videos of classes that people may interpret as boring because hopefully these videos can show that there is more than meets the eyes, … Continue reading →
This is the third of my final project videos. It is of Professor Henderson, who is one of the more recent professors. He is an extremely interesting guy, and a first year professor. I think we have many great things … Continue reading →
DS106 is coming to a close, and yet I hardly think it will ever be over. I love this class and this community, and one of the most exciting things about #ds106 is that I will be able to participate even when I am no longer a student here. The past coup...