1. Michael Walter

    Welcome Back

    Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back….Yeahhhhhh Yeahhhhhh Yeahhhh. I’m back, after a bit of a hiatus, yours truly has decided to pull a Jesus. All the commentary and opinions that you’ve missed, oh it’s back.
  2. Maura Monahan


    I’m starting my own occupy movement.  It is a little different than the original “Occupy”, mostly because it is completely unrelated.  Hey, I needed an attention-grabbing post title! Since my summer job is just that, a job I only have … Continue reading
  3. Annie Truslow


    Summary Hi, everyone. My name is Annie Belle, and I recently graduated from the University of Mary Washington  Summa Cum Laude, with honors in sociology, and in the top 1% of my class. I have spent the past four years working extremely hard to achieve academic excellence, and while I have been successful in my ...
  4. Annie Truslow


    Summary Hi, everyone. My name is Annie Belle, and I recently graduated from the University of Mary Washington  Summa Cum Laude, with honors in sociology, and in the top 1% of my class. I have spent the past four years working extremely hard to achieve...
  5. Brian Brown

    Red Sail

    The arrival of the end.  My journey here is almost done.  Soon I will be moving off into the world to find my own place.  To care for my own little plot of earth like Candide.  Yet, before I take off, I leave you this last post.  This final mark and sending off into the world. ...
  6. Linda McKenna

    Now what?

    I will have my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the end of June, and there are not many directions I could go with that without going to grad school, and ...
  7. Annie Truslow

    Reflection Video

    I am putting this video here for right now, because I just spent 10 minutes talking to my computer, only to find out that PhotoBooth had only recorded 7 seconds of my video, and I don’t have the time or patience to fix it right now. Here is a preview, and I’ll post again later. ...
  8. Annie Truslow

    Reflection Video

    I am putting this video here for right now, because I just spent 10 minutes talking to my computer, only to find out that PhotoBooth had only recorded 7 seconds of my video, and I don’t have the time or patience to fix it right now. Here is a pre...
  9. Annie Truslow

    Final Project

    For my final project, I created something called The Overheard Project. It has been an absolute joy to work on this project, and I am so excited to continue working on it. I decided that I would start recording things that I overheard throughout the da...
  10. Annie Truslow

    Final Project

    For my final project, I created something called The Overheard Project. It has been an absolute joy to work on this project, and I am so excited to continue working on it. I decided that I would start recording things that I overheard throughout the da...
  11. Annie Truslow

    El Futuro

    DS106 is coming to a close, and yet I hardly think it will ever be over. I love this class and this community, and one of the most exciting things about #ds106 is that I will be able to participate even when I am no longer a student here. The past coup...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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