1. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Final Reflection

    My experience on ds106 has been a rather interesting time that I would personally like to experience again. For an UMW class this is def a class worth taking. For a person like me who is not Internet savvy this class teaches you the fundamentals of making your own blog online and personalizing it however ...
  2. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Final Reflection

    My experience on ds106 has been a rather interesting time that I would personally like to experience again. For an UMW class this is def a class worth taking. For a person like me who is not Internet savvy this class teaches you the fundamentals of making your own blog online and personalizing it however ...
  3. Kierra Morris

    Final Reflection Post

    Response/Update on Cyber-infrastructure: After going back and reviewing my previous post on cyber-infrastructure i feel that i stand in agreement with all of the previous stuff that was said. I think technology advancement is a gift..yes we may depend on it a little too much at times but that’s no different than depending on faith ...
  4. Justin Baker

    Class Reflection

      Looking back on my write up about Personal Cyber infrastructure,  I feel that my grasp of the concept is about the same. I also feel the same way about the “Bag of Gold” analogy as well as the concept of a “digital facelift”. However, I now have more personal experience managing myself and my presence ...
  5. Justin Baker


    http://blog.tm-hobbs.me/?p=185#comment-271 http://tipet.us/egg-remix/#comment-183 http://the-weekly-update.com/a-d-c-optical-illusion-countrified/#comment-284 http://blog.paristokyo.me/?p=304#comment-256 http://lovelylashe.us/love-in-three-frames-remixed/#comment-118 http://happiprocity.us/further-thoughts-final-project/#comment-579 http://guacamoleh.com/?p=147#comment-78 http://effiejones.com/?p=199#comment-52 http://blog.colinjschulz.me/?p=454#comment-282 http://blog.faisal2012.com/?p=258#comment-60 http://blog.devinlert.me/?p=223#comment-219 http://blog.fengshui0.me/?p=393#comment-273 http://blog.notafraid.us/?p=151#comment-116 http://blog.devinlert.me/?p=254#comment-225 https://ri12211.wordpress.com/2012/04/09/extra-works2-new-assignment/#comment-142            
  6. Colin Schulz

    My Audio Assignment: Remix Your Favorite Song

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/remix-your-favorite-song/ For this assignment, pick your favorite song and edit out a repetitive line. Upload a recording of your self saying DS106, and replace your recorded line with the line you edited out. Make this a DS106 song. I thought this would be a really cool idea because it’s both a remix and audio assignment. ...
  7. Colin Schulz

    My Audio Assignment: Remix Your Favorite Song

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/remix-your-favorite-song/ For this assignment, pick your favorite song and edit out a repetitive line. Upload a recording of your self saying DS106, and replace your recorded line with the line you edited out. Make this a DS106 song. I thought this would be a really cool idea because it’s both a remix and audio assignment. ...
  8. Tiffany Hobbs

    Why I did what I did

    –>For my final project, I wanted to do something with kinetic typography.. Why, you ask? Well during out video assignments section, one of our choices was to do kinetic typography. It was really hard and I was really mad when my like three hours of work came out to be a 17 second video. I ...
  9. Tiffany Hobbs

    Why I did what I did

    –>For my final project, I wanted to do something with kinetic typography.. Why, you ask? Well during out video assignments section, one of our choices was to do kinetic typography. It was really hard and I was really mad when my like three hours ...
  10. Colin Schulz

    My Design Assignment: Make a DS106 Street Sign

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/make-a-ds106-street-sign/ I chose to submit my idea for creating a DS106 street/billboard sign. The purpose of this is to market DS106. The sign shouldn’t just say DS106, but it should provide contact information, and reasons why people should take this class. I thought this would be a really good design assignment because you have to ...
  11. Colin Schulz

    My Design Assignment: Make a DS106 Street Sign

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/make-a-ds106-street-sign/ I chose to submit my idea for creating a DS106 street/billboard sign. The purpose of this is to market DS106. The sign shouldn’t just say DS106, but it should provide contact information, and reasons why people should take this class. I thought this would be a really good design assignment because you have to ...
  12. Kierra Morris

    project update

    After a lot of struggling and frustration i decided that i would change my final project topic. I decided that i am going to tell a story through Google images..now i am not using the pictures and making you put together the story.. i am including the words but i chose an image from the ...
  13. guacamoleh

    Remix Failures

    I spent a lot of time just clicking through the ds106 remix generator to see what combinations would be doable and/or fun. I must have had to reload that page over 15 times before I got one that even made sense. I know that there are some great combinations from the ones we came up ...
  14. guacamoleh

    Remix Failures

    I spent a lot of time just clicking through the ds106 remix generator to see what combinations would be doable and/or fun. I must have had to reload that page over 15 times before I got one that even made sense. I know that there are some great combinations from the ones we came up ...
  15. Christie McKitrick

    The Secret Life of Felix

    I know you all have been eagerly awaiting the release of my horse-related final project. So here it is, The Secret Life of Felix, the short film about Felix’s life as an event horse. Included in the film is an exclusive interview with the star himself! I took all of the footage myself, using my ...
  16. Justin Baker

    Final Project Summary

    For my final project, I decided that I wanted to take the professors advice and incorporate something that I am interested in since I would be working on it for an extended  period of time. After some soul searching, I came up with the idea of incorporating one of my favorite shows – The Walking ...
  17. Colin Schulz

    Final Reflection Post

    Now that the semester has come to it’s end, I have officially finished taking the DS106 class. Throughout the year DS106 has changed the way I look at the internet. When I look back at my personal cyberinfrastructure post on Gardner Campbell’s essay, my first response is “wow, I was quite confused”. In my post I ...
  18. Colin Schulz

    Final Reflection Post

    Now that the semester has come to it’s end, I have officially finished taking the DS106 class. Throughout the year DS106 has changed the way I look at the internet. When I look back at my personal cyberinfrastructure post on Gardner Campbell’s essay, my first response is “wow, I was quite confused”. In my post I ...
  19. Tiffany Hobbs

    Making a movie out of my project

    I am finally done with all the animations and pictures that I want to add to my project. It’s taken a long time and I’ve put a lot of work so hopefully it shows! I’m excited and I like the way it turned out Well at least what I could preview, so as long as ...
  20. Tiffany Hobbs

    Making a movie out of my project

    I am finally done with all the animations and pictures that I want to add to my project. It’s taken a long time and I’ve put a lot of work so hopefully it shows! I’m excited and I like the way it turned out Well at least what I could ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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