This past week in Digital Story Telling, I generated the first ever domain I have had for my personal use ( With producing this website and making a...
Watching the video for this week and reading the tips page sent me back into my high school days. I took a photography class when I was a senior in high school, I wish I still had the pictures. We talked about the rule of thirds in depth the most, but we did touch upon … Continue reading Flashback to highschool
Legislation for Learning Disabilities is few and far between. Although not on the forefront of everyone’s mind, it is very important to note the current legislation for children with...
This week we focused improving photography skills and visual storytelling. These two topic fit very well together since I was able to utilize tips for better photography when working on creating a story through visuals. Because this theme I took A LOT of photos this week. My favorite assignment this week was the 5 frame […]
Today’s daily create is actually something I already am! Sort of. The daily create prompted me to discuss what star I would be, if I were a star. And aside from the obvious “of course I’m a star, I’m awesome,” I actually do have a star named after me. As you all know, I enjoy […]
This has been a pretty fun week overall, I think I’m going to enjoy this class! I started off by making a whole bunch of social media accounts. I’m not the most social guys so a few of the accounts that I made were on sites completely new to me, I’m probably the only college...
For my second assignment bank assignment I chose to show what was in the bag. I chose this to be the assignment I connected to my midweek question. Since my favorite type of story is mystery, I decided that my purse will be full of items as a murderous detective. It was a character that … Continue reading murderously clever
Hello, everyone! The first week is over just as soon as it started. Since my first bi-weekly summary post, I completed three daily creates–the prompts for Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday–and posted them all on Twitter. I also went through one of the galleries on the Abandoned America website and wrote a summary on that. After... Continue Reading →
I enjoy reading a lot. So for my first assignment bank assignment I did poetry art. When I read anything with sub-tones of imagery, I can visualize the words taking form through my imagination. The things I see in my head I know are unique to how I visualize things coming together in the poem. … Continue reading Poetry is in the eye of the Beholder
A young woman is on her way home from work in the great city of Metropolis. It’s just beginning to get dark, but before she can make it back to her cozy little apartment she spots something in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s Superman! Superman flying away #ds106...
Final Thoughts Time crunches are hard! I decided to do this challenge in my apartment. I took photos in my kitchen, my living room, my dining room, and my roommate’s room (shhh). It was the most convenient place and all of my belongings are here so I figured I’d be able to not only take a lot …
I feel like I learned a lot by looking at both the Tips for Better Photography page and this America Abandoned gallery. I had never even heard of the rule of thirds before today and if I’m being honest, I’m still not entirely sure how it works. I really enjoyed this picture of a broken...
Visual Assignment Prompt: Take a close up picture of something as see if people can guess what it is. Try doing the skin or outside of something that would make it hard for someone to guess! What could it possibly be? Answer: This […]
When thinking about my favorite picture that I have ever taken there’s different aspects that I think about when coming up with this difficult answer.…
In this visual assignment task, I was asked to take a picture and incorporate typography to present an abstract and unique design. I decided to use the...
Week one comes to a close, and it’s be a creative assault on the digital realm. If you haven’t checked out the daily creates on the ds106 site, go ahead and give it a look. They’re good primers to get the creative, imaginative ball rolling in your head. Often, I find myself lacking that initial […]
Hello, everyone! Yesterday, I went and completed my photoblitz. I went around my house and in my backyard taking pictures following the prompts, managing to complete 12 out of all 15. The one prompt I had the most trouble with was the one where my camera had to be moving, to give the subject the... Continue Reading →
Today, I went on a hunt in my very own safari! The photo blitz assignment required us to set fifteen minutes aside and go on a scavenger hunt for photos. I tried to take as many photos as I could from the prompts found […]
Hello, everyone! I decided to do one more prompt for the Visual Assignment, this time for creating a warning poster. I went with something with a fantasy theme, in line with the answer I gave a few days ago on what my favorite type of story was, which I said was fantasy. So, making a caution... Continue Reading →
Hello, everyone! I’ve always liked telling and writing stories, so it seemed natural that I would go with the Five-Frame Story prompt for the Visual Assignment. I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do for this particular prompt, at first, but in the end, I decided to tell a story featuring some of the... Continue Reading →
Hello, everyone! The first prompt I completed for the Visual Assignment was the Favorite Photo prompt. I thought for a little bit about which photo I would use for this particular prompt–I do really like the photos of the pink flowers on the Fredericksburg Campus I took, this past spring (I’m not actually sure what... Continue Reading →
Here’s another assignment from the DS106 Visual Assigment bank, entitled “Create a Warning Poster”. This is a simple assignment, but it adds a lot of value to narrative about the flame-crazed terrorist robot I’ve created and set free on humanity. Create a poster warning people of some sort of danger. It can be a danger […]
For the first photo assignment, I did for this class, I completed making my own collage with some of the best moments I have had. This included two photos of me in Virginia and two photos of me in Colorado. When looking over my pictures, I found these photos which 3 of the 4 included …
Art is communication. It’s a way for an artist to get the stuff that’s in their head out so the rest of the world can see it. Photographic art is a narrative process in which you’ve got to convince your audience to adopt your frame of mind, or ‘see’ what it is you’re trying to […]