1. @kspeonygarden

    Coming Up Roses: Week 4 Midweek Sum-Up

    Hello, everyone! We’re about to enter the home-stretch, for the semester. I hope you’ve been enjoying it as much as I have. So far this week, I’ve completed the daily creates for Tuesday and Wednesday: @ds106dc #tdc2381 Try Not to Laugh Challenge World-Championship!! pic.twitter.com/DYcf4FNG60 — Kate Scott (@kspeonygarden) July 17, 2018 For Tuesday’s daily create,... Continue Reading →
  2. @marvelmonkey34

    Week 4 Mid-Week Summary

    The first half of this week was a lot easier than most weeks before it. To start off with I did both of my daily creates, then read over the How to Read a Movie article. After writing my blog post about the article, I jumped straight in to watching the four YouTube videos we...
  3. @dsamanda2

    Let’s Watch

    This week in Digital Storytelling is movie week! Which is a great excuse to stay in my PJ’s and eat popcorn all week! I started off the week by learning how to read a movie. I found this reading really interesting and since I love watching movies I actually think I will use these tips […]
  4. @marvelmonkey34

    Wow Look, Camera Angles.

    The four different videos I watched were Hitchcock Loves Bikinis, Camera Angles and Techniques, Top 20 Amazing Cinematic Techniques Part 1, and Examples of Editing Techniques. While I didn’t learn a ton of new things in the videos, I enjoyed learning new names to techniques I’ve seem time and time again in films. I think the most educational...
  5. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Midweek Post – 18-JUL-2018

    Wednesday is the bane of our week. It is the never ending drudge to the top of a hill. Sad part is, time and gravity don’t share the same plane, so it’s not “all downhill from here“.  Or is it? Sigh. I hate Wednesdays. I do enjoy videos though, especially when they’re not kitschy and […]
  6. @dsamanda2

    Horror Nursery

    Like most of us, I sang nursery rhymes at an early age. Their easy language and catchy hooks get lodged in your brain instantly. But once you start to really listen to the words/lyrics you notice that nursery rhymes are really, really, strange….and sometimes downright creepy. The question of the week for week 4 is: What […]
  7. @marvelmonkey34

    Let’s Talk About Movies

    Roger Ebert’s article “How to Read a Movie” discusses the act of analyzing a movie by looking at individual frames. I remember doing this as a kid, not to analyze the inner workings of the film, but to see if I could get the actors frozen on any stupidly funny faces. While this is definitely...
  8. @cpsc106gregphillips

    The Three Little Pigs

    It may come as a surprise to you, but I’m not a fan of fairy tales. I’ve never understood our society’s fascination with the anthropomorphization of farm animals to get a point across.  Granted, there is some appeal to it. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Disney would never have become a thing. Still, I don’t need […]
  9. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Requiem for a Video

    Because it’s such an amazing piece, I feel I have to clarify this point: the song title is “Lux Aeterna” – not “Requiem for a Dream”. The latter is the name of the movie, but for some reason it’s been confused with the song. Probably because the song is so powerful, but hell the movie […]
  10. @dsamanda2

    Moving Picture Reading

    It’s movie week! And we are starting out by learning how to read a movie as instructed by the great critic Robert Ebert. His article on reading a movie talked about pausing and looking a frames individually while watching. The first thing I thought of was being a kid and pausing a movie, then bursting […]
  11. @kspeonygarden

    Videos about Videos

    Hello, everyone! In addition to reading Roger Ebert’s article about reading and analyzing movie scenes, I also looked at several short videos about various filming techniques, which I’ve listed below: This video is a collage of all of the zooms–both zoom-ins and zoom-outs–used in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. This video displays many different well-executed techniques in film... Continue Reading →
  12. @jasmxlon

    Daily Creates: Midweek 4

    Featured Image Daily Create #1 @ds106dc #tdc2381 My response for Today’s #ds106 Daily Create is Head Watermelon Smashing!!! It’s a world record, why not make it an Olympic Sport? Caution: Concussions a-HEAD pic.twitter.com/bHFDLWyYyt — Jas 🍉 (@jasmxlon) July 18, 2018 So if you couldn’t tell from my twitter handle, I like watermelon. For this daily …

    Continue reading "Daily Creates: Midweek 4"

  13. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2381

    Create a Wacky Olympic Event Yeah we love watching people run, jump, and swim during the Olympics. But, what about making events that are a little wild and wacky? Today you are tasked with creating an off the wall Olympic event. Make something to announce it to the world.   “Bear Blasting” Full field on […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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