1. @dsamanda2

    Successful Design Play

    In this talk, Paula looks back on her career and discusses the idea of “serious play”. It starts off a little slow, but starts to really kick in around the 3 minute mark. Scher recognizes that often the best work comes from serious play. The unfortunate thing is that when we create good work from serious […]
  2. @dsamanda2

    Design on the Daily

    These past few days I have learned that elements of design are everywhere! Without even realizing it we see so many different things that have been designed. Even our own homes had to go through a design process and so many design elements had to be implemented before you even moved in. And yet our […]
  3. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2368

    What’s the last book you read? Share it with us, as a photo, or as a review Apparently people don’t read enough nowadays. But that’s not true of we DS106ers is it? What’s the latest book you’ve read, or are reading? This is actually a book I’ve read multiple times. It’s a compilation of three […]
  4. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Midweek Post – 04-JUL-2018

    It’s the middle of the week, and time for another update. It’s July 4th. to be exact, the day we celebrate our independence from the evil British Empire. I love messing with my United Kingdom counterparts, developers, and business associates about this day. During the beginning of the week, I’m constantly reminding them I’ll be […]
  5. @dsamanda2

    Learning about Design

    Canva is website that makes it easy to design presentations, graphics, and more. They have tutorials to help you to understand how their website works while also helping to improve your design skills! It is similar to the “Tips for better photography” but with design instead! I was instructed to choose 7 tutorials to complete […]
  6. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Design Blitz – Food and Design

    Graphic design is found in more than just slick advertisements and pictures. It’s present in nearly all of the media we see daily. People care about the way products are presented to them – an idea which isn’t lost on the companies selling us those products. These companies employ basic principles of graphic design in […]
  7. @ds106_aaliyah

    Design Blitz

    Assignment prompt: Carry your camera with you this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least five of the eight concepts listed below (from the Adobe article): Alignment Hierarchy Contrast Repetition Proximity Balance Color Space   This week’s assignment was […]
  8. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Design Reflection

    There’s an underlying science to design. It’s really one of those weird gray areas (pun intended) where technique seems to blend with pure taste. You, the artist, and the seasoning which you flavor your design with is just as import as the underlying concepts. However, you need to ensure you don’t neglect design theories altogether. […]
  9. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2367

    #tdc2367 Change the sound track Take a short part of any movie you want (use a YouTube downloader or capture a part using a screen capturing program like QuickTime) and put your own soundtrack or music under it. Make sure that the new sound changes to emotions of the film clip. Eg scary gets funny or […]
  10. @jasmxlon

    End of Chapter 1: The Characters Are Introduced

    Cover Photo: Created by me with this photo on Adobe Photoshop. Daily Creates I completed three daily creates this week, including the one from earlier in the week. These are really fun to do! @ds106dc #tdc2360 My response for Today’s #ds106 Daily Create are the following images. This tool is also so great and comes …

    Continue reading "End of Chapter 1: The Characters Are Introduced"

  11. @Sujik0

    Photographic Journey

    This week was full of photographs, tips on photography, appreciating photography, and doing photography. We were supposed to do a few assignments, including two daily creates of our choice, six stars worth of work from the assignments page, and also looking at tips for photography with a photoblitz. I started off by looking through the … Continue reading Photographic Journey

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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