1. @mezzmello

    Week Eleven Creates

    I completed two assignments this week: One assignment asked us for a surreal picture. @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1544 Surreal Visions of Monument Valley pic.twitter.com/iBJfkg6BqZ — Michael Anzelmo (@mezzmello) March 31, 2016 Another assignment asked u...
  2. @mezzmello

    Character Documentary

    I completed the four and a half star Mini Documentary. I applied this assignment to my character, creating a mini synopsis of the first third of his life. I utilized Audacity and iMovie to create this movie. With Audacity I recorded my dialogue and applied a song in the background. I imported the mp3 created with […]
  3. @mezzmello

    Book Name

    I completed the three and a half star assignment Name That Book. I used the app vine to create a short video. In the video are hand drawn symbols representing a certain book. I was trying to think of how to represent a book using inanimate objects laying around me, but I couldn’t quite find the […]
  4. @chrissy_gaul

    Counting Down the Days (35)

    I’m just a senior over here, waiting for the day I can get out of this place (as much as I’m going to miss it). 35 days till commencement, and I couldn’t be more freaking excited. Moving on, here’s what went down this week. The majority of my week was taken up by my___. It […]
  5. @julianna_proc

    Week 11 Summary

    This week is finally done! Another busy week for me. This week I finished up submitting applications to schools for next year so DS106 again was not the main thing on my mind. That being said, I think my assignments this week were really good. This week we had to do three daily create. I created […]
  6. @chrissy_gaul

    World’s Best Actors

    This week was a great group effort. We completed the group video project, and I would say that it went even more swimmingly than the radio show. The group had the script written out by this week when we decided to meet. We communicated once again through google docs, and we used the same kind […]
  7. @chrissy_gaul

    You’re a Fool

    Happy April Fools day!! Here are my daily creates from this week #tdc1543 #dailycreate #ds106 The coyote could always use some acme brand gorilla glue pic.twitter.com/as4EeJhjKT — Christina Gaul (@chrissy_gaul) March 30, 2016 Super edited super surreal #tdc1544 #dailycreate #ds106 pic.twitter.com/GY9FKy1uZl — Christina Gaul (@chrissy_gaul) March 31, 2016 This tea drinking business is serious #tdc1545#dailycreate#ds106pic.twitter.com/XFb1OjfN0M […]
  8. @julianna_proc

    Why so Serious?

    My last dailycreate of the week was to make a serious selfie. Pretty simple. I attempted to take a serious one before shadowing heart surgery- as you can tell I don’t do serious well.  
  9. @julianna_proc


    For my last assignment of the week I did the 4 1/2 star mini-documentary on my character Bob. You can find all of the info on Bob here. For this assignment you had to create a 2-3 minute documentary. I did it on my character because I needed one more star to fulfill my 10 for my character […]
  10. @julianna_proc

    I am a Rancher

    Worth 4 1/2 stars, I did an assignment called I am me. Instead of doing this video about myself though, I did it about my character Bob the rancher. The instructions tell you to make a video of showing pictures or things you like or like to do. Seeing as Bob is a rancher, I went […]
  11. @julianna_proc

    Shipping up to Boston

    Continuing on with my 16 stars for the week, I did an assignment that did not deal with my character. This video assignment is called Sport Team Pump-Up Video and is worth 4 1/2 stars to bring me to a total of 9 thus far. This assignment tells you to pick your favorite sports team and make […]
  12. @liamcaudill

    Week 11 Daily Creates

    @ds106dc #tdc1543 #ds106 A subsidiary of ACME, Sodexo is known for their "explosive" food choices. pic.twitter.com/rEkVHx9jr3 — Liam Caudill (@liamcaudill) March 30, 2016 @ds106dc #tdc1544 a glitch in the matrix pic.twitter.com/dnt8K75Syg — Liam Caudill (@liamcaudill) March 31, 2016 @ds106dc #tdc1545 dreary selfie for a dreary day pic.twitter.com/YtCWkTyg2O — Liam Caudill (@liamcaudill) April 1, 2016  
  13. @NatalieCPSC106

    Week 11 Summary

    This week was our second week working with video. I feel I improved from last week and have a better understanding on how to use Windows Movie Maker and make additions, edits, and special transitions in my video creations. I started off the week reviewing a provided resource which I found to be very helpful … Continue reading Week 11 Summary
  14. @Logan P

    Reading Response for INTE 5340

    This week I read a piece that took a different approach to digital storytelling and hiking. It was called “10 Ways Hiking Can Help Your Writing.” Rather than being specifically about how to write about hiking, it dealt primarily with the reverse: how hiking can influence one’s writing for the positive. It was written by […]
  15. @julianna_proc


    This week we have to do 16 stars worth of video stars with 10 of them being for out character. My first assignment I did was Live Turned Video which is worth 4 1/2 stars. This assignment instructs you to take pictures of an artist during a live performance and make it into a music video. In […]
  16. @mezzmello

    Signing Names

    I completed the four and a half star assignment Signing Words. Using my iPhone I filmed my hand using american sign language to spell out some words. I chose to spell out the name of my character. Admittedly, the only language I’ve expressed using a single hand has been impolite. A single gesture not hard to […]
  17. @mezzmello

    Morse Challenge

    I completed the five star assignment Morse Code Challenge. I used a website (http://morsecode.scphillips.com/translator.html) to create a phrase which relates to my character. Using the morse code translation of this phrase, I proceeded to take pictures of my interpretation of the dots and dashes which were in the forms of goldfish and pretzel sticks. (They were […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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