1. sydb

    A GIF in Time

    For Frank’s last assignment, I decided to create a GIF to show what happens when Ziggy grows up. For this assignment, I first chose to use Chris Bauer’s character from True Blood. I found this video on YouTube (which was a bit disturbing actually) and mixed it with the scene where Frank fires Ziggy from […]
  2. lbrumfield

    Water + Rice

    After getting food poisoning less than 24 hours ago, water has quickly become my favorite inanimate object. I’m also just now wanting to eat again, so the rice isn’t half bad either.  
  3. dniepoko

    And.. The End..

    This is my last post for this course, never thought it would end this quickly! Overall, I have enjoyed my time in this course. I truly learned a lot throughout the semester that I thought I was incapable of. This week we focused on our finals.   The Wire Season 4, Episodes 11,12, and 13- Namond Brice buys dinner for his friends. They
  4. killacarms

    The End Is Near; 15

    Wow, the last week in DS106 before finals! This has just been crazy. I’ll be a little more sentimental next week. For now, let’s focus on what i did this week! Daily Create Oddly, we only had to complete one daily create this week! What a breeze. I was getting a little lazy this week […]
  5. demifulcher

    Week 15

    Daily Create http://ds106.demifulcher.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=266&action=edit Assignments / Final Projects http://ds106.demifulcher.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=282&action=edit Sundreis http://ds106.demifulcher.com/uncategorized/submission/   Kima’s Facebook  – https://www.facebook.com/kima.greggs.56 Twitter – https://twitter.com/KimaGreggs_ Flickr  – https://www.flickr.com/photos/128609532@N03/ Pintrest – https://www.pinterest.com/kimagreggs/  
  6. dniepoko

    Thomas (Herc) Hauk

    I have most certainly changed throughout The Wire. Times are changing way too fast for me to grasp all the technology changes. Over time, I have realized things I have done wrong. No matter what I am dedicated to what I am doing, although I do tend to lose sight of what is wrong and what is right. For example, I
  7. ktnmahone247

    DS106 Wrap Up

    As much of a thorn in my side that this course proved to be over the semester I hate to see it end! These past 16 weeks have allowed me to explore my creative side; a challenge I was determined to conquer. In truth the most difficult element was me fighting myself, due to the […]
  8. iharris

    Week 15: The End is the Beginning

    And so here we are! The last weekly summary I’ll ever have to do. This week was primarily focused on the workings of the final project. For my 8 stars of assignments, I worked on various things in character as Bunny Colvin. I created a fake newsweek cover involving my character’s creation of Hamsterdam. I […]
  9. iharris

    Motivational Poster for Colvin

    One thing I’ve always appreciated about Bunny Colvin’s character is his dedication to helping out these kids from Tilghman Middle School. He seemed legitimately distraught when the program was shut down. Still, I’d like to think that Colvin actually made a difference in some kid’s life while he was there. So I made this mock […]
  10. tjpeed

    Annnnnddddd Cut – Great Job Guys

    Well this is it. I think I have completed everything and now just need to wrap it all up.   Daily Create Here is the one I completed today. One of my favorite inanimate objects.   Created Assignments: 1. Special Person Montage – this was the first assignment I made and it came at a time […]
  11. tjpeed

    Splash The Color – Fruit Roll-ups

    Earlier in the week I completed Splash The Color for Fruit Roll-up Friday, a promotion for Wagstaff Snack company. It was relatively easy seeing that I did it before. First I uploaded the picture to adobe photoshop and then magnetic lassoed the area I wanted to keep color. Once that was done I then selected the inverse […]
  12. tjpeed

    Spot the Difference and Win Snacks!

    I completed the Where’s The Error assignment on behalf of Wagstaff Snacks. As a promotional effort he is offering FREE snacks for the first person to spot the difference in the 2 photos. Using photoshop I was able to change a small part of the picture but that is all I will say for now.   […]
  13. wafflestomper

    Eleventh Hour – ds106 Blues

    As our eleventh hour of this course approaches, I’m experiencing a twinge of sadness. Part of that is because this has been the saddest season of watching “The Wire”.  It’s hardest for me to watch the kids and how messed up their parents and their home lives are.  Namond’s mother wanting him to be more […]
  14. wafflestomper

    Tutorial: Legit I.D.

    Uh oh, you’ve been asked for some I.D. and depending upon your circumstances, you may need to craft something together for your story character in a hurry.  First, you’ll want to start with an example to use as a template within whatever your character exists.  You may want a labor union card, passport, driver’s license, […]
  15. tjpeed

    Barcode Transformation Tutorial

    For this tutorial I will take you step by step through the process of completing Barcode Transformation. This process is the way that I figured out how to do it but there may be other ways to do it. 1. Choose the design and barcode you want to use. I used google to get a […]
  16. demifulcher

    Final Projects

    First Assignment was Unsuspecting Friends which was 2 stars. This assignment I took pictures of my friends with out them knowing. I tried to get the best shots possible. Hope you enjoy. The second assignment that I did was Who Called ? This is an assignment that I decide tot make my self. I thought […]
  17. dniepoko

    Thankful Herc

    Given everything that has happened, I thought it’d be best that I take the time to do this assignment on saying what I am thankful for in 10 seconds. So here it goes.. My friendships specifically Kima and Carver The experience I gained The good I tried to do The upper hand, I had on Royce Fuzzy Dunlop After being suspended,
  18. malbrycht

    Signing off DS106.. The Wiretap has been cut off…

    Packing up everything that we have used for observation over the last 16 weeks.  I send this last report in with a heavy heart.  I have worked so closely these last few weeks with Omar Little.  We’ve had many late night interviews and I will do my best to honor his memory.  Omar wanted to […]
  19. jreingol

    Special Agent Terrance “Fitz” Fitzhugh

    Profiles Bio Facebook Linkedin Flickr Twitter Assignments Movie Trading Cards (4 stars) Elf and Website Website Banner (4 stars) Elf and Website Honest Video Game (3 stars) Mario Kart Animal Dance Off (3 stars) Animals Can Also Sing Proof he shared them with his friends: Interactions  
  20. jreingol

    Au Revoir DS106

    My Contributions to the DS106 Assignment Bank Final Project: Special Agent Terrance “Fitz” Fitzhugh Daily Create 12/6/14 The Wire This week I finished up Season 4. I was both happy and sad with the end of season 4. While Namond’s story got better, Randy, Michael, and Duquense’s stories both got worse. Mayor Carcetti also turned […]
  21. jreingol

    My Contributions to the DS106 Assignment Bank

    Daily Creates I submitted: 1. Photography-Upside Down Day! Take a photo of a subject, landscape, or anything that would cool upside down. 2. Audio- Right Here, Right Now. Record 10 seconds of what you are hearing right at this moment! Assignments I created: 1. Spooky Sounds- in Audio Assignments- 3 stars 2. Architecture/Landscape Then and Now- in Visual […]
  22. jreingol

    Elf and Website

    His favorite holiday movie is Elf, so he made trading cards, which was worth 4 stars. He also needed to customize his website, so he made a banner that he felt reflected his own style. That was also 4 stars. He used Pixlr and Google Images to make both...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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