1. ktnmahone247

    @IamTalkyTina Headswap Tutorial

    The Mashup assignment for @Iam TalkyTina Headswap can be executed in several ways. The one which can be used through ease is with the use of the link FaceinHole. After downloading a picture of the TalkyTina image that you prefer and the character that you will place her head on go to this link. Choose […]
  2. iharris

    Bunny’s Resume

    Bunny Colvin’s spent most of his life working for the BPD. But after whole Hamsterdam fiasco and the ending of the Tilghman Middle School project, it’s time to go job hunting yet again. I used Bunny’s linkedin page that I created for him to make a sort of resume, based off this assignment. I made […]
  3. nixmem

    Glekas is All Business

    Final Project Going through the never-ending bank of DS106 assignments, I came across the assignment Post-It Notes and Grocery Lists (3.5 stars). Since George Glekas is a serious businessman, he always needs to stay organized! I wanted to display the post-it notes in a virtual fashion on George’s desktop computer.…
  4. bscites13

    My Future Life

    The final assignment I did for Rawls this week was “Tell Us About Your Future Life” (3 stars). I changed this one up a little bit, rather than being in a history book, it is more like a newspaper article from a couple of years in the future. I threw some different ideas around but […]
  5. nixmem

    Problems in Baltimore

    Final Project Work For my character, George “Double G” Glekas, I decided to create three social media platforms on which he will post in order to develop the narrative of my story: LinkedIn Profile Facebook Profile Twitter Profile The Baltimore Times This week going through the DS106 assignment bank to…
  6. bscites13


    The second assignment I did this week was “Wanted Poster” (2.5 stars). I made this one kind of as a funny thing. I played it like Rawls found the wanted poster somewhere around the office and was super mad about it–because obviously he wants people to think he is straight even though he might not […]
  7. bscites13

    Annoy McNulty…Check!

    For my first assignment this week from Rawls’s point of view I did “Post-it Notes and Grocery Lists” (3 stars). I saw Imran’s take on this assignment from Jay Landsman’s point of view and that made me want to do this assignment for Rawls. I figured it’d be pretty easy, especially since I have a […]
  8. wafflestomper

    Postcards from the Hedge

    This is “Postcards from the Past” for a writing assignment to further the story for my character this semester. My re-imagined Bubbles is a retired pole dancer who used to work at Orlando’s Gentleman’s club in Baltimore.  She began working as a confidential informant for Kima Greggs, a detective on the Baltimore Police Department, and […]
  9. wafflestomper

    Wanted: A Tutorial

    So you want to make a Wanted Poster.  There are a few online sites that can help you out: Mobile Fish Glass Giant Tuxpi Image Chef  Here are a few tips and tricks you need to know: You need to keep the file size down and a good way to do that is to turn […]
  10. sydb

    Storytelling Collage

    I decided to make my collage about Frank’s weekend on the soccer field! His team did so well, they won the whole tournament! First, I found a bunch of photos of soccer players online. I took the team photo and photo shopped Frank’s face on the coach on the right.   Next, I used an online […]
  11. sydb

    Storytelling Collage Tutorial

    I just completed this assignment so I thought it’d be suiting for me to make a tutorial! It’s not that difficult to figure out, but I enjoyed making it. First, bring up the website www.befunky.com/create/collage/ Next, click on ‘Add Photos’ to add the photos you want to use. You can select more than one by […]
  12. nrandall

    The Last Word

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, This is my last time I will be posting, but it is time to end on bang (or whimper). So much has happened as always and it is time to jump into the thick of it. The Wire I am not even going to lie, this has been possibly one of […]
  13. nrandall

    Tutorial: Swap Shop

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/swap-shop/ Tutorial – Come up with some crazy idea for an item to sell. The more unrealistic it is, the better. – Have a good audio recording device. I personally used the one that was built into my laptop. – If you can, try to get a friend to help you with this assignment by […]
  14. nrandall

    Tutorial: What’s in Your Gullet?

    Tutorial: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/whats-in-your-gullet/ – Grab three containers of things you drank last. – Arrange them in a pyramid fashion. – Provide ample light to clearly make out what drinks they are. – Take a picture. – Explain why you like these. Also explain if you were doing anything special while drinking these. – You should aim to […]
  15. killacarms

    Video Discussion: S4E13

    My first video discussion of the whole semester took place on Wednesday night at 10pm. Now, sadly this was never recorded. Google was just not working with us that night, but the discussion was completed! As i’ve mentioned in my previous posts about these discussions, they were not completed in chronological order. This was my […]
  16. killacarms

    Stacks On Stacks

    For my final assignment of the week, i chose the “Create Your Own DS106 Wallpaper!”. Since our task was to create these assignments in the shoes of our character, i did a wallpaper that Stringer Bell would use/like. This wasn’t too difficult to do! Wallpaper: Wallpapers are very personal in my opinion. For example, all […]
  17. wafflestomper

    My Fair Abbey

    As my final project character’s story is evolving, I needed to advance her progress to the next level where she becomes part of a television show loosely based on some of her life experiences.  So, that meant I needed to invent the television show and now you’re all caught up. I mashed up a movie […]
  18. tjpeed

    Vending Machines Now Available from Wagstaff Snacks

    My second created assignment is Promotional Flyer. Wagstaff Snack Company is happy to announce the availability for vending machines. Wagstaff snacks will now be available for offices and other business use. For this assignment you need to create a promotional flyer for an event, product, meeting or anything you would like. Make sure it has […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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