1. sydb

    Daily Create Entries

    There has always been something about TDC that I enjoy. It only takes 15 minutes to do an assignment, but they require so much creativity. The first assignment I submitted was was a #TBDS or throw back digital storytelling. I got the idea from the endless #tbt I see on social media. I decided to […]
  2. ktnmahone247

    Cutty movin up! At-Risk Youth Empowerment Coach

    For five stars Cutty Wise chose “Public Service Announcement” video assignment. With exemplifying a portrayal of growth in a destructive and deteriorating environment, Cutty Wise showed a progressive and magnificent stride towards internal evaluation of the character he is fit to become. His journey is summed up in this short five-minute PSA and advertisement of […]
  3. jbrazelt

    Peguins Have Enemies too!

    So for today’s daily create we were tasked with creating a caption for a generic penguin picture.  I decided to make this comedic and to start a rivalry between the Penguins and the Afflack duck by adding a funny blurb/caption.   I thought that this was a good closing to one of my daily creates.  …
  4. jbrazelt

    Sticky Notes for Bodie

    The assignment which I completed for my character Bodie.   This assignment was titled the Sticky Notes and it was worth 3 1/2 stars.   The object of this assignment was to determine what sticky notes our characters would leave for themselves around the house.  To make matters easy I used the Windows 7 online sticky notes …
  5. nrandall

    New Day Co-Op: Expanding Business

    Most folk outside of Baltimore ain’t aware of an organization known as the New Day Co-Op. We organized East Baltimore and brought West Baltimore in with us as well. With Baltimore united and business moving smoothly, we had troubles coming soon, specifically with leadership. “Call it a crisis of leadership.” I always said. With this […]
  6. mstough

    Ziggy’s Collage

    Ziggy made a collage about himself and shared it on Tumblr, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. He summarized his identity and story in 12 pictures: Italian leather jacket with fur, orange prison uniform, red car representing Princess, cigarettes, beer, fa...
  7. dniepoko

    Oh, Kevin

    For today’s daily create, we had to make a caption for Kevin, the penguin. Naturally, I think of The Wire.. then Omar pops into my head. Kevin got scared because he saw Omar, so he was yelling “Omar is coming y’all”  
  8. jbrazelt

    Late Night Talk #3: Season 4 Episode 9

    The last and final episode for which I did a video discussion for was the Season 4 Episode 9 which detailed certain events such as the shake down of Bodie , Lil’Kevin and Poot in the beginning of the scenes.   I presented this in my talks with my group this past Thursday during our 9:30 …
  9. killacarms

    Level 10 Muscle

    My first assignment in the shoes of Stringer Bell was the “Create Your Own Magic Cards!”. I never noticed this assignment before which leads me to believe that it was just created. This is seriously a fun and creative assignment. Gaming cards of all sorts are fun to read and fun to make. This was […]
  10. mstough

    The Resume He’ll Never Use

    Ziggy attended a resume workshop in prison and made a resume even though he’s got a life sentence and will most likely not put it to good use. He shared his resume as well as his thoughts on while it is utterly useless on Tumblr, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.
  11. killacarms

    Video Discussion: S4E11

    My last video discussion was of Season 4 episode 11. This was a little confusing because my video discussions were episodes 11,12, and 13. But! My groups did not do video discussions in chronological order. The first video discussion i had was actually episode 13, then 12 and finally 11. So this really confused me […]
  12. killacarms

    Video Discussion: Season 4, Episode 12.

    Like almost every other person in the class, i decided to do all my video discussions in the final week of classes. I kept pushing them off because i figure i would have later and then the final week came. Anywho, i got on it and set up times for my groups and made it […]
  13. killacarms

    Penguins Go On Vacation Too!

    For the first and final daily create of the week, i chose Saturday’s “Caption this for Kevin”. The title threw me off a bit because i only know one Kevin and also, what do i need to caption for him? Anyways, i saw the picture and i instantly fell in love. Penguins are freaking awesome! […]
  14. mstough

    Ziggy Plays Teacher

    Ziggy completed the Renegade Teacher assignment through a Tumblr post that he shared on other social media (Google+, Twitter, Facebook). Ziggy’s most likely minuscule time on the internet (because he’s in prison and won’t get away with this for long) is turning into a time for self-reflection and he wants … Continue reading
  15. meredith

    My Favorite Assignment

    Hiya! So for today’s Daily Create we were tasked with writing about our favorite assignment we did this semester: My all time favorite assignment was the Swede it! It was a video assignment and we were tasked with recreating an episode from the Wire. We also got bonus points if we made it in a […]
  16. wafflestomper

    Downton Shabby Revisited

      For today’s Daily Create, I got to revisit my favorite work from this semester which was my re-imagining of a favorite TV show: Downton Abbey.  Not only did I re-do the logo, but I invented a parallel universe where many of our favorite characters from The Wire appear.  Here’s that original write-up:  Downton Shabby.
  17. meredith

    Beadie’s To-do List

    Hi! So for one of the final assignments I decided to make a To-do list for Beatrice! This was worth 3 stars. I had  a lot of fun with this! It was really cool to actually sit down and think about what Beatrice might need to do during the week. So I got inspiration from […]
  18. awallac2

    Final Project – Final Week Summary

    Last week, things were going pretty well for Prez, until the fire nation attacked the unfortunate shooting happened. This week, Prez has changed jobs! As happens in season 4, Prez gets a job as an 8th grade math teacher. He updated his facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, and blog to announce his new job. He also tweeted a few […]
  19. sydb

    Sticky Notes

    Well i have to give Frank credit for this assignment because he let me borrow his computer. To do this assignment, I used the Sticky Notes app on my computer. I then pulled up a picture of Ziggy to use as the background on Frank’s computer. Next, I used paint to trim the extra stuff. […]
  20. tjpeed

    Splash of Color – Tutorial

    This tutorial will show you a quick and easy way to complete the color splash visual assignment. Choose the image you want to color splash. I chose this one. 2.  The open the picture in the  Adobe photo shop   Click on the magnetic lasso tool on the left. It is circled in the image […]
  21. athoet

    Weekly Summary

    This is the second to last of this class and it’s weird for things coming to a close. I did one daily create this week on a throwback to my favorite assignment this semester. This is what I wrote: “This is one of my favorite projects from my work in the class because it is […]
  22. nrandall

    Why It Is Cool!

    http://www.nrandallumwdomain.com/ds106/a-domain-of-wisdom-ds106-wisdom-that-is/ Basically for this one, I found a nice public domain background and added a special line about DS106. I rather like this one simply because it was simple and rather colorful. It all seemed to really merge together to create a cool background. Another reason I am proud of it is because it just […]
  23. mstough

    Daily Create: #TBDS

    I did today’s Daily Create, which was to look back at your favorite creation from #DS106 and discuss why you love it and how you made it. I posted here about sweding an episode of The Wire: I think I am most proud of the swede of The Wire that Jessica … Continue reading
  24. Reverend

    Free at Last

    my #dailycreate was chosen today! feeling special! #wire106 #ds106 — Syd Bauman (@syd_the_k1dd) December 5, 2014 Thanks to Syd Bauman’s Daily Create I was inspired to reflect on a ton of assignments I did for ds106 over the last five years. I … Continue reading
  25. jreingol

    Google Hangout Discussion S4E10

    From 8pm-9pm on Tuesday (Dec. 2), Jonathon, Nicky, Lauren, Nicholas, and I had a discussion about Season 4 Episode 10:”Misgivings” of The Wire. Jonathon started the discussion by sharing some screenshots of scenes from the episode that really struck him. On in particular was when the  (asshole) police officer caught the boy who is really good at stealing […]
  26. iharris

    Newsweek on Hamsterdam

    As we enter this final stretch of assignments for the final project, I try to incorporate more ways to reflect on Bunny Colvin’s actions and character. The thing he’s probably most known for is his establishment of Hamsterdam. This assignment to create a fake Newsweek cover seemed perfect for the occasion. I cut the Newsweek […]
  27. wafflestomper

    First Time in London for Bubbles

    I did the assignment “Create Your Dream Vacation” where you imagine your vacation and put it together on Pinterest.  Never having an account there before meant I had no experience at all with “pinning” things onto a virtual bulletin board. Since this is becoming material for my character who is on her first trip to […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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