Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. John Johnston

    The history of the animated GIF #ds106

    via I am sure most of the #ds106 folk will have seen this, but this is a great wee movie with lots of interesting uses of animated gifs. I’ve been a long time disparager of those animated gif clip art things on the web but recently converted to a fan by Jim Groom and ...
  2. John Johnston

    Not a Sound Effects Story #ds106

    Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. When I was working out what to do with this one I seemed to have missed sound effects and ...
  3. John Johnston

    Assignment 6 – Mapping it out – #edtechcca6

    Make a custom map using Google Maps. Use Google Maps to create your own custom map that includes photographs of places. I’ve been playing with google maps and the google maps api for a while so was please t osee some familiar territory for this Assignment. This afternoon Dorothy, my wife, and I took a ...
  4. John Johnston


    NYPL Labs : Stereogranimator Create and share animated GIFs and 3D anaglyphs using more than 40,000 stereographs from The New York Public Library. Since I’ve spent a fair bit of time animating gifs for DS106 of late this was interesting. Stereoscopic photography recreates the illusion of depth by utilizing the binocularity of human vision. Because ...
  5. John Johnston

    flickrSounds for #ds106

    One of the things I’ve really been enjoying about DS106 is riffing off the ideas of Alan Levine (CogDogBlog) like many edubloggers I’ve been following and being inspired by his blog for years. 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story is a standard teacher 2.0 text I’ve also, like many, used Feed2JS on several ...
  6. John Johnston

    #ds106 4 icons 2 easy

    One Story / Four Icons The assignment is to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them. Write your blog post up but do not give away the answer, let people guess! The challenge is to find the icons ...
  7. John Johnston

    Get Carter Animated Movie Poster #DS106

    Another DS106 assignment Animated Movie Posters Pick a movie poster and animate it. I am still trying to play along with the spring DS106 course. for the first couple of weeks I was keeping up this week I’ve let it slip, I don’t think I posted a Daily Create once. It seems much easier to ...
  8. John Johnston

    Jim Groom Busy Widget

    Today I have mostly been animating gifs. This is just a re edit of the one I posted here: Joining DS106 and used here Jim’s Excellent Ted Adventure. I am tempted to make a series with different backgrounds.
  9. John Johnston

    Colour Splash

    Another quick DS106 Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List. After watching Video Tutorial: Splash the Color : neverthesameriver I ...
  10. John Johnston

    The DS106 Tunnel of Gif

    Photo It Like Peanut Butter — MISSION: DS106 Rather than making animated GIFs from movie scenes, for this assignment, generate one a real world object/place by using your own series of photographs as the source material. Bonus points for minimal amounts of movement, the subtle stuff. Yesterday I saw My Animated GIF Day by Ben ...
  11. John Johnston

    The DS106 Tunnel of Gif

    Photo It Like Peanut Butter ? MISSION: DS106 Rather than making animated GIFs from movie scenes, for this assignment, generate one a real world object/place by using your own series of photographs as the source material. Bonus points for minimal amou...
  12. John Johnston

    Past DS106 O’Clock

    Ad DS106 get underway I’ve found my Daily Create rate has dropped right off. I was doing ok before the course got underway and then it went a bit pear-shaped. I managed 10 DS106 photos and a few dailycreate sounds. I managed to do the odd full assignment but was quite pleased that I already ...
  13. John Johnston

    Past DS106 O’Clock

    Ad DS106 get underway I've found my Daily Create rate has dropped right off. I was doing ok before the course got underway and then it went a bit pear-shaped. I managed 10 DS106 photos and a few dailycreate sounds. I managed to do the odd full assi...
  14. John Johnston

    my web 2.0 trip DS106 assignment 3

    The assignment was in two parts: read: “What is Web 2.0?”, Web 2.0 Storytelling and Seven Things You Should Know about Creative Commons distill a few key points use one of the “50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Digital Story” to distill a few key points from you reading. I notice that prezi is ...
  15. John Johnston

    my web 2.0 trip DS106 assignment 3

    The assignment was in two parts: read: ?What is Web 2.0??, Web 2.0 Storytelling and Seven Things You Should Know about Creative Commons distill a few key points use one of the ?50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Digital Story? to distill a few key points f...
  16. John Johnston

    DS106 Assignment 2 A personal digital space

    The second assignment for Spring DS106 was to read this: A Personal Cyberinfrastructure and watch this: “No More Digital Facelifts: Thinking the Unthinkable About Open Educational Experiences.” and blog a response. There is a requirement to read and watch both carefully but as I am taking this course a a college dropin I didn’t feel ...
  17. John Johnston

    Busker to Beach

    The daily create from today/yesterday was Create an audio of two sounds not normally heard together. I took two sounds that I had recorded for the UK Sound Map on Audio Boo. The result is: While I don’t think the result is particularly creative or interesting I though the workflow was worth recording. Easiest way ...
  18. John Johnston

    Busker to Beach

    The daily create from today/yesterday was Create an audio of two sounds not normally heard together. I took two sounds that I had recorded for the UK Sound Map on Audio Boo. The result is: While I don't think the result is particularly creative or i...
  19. John Johnston

    Jim’s Excellent Ted Adventure

    After I saw Yamily Feud | Ben Harwood – DS106 – Spring 2012 I was thinking of the yams dancing at TED, as I already had Jim dancing I did this. It uses Ben Rimes’ ted template and Andrew Allingham’s ds106 radio poster/design. I’ve also posted this in the ds106 category here but not the ...
  20. John Johnston

    Jim’s Excellent Ted Adventure

    After I saw Yamily Feud | Ben Harwood ? DS106 ? Spring 2012 I was thinking of the yams dancing at TED, as I already had Jim dancing I did this. It uses Ben Rimes' ted template and Andrew Allingham?s ds106 radio poster/design.I've also posted this in...
  21. John Johnston

    A Yam is Born

    There seems to be two main components in ds106, one is a freeflow imagination and a willingness to follow ideas. Assignments seem to spring for the participants this one from Yamboat - Lisa's ds106 experiment.Although some of this stuff seems to be v...
  22. John Johnston

    A Yam is Born

    There seems to be two main components in ds106, one is a freeflow imagination and a willingness to follow ideas. Assignments seem to spring for the participants this one from Yamboat – Lisa’s ds106 experiment. Although some of this stuff seems to be very light hearted, I was struct this morning how another one Fantasy ...
  23. John Johnston

    Visualize That Quote

    studying... by fazenAttribution LicenseA couple of days ago I was reading Building the No English Words Translation Tool on Alan Levine's space for barking about and playing with technology he described how he was building a tool for ds106 Words ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]