Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Christina Hendricks

    Labyrinth Tales, a #ds106 radio show

      There were two open, online versions of #ds106 this summer: The Burgeron Family Fairy Tale Festival #prisoner106 Though some of us focused on one and others on the other, many of the open, online #ds106 participants came together to create a joint radio show combining themes from both summer #ds106 experiences. The result is …
  2. Christina Hendricks

    Campaign video for Number 2

    It’s been quite awhile ago, but for week 5 for #prisoner106 one of the assignments was to create a campaign video because we seemed to be missing a Number 2 and we might need to hold an election. I’m treating this very belated video as a kind of final project, since for it I made: …
  3. Christina Hendricks

    Vote philosophy!

    The leadership at #prisoner106 has disappeared. Number 2 hasn’t been seen for a couple of weeks. My Super True Friend I am Talky Tina filled in for a week, but now it seems to be a free for all. Participants are still making art, though, because we are #4life. During one of the recent weeks …
  4. Christina Hendricks

    Number 2 as anvil

    In the episode of The Prisoner called “Hammer into Anvil,” Number 2 pretty much loses it by the end. One part that really intrigued me was when he was shown towards the end stroking the penny farthing. I’ve seen some suggestions online about what the penny farthing is all about in the series, and in …
  5. Christina Hendricks

    Village Philosopher Badge

    This week in #prisoner106 we are to make a campaign video for running for office (the position of Number 2 seems to be unoccupied right now). In preparation for campaigning I created a special badge for the Village Philosopher–that’s me! I need a special way to identify myself so you know whom to vote for. …
  6. Christina Hendricks

    4 icons and I still don’t get it

    Here’s a belated post for the “one story, four icons” assignment for design week in #prisoner106. I wanted to do this assignment for an episode I just don’t understand, even after watching it twice. Here are the icons … can you guess it before I explain below why I am still puzzled by this episode? …
  7. Christina Hendricks

    Week four summary

    I just finished two of my assignments about an hour ago. Here is what I did this week. I spent most of my #prisoner106 time on my “I can read movies” book cover for “The Chimes of Big Ben.” I have really enjoyed seeing what else everyone is creating with these, and am going to …
  8. Christina Hendricks

    Pennyfarthing Drive

    When I was out doing my design blitz in the Village the other day I discovered that there is a street called Pennyfarthing Drive in the Village. Well, of course there is.   Alternate version I also did a red version. I’m not sure which I like better.   the process This is really a …
  9. Christina Hendricks

    Design Blitz in the Village

    It’s design week for #prisoner106, which means time to take pictures that exemplify design principles. We were to take images of things that show at least five of the following: A nice set of resources on these design principles can be found here. I’ve done a couple of design blitzes before; one was in Fall …
  10. Christina Hendricks

    I can read tv (2.0)

    One of the assignments for design week for #prisoner106 was to do the “I can read movies” assignment. I have tried this one before, when I first started doing DS106 back in 2013; this was one of the first things I did in GIMP (not the very first, but I wasn’t that used to GIMP …
  11. Christina Hendricks

    #prisoner106 Week 3 summary

    It’s an hour before our week 3 summary is due, I’m tired, and I didn’t do everything I was supposed to do this week. I wonder if they’ll turn off the electricity to my bungalow? Only allow me as much food as my meager credit units for this week can buy? Send me back to …
  12. Christina Hendricks

    GIFing A, B and C

    For week 3 of #prisoner106, we were asked to do the “Animating The Prisoner” assignment. I struggled with this one a lot for some unknown reason. I love making animated GIFs from video because technically, it’s pretty easy once you get the tools. What I struggled with was finding sequences to animate from the episodes …
  13. Christina Hendricks

    Prisoner photo safari

    For week three of #prisoner106, one of the tasks was to do a photo safari that captures at least five of the following: Here is what I found on a walk through the Village today. Authority and Imprisonment This sign seems to capture both of these themes well. There is only local traffic in the …
  14. Christina Hendricks

    Foiled escape attempt

    So after my Village morning announcement, Rover came to help me. I was starting to, um, ask questions. Questions are a burden to others. Answers are a prison for oneself. That’s what I learned while I was in hospital. They treated me so nicely! Especially after, I am told, I tried to escape. I don’t …
  15. Christina Hendricks

    Village Philosopher morning announcement

    For audio week during #prisoner106, one of the assignments we were asked to do was to create a morning announcement for the Village like in The Prisoner. Since I’m the Village Philosopher, mine had some philosophical content. Do you know what the Ship of Theseus is?   The process coming soon…   Sounds Mostly made …
  16. Christina Hendricks

    How I came to the Village

    A belated video introduction to the Village philosopher for #prisoner106. The process This was a new one for me–it’s very simple, but I had never done a video that had both still images and moving video footage in it. Video is the one thing in #ds106 that I feel least adept at. I used iMovie …
  17. Christina Hendricks

    Prisoner106: Assimilation and introduction

    For week 1 of #prisoner106, we were to introduce ourselves to our fellow Villagers via Twitter, Soundcloud, Flickr, and YouTube. Three out of four ain’t bad? I had everything except the video done, but was also working on an audio project for #burgeron106 at the same time. So much storytelling, so little time! This post …
  18. Christina Hendricks

    Checking into the Village

    I’m joining the #prisoner106 version of DS106 this summer. It’s based on “The Prisoner,” a show I didn’t even know about until now. I’m checking into the Village with my official Village information card.     the process The office in the Village gave us a layered .psd file to start with. Then we just […]
  19. Christina Hendricks

    Poem 84, for a rainy Friday

    The daily create for March 20, 2015, was to write a poem about a rainy day. It’s really pouring here in Vancouver, so this was perfect for us. I asked my 7-year-old son to help me write a poem. He came up with the ideas and some of the lines; I turned some of his […]
  20. Christina Hendricks

    Jim Groom ransom gif

      Talky Tina has Jim Groom held hostage for RANSOM! And the ransom is that we need to make animated gifs of Mr. Jim Groom. We had until midnight. Well, it is 11:34 my time and so I think that counts, right? Super true friend, please let him go? I see that he is still […]
  21. Christina Hendricks

    Noir106 photo safari

    I’m participating as much as I have time to in #noir106, the ds106 iteration for this term, focused on noir writing, radio, film, etc. For week 3 (yeah, a couple of weeks ago…I’m behind) we were asked to do a noir photo safari:   I kept meaning to do this for over a week, and […]
  22. Christina Hendricks

    What is Noir?

    I’m following along, as much as I have time to, the latest iteration of ds106, #noir106. I’m excited, not just because, well, it’s ds106, which I love, but also because when it comes right down to it, I’m not really sure what “noir” is. I have this image of black and white films, fedoras, lots […]
  23. Christina Hendricks

    New Year’s message (TDC 1089)

    ds106 daily create for January 1, 2015: “If you could write a New Year message in a bottle what would it say?” I did this with GIMP, starting with a background for which attribution is given below. Then I used Chancery Cursive font and made it a bit “dirty” by using a paintbrush with a […]
  24. Christina Hendricks

    Changing your past (TDC 1021)

    The DS106 Daily Create for October 25: “A free pass to change your past. Today you get a free pass to go back and change anything in your past. What did you change and why?” Here’s my entry…     See, I know that ten years from now I’ll say: Damn, I should have spent […]
  25. Christina Hendricks

    Burpees for Bobby

    Greg McVerry asked ds106 participants to make something to promote a campaign called “Burpees for Bobby,” which helps out Greg’s nephew, baby Bobby, who has a type of leukodystrophy. Do a web search about it and you’ll weep as I did. You can donate to the cause, here. I was looking around for drawings of […]

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