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  1. darfinkle

    drinking fountain

    The Daily Create #934 for July 30, 2014 It’s All Shiny. Make an interesting photo featuring metal. Gold, metal, silver, tin! I found this outdoor drinking fountain hiding in the shrubbery outside of the fence enclosing the swimming pool at Menucha Retreat and Conference Center in Corbett, Oregon. I was there for a leadership institute […]
  2. darfinkle

    stairs with plants

    The Daily Create #924 for July 20, 2014 I found these stairs in the backyard of an acquaintance.  The steps  are steep and connect an upper stone patio to a stone path in the lower garden.  I love the slight disarray of debris in the crevices and small plants creeping in from the sides. What […]
  3. darfinkle

    the essential first post

    Hello! I am, depending on where I am or what I’m doing, Liz in real life and Darfinkle online. I have a fabulous job at Lane Community College where I am constantly challenged by interesting projects and incredible deadlines. When I’m not working, I am herding cats or rather coaxing and cajoling people to write […]

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